3 class WorkUnitTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
5 Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['anonymous']['api_token']
9 [Job, 'running_job_with_components', "jwu", 2, "Running", nil, 0.5],
10 [PipelineInstance, 'pipeline_in_running_state', nil, 1, "Running", nil, 0.0],
11 [PipelineInstance, 'has_component_with_completed_jobs', nil, 3, "Complete", true, 1.0],
12 [PipelineInstance, 'pipeline_with_tagged_collection_input', "pwu", 1, "Ready", nil, 0.0],
13 ].each do |type, fixture, label, num_children, state, success, progress|
14 test "children of #{fixture}" do
16 obj = find_fixture(type, fixture)
17 wu = obj.work_unit(label)
20 assert_equal(label, wu.label)
22 assert_equal(obj.name, wu.label)
24 assert_equal(obj['uuid'], wu.uuid)
25 assert_equal(state, wu.state_label)
26 assert_equal(success, wu.success?)
27 assert_equal(progress, wu.progress)
29 assert_equal(num_children, wu.children.size)
30 wu.children.each do |child|
31 assert_equal(true, child.respond_to?(:script))
37 [Job, 'running_job_with_components', 1, 1, nil],
38 [Job, 'queued', nil, nil, 1],
39 [PipelineInstance, 'pipeline_in_running_state', 1, 1, nil],
40 [PipelineInstance, 'has_component_with_completed_jobs', 60, 60, nil],
41 ].each do |type, fixture, walltime, cputime, queuedtime|
42 test "times for #{fixture}" do
44 obj = find_fixture(type, fixture)
48 assert_equal true, (wu.walltime >= walltime)
50 assert_equal walltime, wu.walltime
54 assert_equal true, (wu.cputime >= cputime)
56 assert_equal cputime, wu.cputime
60 assert_equal true, (wu.queuedtime >= queuedtime)
62 assert_equal queuedtime, wu.queuedtime
68 [Job, 'active', 'running_job_with_components', true],
69 [Job, 'active', 'queued', false],
70 [Job, nil, 'completed_job_in_publicly_accessible_project', true],
71 [Job, 'active', 'completed_job_in_publicly_accessible_project', true],
72 [PipelineInstance, 'active', 'pipeline_in_running_state', true], # no log, but while running the log link points to pi Log tab
73 [PipelineInstance, nil, 'pipeline_in_publicly_accessible_project_but_other_objects_elsewhere', false],
74 [PipelineInstance, 'active', 'pipeline_in_publicly_accessible_project_but_other_objects_elsewhere', false], #no log for completed pi
75 [Job, nil, 'job_in_publicly_accessible_project_but_other_objects_elsewhere', false, "Log unavailable"],
76 ].each do |type, token, fixture, has_log, log_link|
77 test "link_to_log for #{fixture} for #{token}" do
78 use_token token if token
79 obj = find_fixture(type, fixture)
82 link = "#{wu.uri}#Log" if has_log
83 link_to_log = wu.link_to_log
86 assert_includes link_to_log, link
88 assert_equal log_link, link_to_log