1 module ApiTemplateOverride
2 def allowed_to_render?(fieldset, field, model, options)
4 return options[:select].include? field.to_s
10 class ActsAsApi::ApiTemplate
11 prepend ApiTemplateOverride
15 require 'record_filters'
17 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
18 include CurrentApiClient
19 include ThemesForRails::ActionController
26 ERROR_ACTIONS = [:render_error, :render_not_found]
28 before_filter :respond_with_json_by_default
29 before_filter :remote_ip
30 before_filter :load_read_auths
31 before_filter :require_auth_scope, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
33 before_filter :catch_redirect_hint
34 before_filter(:find_object_by_uuid,
35 except: [:index, :create] + ERROR_ACTIONS)
36 before_filter :load_limit_offset_order_params, only: [:index, :contents]
37 before_filter :load_where_param, only: [:index, :contents]
38 before_filter :load_filters_param, only: [:index, :contents]
39 before_filter :find_objects_for_index, :only => :index
40 before_filter :reload_object_before_update, :only => :update
41 before_filter(:render_404_if_no_object,
42 except: [:index, :create] + ERROR_ACTIONS)
46 attr_accessor :resource_attrs
49 rescue_from(Exception,
50 ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError,
51 :with => :render_error)
52 rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,
53 ActionController::RoutingError,
54 ActionController::UnknownController,
55 AbstractController::ActionNotFound,
56 :with => :render_not_found)
60 @objects.uniq!(&:id) if @select.nil? or @select.include? "id"
61 if params[:eager] and params[:eager] != '0' and params[:eager] != 0 and params[:eager] != ''
62 @objects.each(&:eager_load_associations)
68 render json: @object.as_api_response
72 @object = model_class.new resource_attrs
78 attrs_to_update = resource_attrs.reject { |k,v|
79 [:kind, :etag, :href].index k
81 @object.update_attributes! attrs_to_update
90 def catch_redirect_hint
92 if params.has_key?('redirect_to') then
93 session[:redirect_to] = params[:redirect_to]
98 def render_404_if_no_object
99 render_not_found "Object not found" if !@object
103 logger.error e.inspect
104 if e.respond_to? :backtrace and e.backtrace
105 logger.error e.backtrace.collect { |x| x + "\n" }.join('')
107 if @object and @object.errors and @object.errors.full_messages and not @object.errors.full_messages.empty?
108 errors = @object.errors.full_messages
109 logger.error errors.inspect
113 status = e.respond_to?(:http_status) ? e.http_status : 422
114 send_error(*errors, status: status)
117 def render_not_found(e=ActionController::RoutingError.new("Path not found"))
118 logger.error e.inspect
119 send_error("Path not found", status: 404)
124 def send_error(*args)
125 if args.last.is_a? Hash
130 err[:errors] ||= args
131 err[:error_token] = [Time.now.utc.to_i, "%08x" % rand(16 ** 8)].join("+")
132 status = err.delete(:status) || 422
133 logger.error "Error #{err[:error_token]}: #{status}"
134 render json: err, status: status
137 def find_objects_for_index
138 @objects ||= model_class.readable_by(*@read_users)
139 apply_where_limit_order_params
143 ft = record_filters @filters, @objects.table_name
144 if ft[:cond_out].any?
145 @objects = @objects.where(ft[:cond_out].join(' AND '), *ft[:param_out])
149 def apply_where_limit_order_params
152 ar_table_name = @objects.table_name
153 if @where.is_a? Hash and @where.any?
155 @where.each do |attr,value|
156 if attr.to_s == 'any'
157 if value.is_a?(Array) and
158 value.length == 2 and
159 value[0] == 'contains' then
161 model_class.searchable_columns('ilike').each do |column|
162 # Including owner_uuid in an "any column" search will
163 # probably just return a lot of false positives.
164 next if column == 'owner_uuid'
165 ilikes << "#{ar_table_name}.#{column} ilike ?"
166 conditions << "%#{value[1]}%"
169 conditions[0] << ' and (' + ilikes.join(' or ') + ')'
172 elsif attr.to_s.match(/^[a-z][_a-z0-9]+$/) and
173 model_class.columns.collect(&:name).index(attr.to_s)
175 conditions[0] << " and #{ar_table_name}.#{attr} is ?"
177 elsif value.is_a? Array
178 if value[0] == 'contains' and value.length == 2
179 conditions[0] << " and #{ar_table_name}.#{attr} like ?"
180 conditions << "%#{value[1]}%"
182 conditions[0] << " and #{ar_table_name}.#{attr} in (?)"
185 elsif value.is_a? String or value.is_a? Fixnum or value == true or value == false
186 conditions[0] << " and #{ar_table_name}.#{attr}=?"
188 elsif value.is_a? Hash
189 # Not quite the same thing as "equal?" but better than nothing?
192 conditions[0] << " and #{ar_table_name}.#{attr} ilike ?"
193 conditions << "%#{k}%#{v}%"
199 if conditions.length > 1
200 conditions[0].sub!(/^1=1 and /, '')
207 # Map attribute names in @select to real column names, resolve
208 # those to fully-qualified SQL column names, and pass the
209 # resulting string to the select method.
210 api_column_map = model_class.attributes_required_columns
211 columns_list = @select.
212 flat_map { |attr| api_column_map[attr] }.
214 map { |s| "#{table_name}.#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name s}" }
215 @objects = @objects.select(columns_list.join(", "))
217 @objects = @objects.order(@orders.join ", ") if @orders.any?
218 @objects = @objects.limit(@limit)
219 @objects = @objects.offset(@offset)
220 @objects = @objects.uniq(@distinct) if not @distinct.nil?
224 return @attrs if @attrs
225 @attrs = params[resource_name]
226 if @attrs.is_a? String
227 @attrs = Oj.load @attrs, symbol_keys: true
229 unless @attrs.is_a? Hash
230 message = "No #{resource_name}"
231 if resource_name.index('_')
232 message << " (or #{resource_name.camelcase(:lower)})"
234 message << " hash provided with request"
235 raise ArgumentError.new(message)
237 %w(created_at modified_by_client_uuid modified_by_user_uuid modified_at).each do |x|
238 @attrs.delete x.to_sym
240 @attrs = @attrs.symbolize_keys if @attrs.is_a? HashWithIndifferentAccess
247 if current_api_client_authorization
248 @read_auths << current_api_client_authorization
250 # Load reader tokens if this is a read request.
251 # If there are too many reader tokens, assume the request is malicious
253 if request.get? and params[:reader_tokens] and
254 params[:reader_tokens].size < 100
255 @read_auths += ApiClientAuthorization
257 .where('api_token IN (?) AND
258 (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)',
259 params[:reader_tokens])
262 @read_auths.select! { |auth| auth.scopes_allow_request? request }
263 @read_users = @read_auths.map { |auth| auth.user }.uniq
268 respond_to do |format|
269 format.json { send_error("Not logged in", status: 401) }
270 format.html { redirect_to '/auth/joshid' }
277 unless current_user and current_user.is_admin
278 send_error("Forbidden", status: 403)
282 def require_auth_scope
283 if @read_auths.empty?
284 if require_login != false
285 send_error("Forbidden", status: 403)
291 def respond_with_json_by_default
292 html_index = request.accepts.index(Mime::HTML)
293 if html_index.nil? or request.accepts[0...html_index].include?(Mime::JSON)
294 request.format = :json
299 controller_name.classify.constantize
302 def resource_name # params[] key used by client
303 controller_name.singularize
310 def find_object_by_uuid
311 if params[:id] and params[:id].match /\D/
312 params[:uuid] = params.delete :id
314 @where = { uuid: params[:uuid] }
320 find_objects_for_index
321 @object = @objects.first
324 def reload_object_before_update
325 # This is necessary to prevent an ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord
326 # error when updating an object which was retrieved using a join.
327 if @object.andand.readonly?
328 @object = model_class.find_by_uuid(@objects.first.uuid)
332 def load_json_value(hash, key, must_be_class=nil)
333 if hash[key].is_a? String
334 hash[key] = Oj.load(hash[key], symbol_keys: false)
335 if must_be_class and !hash[key].is_a? must_be_class
336 raise TypeError.new("parameter #{key.to_s} must be a #{must_be_class.to_s}")
341 def self.accept_attribute_as_json(attr, must_be_class=nil)
342 before_filter lambda { accept_attribute_as_json attr, must_be_class }
344 accept_attribute_as_json :properties, Hash
345 accept_attribute_as_json :info, Hash
346 def accept_attribute_as_json(attr, must_be_class)
347 if params[resource_name] and resource_attrs.is_a? Hash
348 if resource_attrs[attr].is_a? Hash
349 # Convert symbol keys to strings (in hashes provided by
351 resource_attrs[attr] = resource_attrs[attr].
352 with_indifferent_access.to_hash
354 load_json_value(resource_attrs, attr, must_be_class)
359 def self.accept_param_as_json(key, must_be_class=nil)
360 prepend_before_filter lambda { load_json_value(params, key, must_be_class) }
362 accept_param_as_json :reader_tokens, Array
366 # This information helps clients understand what they're seeing
367 # (Workbench always expects it), but they can't select it explicitly
368 # because it's not an SQL column. Always add it.
369 # I believe this is safe because clients can always deduce what they're
370 # looking at by the returned UUID anyway.
374 :kind => "arvados##{(@response_resource_name || resource_name).camelize(:lower)}List",
379 :items => @objects.as_api_response(nil, {select: @select})
381 if @objects.respond_to? :except
382 @object_list[:items_available] = @objects.
383 except(:limit).except(:offset).
384 count(:id, distinct: true)
386 render json: @object_list
390 # Caveat: this is highly dependent on the proxy setup. YMMV.
391 if request.headers.has_key?('HTTP_X_REAL_IP') then
392 # We're behind a reverse proxy
393 @remote_ip = request.headers['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']
395 # Hopefully, we are not!
396 @remote_ip = request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']
400 def self._index_requires_parameters
402 filters: { type: 'array', required: false },
403 where: { type: 'object', required: false },
404 order: { type: 'array', required: false },
405 select: { type: 'array', required: false },
406 distinct: { type: 'boolean', required: false },
407 limit: { type: 'integer', required: false, default: DEFAULT_LIMIT },
408 offset: { type: 'integer', required: false, default: 0 },
412 def client_accepts_plain_text_stream
413 (request.headers['Accept'].split(' ') &
414 ['text/plain', '*/*']).count > 0
419 response = opts.first[:json]
420 if response.is_a?(Hash) &&
422 Thread.current[:request_starttime]
423 response[:_profile] = {
424 request_time: Time.now - Thread.current[:request_starttime]
432 return Rails.configuration.arvados_theme