1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
7 class Arvados::V1::ApiClientAuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
8 accept_attribute_as_json :scopes, Array
9 before_action :current_api_client_is_trusted, :except => [:current]
10 before_action :admin_required, :only => :create_system_auth
11 skip_before_action :render_404_if_no_object, :only => [:create_system_auth, :current]
12 skip_before_action :find_object_by_uuid, :only => [:create_system_auth, :current]
14 def self._create_system_auth_requires_parameters
16 api_client_id: {type: 'integer', required: false},
17 scopes: {type: 'array', required: false}
21 def create_system_auth
22 @object = ApiClientAuthorization.
23 new(user_id: system_user.id,
24 api_client_id: params[:api_client_id] || current_api_client.andand.id,
25 created_by_ip_address: remote_ip,
26 scopes: SafeJSON.load(params[:scopes] || '["all"]'))
32 # Note: the user could specify a owner_uuid for a different user, which on
33 # the surface appears to be a security hole. However, the record will be
34 # rejected before being saved to the database by the ApiClientAuthorization
35 # model which enforces that user_id == current user or the user is an
38 if resource_attrs[:owner_uuid]
39 # The model has an owner_id attribute instead of owner_uuid, but
40 # we can't expect the client to know the local numeric ID. We
41 # translate UUID to numeric ID here.
42 resource_attrs[:user_id] =
43 User.where(uuid: resource_attrs.delete(:owner_uuid)).first.andand.id
44 elsif not resource_attrs[:user_id]
45 resource_attrs[:user_id] = current_user.id
47 resource_attrs[:api_client_id] = Thread.current[:api_client].id
52 @object = Thread.current[:api_client_authorization].dup
54 # Client is validating a salted token. Don't return the unsalted
56 @object.api_token = nil
64 ["#{table_name}.created_at desc"]
67 def find_objects_for_index
68 # Here we are deliberately less helpful about searching for client
69 # authorizations. We look up tokens belonging to the current user
70 # and filter by exact matches on uuid, api_token, and scopes.
73 wanted_scopes.concat(@filters.map { |attr, operator, operand|
74 ((attr == 'scopes') and (operator == '=')) ? operand : nil
76 @filters.select! { |attr, operator, operand|
77 operator == '=' && (attr == 'uuid' || attr == 'api_token')
81 wanted_scopes << @where['scopes']
82 @where.select! { |attr, val|
83 # "where":{"uuid":"zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"} is OK but
84 # "where":{"api_client_id":1} is not supported
85 # "where":{"uuid":["contains","-"]} is not supported
86 # "where":{"uuid":["uuid1","uuid2","uuid3"]} is not supported
87 val.is_a?(String) && (attr == 'uuid' || attr == 'api_token')
90 if current_api_client_authorization.andand.api_token != Rails.configuration.SystemRootToken
91 @objects = model_class.where('user_id=?', current_user.id)
93 if wanted_scopes.compact.any?
94 # We can't filter on scopes effectively using AR/postgres.
95 # Instead we get the entire result set, do our own filtering on
96 # scopes to get a list of UUIDs, then start a new query
97 # (restricted to the selected UUIDs) so super can apply the
98 # offset/limit/order params in the usual way.
99 @request_limit = @limit
100 @request_offset = @offset
101 @limit = @objects.count
104 wanted_scopes.compact.each do |scope_list|
105 if @objects.respond_to?(:where) && scope_list.length < 2
107 where('scopes in (?)',
108 [scope_list.to_yaml, SafeJSON.dump(scope_list)])
110 if @objects.respond_to?(:where)
111 # Eliminate rows with scopes=['all'] before doing the
112 # expensive filter. They are typically the majority of
113 # rows, and they obviously won't match given
114 # scope_list.length>=2, so loading them all into
115 # ActiveRecord objects is a huge waste of time.
117 where('scopes not in (?)',
118 [['all'].to_yaml, SafeJSON.dump(['all'])])
120 sorted_scopes = scope_list.sort
121 @objects = @objects.select { |auth| auth.scopes.sort == sorted_scopes }
124 @limit = @request_limit
125 @offset = @request_offset
126 @objects = model_class.where('uuid in (?)', @objects.collect(&:uuid))
131 def find_object_by_uuid
132 uuid_param = params[:uuid] || params[:id]
133 if (uuid_param != current_api_client_authorization.andand.uuid &&
134 !Thread.current[:api_client].andand.is_trusted)
141 @filters = [['uuid', '=', uuid_param]]
142 find_objects_for_index
143 @object = @objects.first
146 def current_api_client_is_trusted
147 if Thread.current[:api_client].andand.is_trusted
150 # A non-trusted client can do a search for its own token if it
151 # explicitly restricts the search to its own UUID or api_token.
152 # Any other kind of query must return 403, even if it matches only
153 # the current token, because that's currently how Workbench knows
154 # (after searching on scopes) the difference between "the token
155 # I'm using now *is* the only sharing token for this collection"
156 # (403) and "my token is trusted, and there is one sharing token
157 # for this collection" (200).
159 # The @filters test here also prevents a non-trusted token from
160 # filtering on its own scopes, and discovering whether any _other_
161 # equally scoped tokens exist (403=yes, 200=no).
162 return forbidden if !@objects
163 full_set = @objects.except(:limit).except(:offset) if @objects
164 if (full_set.count == 1 and
165 full_set.first.uuid == current_api_client_authorization.andand.uuid and
166 (@filters.map(&:first) & %w(uuid api_token)).any?)
173 send_error('Forbidden: this API client cannot manipulate other clients\' access tokens.',