3 - Using the Arvados Java SDK, you can access API server from a java program.
5 - This document highlights the details as to how to use the SDK.
7 - The Java SDK is used as a maven project. Hence, you would need a working
8 maven environment to be able to build the source code.
10 If you do not have maven setup, you may find the following link useful.
12 http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html
14 - In this document <ARVADOS_HOME> is used to refer to the directory where
15 arvados code is cloned in your system.
16 For ex: <ARVADOS_HOME> = $HOME/arvados
19 == Setting up the environment
21 - The SDK requires a running Arvados API server. The information about the
22 API server needs to be passed to the SDK using environment variables.
24 - The following two environment variables are required by the SDK
28 Below are examples using a .bashrc file:
30 export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=z40gplmla6i58rsg96jhg5u41ewdl5rj4g1py2xg6s6e2lsc3
31 export ARVADOS_API_HOST=localhost:3001
33 - You can also set ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE to true if you are using
34 self-signed certificates and want to bypass certificate validations.
36 Below is an example using a .bashrc file:
41 == Building the Arvados SDK
43 - cd <ARVADOS_HOME/sdk/java
47 This will generate arvados sdk jar file the target directory
50 == Using Arvados SDK at command line
52 - This section helps understand how to use the SDK from command line
54 - cd <ARVADOS_HOME/sdk/java
58 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados help
60 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados help call
62 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados help discover
65 - Getting the discovery document
67 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados discover arvados v1
70 - Making a "call" to the API server
72 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 users.list
74 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 users.get <uuid>
76 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 users.create <filename>
78 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 pipeline_templates.list
80 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 pipeline_templates.get <uuid>
82 java -cp target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.arvados.sdk.java.Arvados call arvados v1 pipeline_templates.create <filename>
85 == Implementing your code to use SDK
87 - <ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java/ArvadosSDKJavaUser.java serves as an example
88 implementation using the java SDK. Please use this file to see how
89 you would want use the SDK from your java program.
90 The steps below use this java class name.
92 - ArvadosSDKJavaUser.java creates an instance of Arvados SDK class and
93 uses it to make various "call" requests.
95 - To compile ArvadosSDKJavaUser.java
97 javac -cp <ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java/target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ArvadosSDKJavaUser.java
99 This results in the generation of the ArvadosSDKJavaUser.class file
100 in the same dir as the java file
102 - To run the class file
104 java -cp .:<ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java/target/java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ArvadosSDKJavaUser
107 == Viewing and managing SDK logging
109 - SDK uses log4j logging
111 - The default location of the log file is
112 <ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java/log/arvados_sdk_java.log
114 - Update log4j.properties file to change name and location of the log file.
116 Modify the "log4j.appender.fileAppender.File" property in log4j.properties
117 file located at <ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java/src/main/resources
119 Rebuild by running "mvn clean package"
122 == Using the SDK in eclipse
124 - To develop in eclipse, you can use the SDK eclipse project.
126 - Install "m2eclipse" plugin in your eclipse
128 - Open the SDK project.
130 File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Next -> Browse
131 and select <ARVADOS_HOME>/sdk/java