1 # Do not use this file for site configuration. Create application.yml
2 # instead (see application.yml.example).
8 consider_all_requests_local: true
9 action_controller.perform_caching: false
10 action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors: false
11 action_mailer.perform_deliveries: false
12 active_support.deprecation: :log
13 action_dispatch.best_standards_support: :builtin
14 active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer: :strict
15 active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds: 0.5
16 assets.compress: false
18 local_modified: "<%= '-modified' if `git status -s` != '' %>"
23 consider_all_requests_local: false
24 action_controller.perform_caching: true
25 serve_static_assets: false
33 serve_static_assets: true
34 static_cache_control: public, max-age=3600
36 consider_all_requests_local: true
37 action_controller.perform_caching: false
38 action_dispatch.show_exceptions: false
39 action_controller.allow_forgery_protection: false
40 action_mailer.delivery_method: :test
41 active_support.deprecation: :stderr
42 active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer: :strict
44 secret_token: <%= rand(2**512).to_s(36) %>
45 blob_signing_key: zfhgfenhffzltr9dixws36j1yhksjoll2grmku38mi7yxd66h5j4q9w4jzanezacp8s6q0ro3hxakfye02152hncy6zml2ed0uc
46 user_profile_notification_address: arvados@example.com
47 workbench_address: https://localhost:3001/
50 # The prefix used for all database identifiers to identify the record as
51 # originating from this site. Must be exactly 5 alphanumeric characters
52 # (lowercase ASCII letters and digits).
53 uuid_prefix: <%= Digest::MD5.hexdigest(`hostname`).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0..4] %>
55 # If not false, this is the hostname that will be used for root_url and
56 # advertised in the discovery document. By default, use the default Rails
57 # logic for deciding on a hostname.
60 # If this is not false, HTML requests at the API server's root URL
61 # are redirected to this location, and it is provided in the text of
62 # user activation notification email messages to remind them where
64 workbench_address: false
66 # Git repositories must be readable by api server, or you won't be
67 # able to submit crunch jobs. To pass the test suites, put a clone
68 # of the arvados tree in {git_repositories_dir}/arvados.git or
69 # {git_repositories_dir}/arvados/.git
70 git_repositories_dir: /var/lib/arvados/git
72 # This is a (bare) repository that stores commits used in jobs. When a job
73 # runs, the source commits are first fetched into this repository, then this
74 # repository is used to deploy to compute nodes. This should NOT be a
75 # subdirectory of {git_repositiories_dir}.
76 git_internal_dir: /var/lib/arvados/internal.git
78 # :none or :slurm_immediate
79 crunch_job_wrapper: :none
81 # username, or false = do not set uid when running jobs.
82 crunch_job_user: crunch
84 # The web service must be able to create/write this file, and
85 # crunch-job must be able to stat() it.
86 crunch_refresh_trigger: /tmp/crunch_refresh_trigger
88 # These two settings control how frequently log events are flushed to the
89 # database. Log lines are buffered until either crunch_log_bytes_per_event
90 # has been reached or crunch_log_seconds_between_events has elapsed since
92 crunch_log_bytes_per_event: 4096
93 crunch_log_seconds_between_events: 1
95 # The sample period for throttling logs, in seconds.
96 crunch_log_throttle_period: 60
98 # Maximum number of bytes that job can log over crunch_log_throttle_period
99 # before being silenced until the end of the period.
100 crunch_log_throttle_bytes: 65536
102 # Maximum number of lines that job can log over crunch_log_throttle_period
103 # before being silenced until the end of the period.
104 crunch_log_throttle_lines: 1024
106 # Maximum bytes that may be logged by a single job. Log bytes that are
107 # silenced by throttling are not counted against this total.
108 crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job: 67108864
110 # Path to dns server configuration directory (e.g. /etc/unbound.d/conf.d),
111 # or false = do not update dns server data.
112 dns_server_conf_dir: false
114 # Template for the dns server host snippets. See unbound.template in this directory for
115 # an example. Set to false to disable.
116 dns_server_conf_template: false
118 # Dns server reload command, or false = do not reload dns server after data change
119 dns_server_reload_command: false
121 # Example for unbound
122 #dns_server_conf_dir: /etc/unbound/conf.d
123 #dns_server_conf_template: /path/to/your/api/server/config/unbound.template
124 #dns_server_reload_command: /etc/init.d/unbound reload
126 compute_node_domain: false
127 compute_node_nameservers:
130 # The version below is suitable for AWS.
131 # To use it, copy it to your application.yml, uncomment, and change <%# to <%=
132 # compute_node_nameservers: <%#
134 # ['local', 'public'].collect do |iface|
135 # Net::HTTP.get(URI("{iface}-ipv4")).match(/^[\d\.]+$/)[0]
136 # end << ''
141 # When new_users_are_active is set to true, the user agreement check is skipped.
142 new_users_are_active: false
144 admin_notifier_email_from: arvados@example.com
145 email_subject_prefix: "[ARVADOS] "
146 user_notifier_email_from: arvados@example.com
147 new_user_notification_recipients: [ ]
148 new_inactive_user_notification_recipients: [ ]
150 # The e-mail address of the user you would like to become marked as an admin
151 # user on their first login.
152 # In the default configuration, authentication happens through the Arvados SSO
153 # server, which uses openid against Google's servers, so in that case this
154 # should be an address associated with a Google account.
155 auto_admin_user: false
157 # If auto_admin_first_user is set to true, the first user to log in when no
158 # other admin users exist will automatically become an admin user.
159 auto_admin_first_user: false
161 ## Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active
162 ## Record auto-convert to this zone. Run "rake -D time" for a list
163 ## of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC.
164 #time_zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
166 ## Default encoding used in templates for Ruby 1.9.
169 # Enable the asset pipeline
172 # Version of your assets, change this if you want to expire all your assets
173 assets.version: "1.0"
175 arvados_theme: default
177 # The ARVADOS_WEBSOCKETS environment variable determines whether to
178 # serve http, websockets, or both.
180 # If ARVADOS_WEBSOCKETS="true", http and websockets are both served
181 # from the same process.
183 # If ARVADOS_WEBSOCKETS="ws-only", only websockets is served.
185 # If ARVADOS_WEBSOCKETS="false" or not set at all, only http is
186 # served. In this case, you should have a separate process serving
187 # websockets, and the address of that service should be given here
188 # as websocket_address.
190 # If websocket_address is false (which is the default), the
191 # discovery document will tell clients to use the current server as
192 # the websocket service, or (if the current server does not have
193 # websockets enabled) not to use websockets at all.
195 # Example: Clients will connect to the specified endpoint.
196 #websocket_address: wss://
197 # Default: Clients will connect to this server if it's running
198 # websockets, otherwise none at all.
199 websocket_address: false
201 # blob_signing_key is a string of alphanumeric characters used to
202 # generate permission signatures for Keep locators. It must be
203 # identical to the permission key given to Keep. IMPORTANT: This is
204 # a site secret. It should be at least 50 characters.
207 # Amount of time (in seconds) for which a blob permission signature
208 # remains valid. Default: 2 weeks (1209600 seconds)
209 blob_signing_ttl: 1209600
211 # Allow clients to create collections by providing a manifest with
212 # unsigned data blob locators. IMPORTANT: This effectively disables
213 # access controls for data stored in Keep: a client who knows a hash
214 # can write a manifest that references the hash, pass it to
215 # collections.create (which will create a permission link), use
216 # collections.get to obtain a signature for that data locator, and
217 # use that signed locator to retrieve the data from Keep. Therefore,
218 # do not turn this on if your users expect to keep data private from
220 permit_create_collection_with_unsigned_manifest: false
222 # secret_token is a string of alphanumeric characters used by Rails
223 # to sign session tokens. IMPORTANT: This is a site secret. It
224 # should be at least 50 characters.
227 # email address to which mail should be sent when the user creates profile for the first time
228 user_profile_notification_address: false
230 default_openid_prefix: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
232 # Config parameters to automatically setup new users.
233 # The params auto_setup_new_users_with_* are meaningful only when auto_setup_new_users is turned on.
234 # auto_setup_name_blacklist is a list of usernames to be blacklisted for auto setup.
235 auto_setup_new_users: false
236 auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid: false
237 auto_setup_new_users_with_repository: false
238 auto_setup_name_blacklist: [arvados, git, gitolite, gitolite-admin, root, syslog]
241 source_version: "<%= `git log -n 1 --format=%h`.strip %>"
242 local_modified: false
244 # Default lifetime for ephemeral collections: 2 weeks.
245 default_trash_lifetime: 1209600
247 # Permit insecure (OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) connections to the Single Sign
248 # On (sso) server. Should only be enabled during development when the SSO
249 # server is using a self-signed cert.
252 # Default replication level for collections. This is used when a
253 # collection's replication_desired attribute is nil.
254 default_collection_replication: 2
256 # Maximum size (in bytes) allowed for a single API request that will be
257 # published in the discovery document for use by clients.
258 # Note you must separately configure the upstream web server or proxy to
259 # actually enforce the desired maximum request size on the server side.
260 max_request_size: 134217728