1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
19 "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados"
22 // Run an Nginx process that proxies the supervisor's configured
23 // ExternalURLs to the appropriate InternalURLs.
24 type runNginx struct{}
26 func (runNginx) String() string {
30 func (runNginx) Run(ctx context.Context, fail func(error), super *Supervisor) error {
31 err := super.wait(ctx, createCertificates{})
35 vars := map[string]string{
36 "LISTENHOST": super.ListenHost,
37 "SSLCERT": filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "server.crt"),
38 "SSLKEY": filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "server.key"),
39 "ACCESSLOG": filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "nginx_access.log"),
40 "ERRORLOG": filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "nginx_error.log"),
41 "TMPDIR": super.wwwtempdir,
43 for _, cmpt := range []struct {
47 {"CONTROLLER", super.cluster.Services.Controller},
48 {"KEEPWEB", super.cluster.Services.WebDAV},
49 {"KEEPWEBDL", super.cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload},
50 {"KEEPPROXY", super.cluster.Services.Keepproxy},
51 {"GIT", super.cluster.Services.GitHTTP},
52 {"HEALTH", super.cluster.Services.Health},
53 {"WORKBENCH1", super.cluster.Services.Workbench1},
54 {"WS", super.cluster.Services.Websocket},
56 host, port, err := internalPort(cmpt.svc)
58 return fmt.Errorf("%s internal port: %w (%v)", cmpt.varname, err, cmpt.svc)
60 if ok, err := addrIsLocal(net.JoinHostPort(host, port)); !ok || err != nil {
61 return fmt.Errorf("urlIsLocal() failed for host %q port %q: %v", host, port, err)
63 vars[cmpt.varname+"PORT"] = port
65 port, err = externalPort(cmpt.svc)
67 return fmt.Errorf("%s external port: %w (%v)", cmpt.varname, err, cmpt.svc)
69 if ok, err := addrIsLocal(net.JoinHostPort(super.ListenHost, port)); !ok || err != nil {
70 return fmt.Errorf("urlIsLocal() failed for host %q port %q: %v", super.ListenHost, port, err)
72 vars[cmpt.varname+"SSLPORT"] = port
74 var conftemplate string
75 if super.ClusterType == "production" {
76 conftemplate = "/var/lib/arvados/share/nginx.conf"
78 conftemplate = filepath.Join(super.SourcePath, "sdk", "python", "tests", "nginx.conf")
80 tmpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conftemplate)
84 conf := regexp.MustCompile(`{{.*?}}`).ReplaceAllStringFunc(string(tmpl), func(src string) string {
88 return vars[src[2:len(src)-2]]
90 conffile := filepath.Join(super.tempdir, "nginx.conf")
91 err = ioutil.WriteFile(conffile, []byte(conf), 0755)
96 if _, err := exec.LookPath(nginx); err != nil {
97 for _, dir := range []string{"/sbin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin"} {
98 if _, err = os.Stat(dir + "/nginx"); err == nil {
99 nginx = dir + "/nginx"
106 "-g", "error_log stderr info;",
107 "-g", "pid " + filepath.Join(super.wwwtempdir, "nginx.pid") + ";",
110 // Nginx ignores "user www-data;" when running as a non-root
111 // user... except that it causes it to ignore our other -g
112 // options. So we still have to decide for ourselves whether
114 if u, err := user.Current(); err != nil {
115 return fmt.Errorf("user.Current(): %w", err)
116 } else if u.Uid == "0" {
117 args = append([]string{"-g", "user www-data;"}, args...)
120 super.waitShutdown.Add(1)
122 defer super.waitShutdown.Done()
123 fail(super.RunProgram(ctx, ".", runOptions{}, nginx, args...))
125 // Choose one of the ports where Nginx should listen, and wait
126 // here until we can connect. If ExternalURL is https://foo (with no port) then we connect to "foo:https"
127 testurl := url.URL(super.cluster.Services.Controller.ExternalURL)
128 if testurl.Port() == "" {
129 testurl.Host = net.JoinHostPort(testurl.Host, testurl.Scheme)
131 return waitForConnect(ctx, testurl.Host)