Merge branch '22141-picking-dialog-search' refs #22141
[arvados.git] / services / workbench2 / src / views / run-process-panel / run-process-basic-form.tsx
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import React from 'react';
6 import { reduxForm, Field, InjectedFormProps } from 'redux-form';
7 import { Grid, Typography } from '@mui/material';
8 import withStyles from '@mui/styles/withStyles';
9 import { WithStyles } from '@mui/styles';
10 import { TextField } from 'components/text-field/text-field';
11 import { ProjectInput, ProjectCommandInputParameter } from 'views/run-process-panel/inputs/project-input';
12 import { PROCESS_NAME_VALIDATION } from 'validators/validators';
13 import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project';
14 import { UserResource } from 'models/user';
15 import { WorkflowResource } from 'models/workflow';
16 import { ArvadosTheme, CustomStyleRulesCallback } from 'common/custom-theme';
17 import { RUN_PROCESS_BASIC_FORM, RunProcessBasicFormData } from 'store/run-process-panel/run-process-panel-actions';
19 interface RunProcessBasicFormProps {
20     workflow?: WorkflowResource;
21 }
23 type CssRules = 'root' | 'name' | 'description';
25 const styles: CustomStyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
26     root: {
27         fontSize: '1.125rem',
28     },
29     name: {
30         overflow: 'hidden',
31         color: theme.customs.colors.greyD,
32         fontSize: '1.875rem',
33     },
34     description: {},
35 });
37 export const RunProcessBasicForm = reduxForm<RunProcessBasicFormData, RunProcessBasicFormProps>({
39 })(
40     withStyles(styles)((props: InjectedFormProps<RunProcessBasicFormData, RunProcessBasicFormProps> & RunProcessBasicFormProps & WithStyles<CssRules>) => (
41         <form className={props.classes.root}>
42             <Grid
43                 container
44                 spacing={2}
45             >
46                 <Grid
47                     item
48                     xs={12}
49                 >
50                     {props.workflow && (
51                         <Typography
52                             className={}
53                             data-cy='workflow-name'
54                         >
55                             {}
56                         </Typography>
57                     )}
58                 </Grid>
59                 <Grid
60                     item
61                     xs={12}
62                 >
63                     {props.workflow && (
64                         <Typography
65                             className={props.classes.description}
66                             data-cy='workflow-description'
67                             //dangerouslySetInnerHTML is ok here only if description is sanitized,
68                             //which it is before it is loaded into the redux store
69                             dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.workflow.description }}
70                         />
71                     )}
72                 </Grid>
73                 <Grid
74                     item
75                     xs={12}
76                     md={6}
77                     >
78                     <Field
79                         name='name'
80                         component={TextField as any}
81                         label='Name for this workflow run'
82                         required
83                         validate={PROCESS_NAME_VALIDATION}
84                     />
85                 </Grid>
86                 <Grid
87                     item
88                     xs={12}
89                     md={6}
90                 >
91                     <ProjectInput
92                         required
93                         input={
94                             {
95                                 id: 'owner',
96                                 label: 'Project where the workflow will run',
97                             } as ProjectCommandInputParameter
98                         }
99                         options={{ showOnlyOwned: false, showOnlyWritable: true }}
100                     />
101                 </Grid>
102             </Grid>
103         </form>
104     ))
105 );