8 {% include alert-incomplete.html %}
12 ...how to understand and write them.
14 h3. Job task execution environment
16 A task's context is established in environment variables.
18 table(table table-bordered table-condensed).
19 |Environment variable|Description|
20 |@JOB_UUID@|UUID of the job|
21 |@JOB_PARAMETER_X@|Value of the @x@ parameter supplied when the job was created|
22 |@TASK_UUID@|UUID of the task|
23 |@TASK_QSEQUENCE@|Number of tasks added to this job before this one (in other words, 0-based queue entry order)|
24 |@TASK_SEQUENCE@|Task execution sequence specified when task was created — generally not unique to this task|
25 |@TASK_PARAMETER_X@|Value of the @x@ parameter supplied when the job task was created|
26 |@ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@|Authentication token to use with API calls made by the job task|