4 title: Best Practices for writing CWL
7 * To run on Arvados, a workflow should provide a @DockerRequirement@ in the @hints@ section.
9 * Build a reusable library of components. Share tool wrappers and subworkflows between projects. Make use of and contribute to "community maintained workflows and tools":https://github.com/common-workflow-language/workflows and tool registries such as "Dockstore":http://dockstore.org .
11 * When combining a parameter value with a string, such as adding a filename extension, write @$(inputs.file.basename).ext@ instead of @$(inputs.file.basename + 'ext')@. The first form is evaluated as a simple text substitution, the second form (using the @+@ operator) is evaluated as an arbitrary Javascript expression and requires that you declare @InlineJavascriptRequirement@.
13 * Avoid declaring @InlineJavascriptRequirement@ or @ShellCommandRequirement@ unless you specifically need them. Don't include them "just in case" because they change the default behavior and may imply extra overhead.
15 * Don't write CWL scripts that access the Arvados SDK. This is non-portable; a script that access Arvados directly won't work with @cwltool@ or crunch v2.
17 * CommandLineTools wrapping custom scripts should represent the script as an input parameter with the script file as a default value. Use @secondaryFiles@ for scripts that consist of multiple files. For example:
21 class: CommandLineTool
26 inputBinding: {position: 1}
37 inputBinding: {position: 2}
45 * You can get the designated temporary directory using @$(runtime.tmpdir)@ in your CWL file, or from the @$TMPDIR@ environment variable in your script.
47 * Similarly, you can get the designated output directory using $(runtime.outdir), or from the @HOME@ environment variable in your script.
49 * Use @ExpressionTool@ to efficiently rearrange input files between steps of a Workflow. For example, the following expression accepts a directory containing files paired by @_R1_@ and @_R2_@ and produces an array of Directories containing each pair.
59 InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}
63 for (var i = 0; i < inputs.inputdir.listing.length; i++) {
64 var file = inputs.inputdir.listing[i];
65 var groups = file.basename.match(/^(.+)(_R[12]_)(.+)$/);
67 if (!samples[groups[1]]) {
68 samples[groups[1]] = [];
70 samples[groups[1]].push(file);
74 for (var key in samples) {
75 dirs.push({"class": "Directory",
77 "listing": [samples[key]]});
83 * Avoid specifying resource requirements in CommandLineTool. Prefer to specify them in the workflow. You can provide a default resource requirement in the top level @hints@ section, and individual steps can override it with their own resource requirement.
111 * Instead of scattering separate steps, prefer to scatter over a subworkflow.
113 With the following pattern, @step1@ has to wait for all samples to complete before @step2@ can start computing on any samples. This means a single long-running sample can prevent the rest of the workflow from moving on:
138 Instead, scatter over a subworkflow. In this pattern, a sample can proceed to @step2@ as soon as @step1@ is done, independently of any other samples.
139 Example: (note, the subworkflow can also be put in a separate file)
156 outputSource: step3/out