1 <%= image_tag "dax.png", class: "dax" %>
3 Hi, I noticed that you have not yet set up an SSH public key for use with Arvados.
4 <%= link_to "Click here to learn about SSH keys in Arvados.",
5 "#{Rails.configuration.arvados_docsite}/user/getting_started/ssh-access-unix.html",
6 style: "font-weight: bold",
8 When you have an SSH key you would like to use, paste the SSH public key
11 <%= form_for AuthorizedKey.new, remote: true do |f| %>
12 <div class="row-fluid">
13 <%= hidden_field_tag :return_to, request.original_url %>
14 <%= hidden_field_tag :disable_element, 'input[type=submit]' %>
15 <%= f.text_area :public_key, rows: 4, placeholder: "Paste your public key here", style: "width: 100%" %>
17 <div class="row-fluid" style="padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 15px">
18 <%= f.submit :Save, value: raw("✓"), class: "btn btn-primary pull-right" %>