Extract response parsing utils from collection service, use webdav to upload files...
[arvados.git] / src / views-components / dialog-create / dialog-collection-create.tsx
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import * as React from 'react';
6 import { reduxForm, Field } from 'redux-form';
7 import { compose } from 'redux';
8 import { TextField } from '../../components/text-field/text-field';
9 import { Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle } from '@material-ui/core/';
10 import { Button, StyleRulesCallback, WithStyles, withStyles, CircularProgress } from '@material-ui/core';
12 import { COLLECTION_NAME_VALIDATION, COLLECTION_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATION } from '../../validators/create-collection/create-collection-validator';
13 import { FileUpload } from "../../components/file-upload/file-upload";
14 import { connect, DispatchProp } from "react-redux";
15 import { RootState } from "../../store/store";
16 import { collectionUploaderActions, UploadFile } from "../../store/collections/uploader/collection-uploader-actions";
18 type CssRules = "button" | "lastButton" | "formContainer" | "textField" | "createProgress" | "dialogActions";
20 const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = theme => ({
21     button: {
22         marginLeft: theme.spacing.unit
23     },
24     lastButton: {
25         marginLeft: theme.spacing.unit,
26         marginRight: "20px",
27     },
28     formContainer: {
29         display: "flex",
30         flexDirection: "column",
31     },
32     textField: {
33         marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 3
34     },
35     createProgress: {
36         position: "absolute",
37         minWidth: "20px",
38         right: "110px"
39     },
40     dialogActions: {
41         marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 3
42     }
43 });
45 interface DialogCollectionCreateProps {
46     open: boolean;
47     handleClose: () => void;
48     onSubmit: (data: { name: string, description: string }, files: UploadFile[]) => void;
49     handleSubmit: any;
50     submitting: boolean;
51     invalid: boolean;
52     pristine: boolean;
53     files: UploadFile[];
54 }
56 export const DialogCollectionCreate = compose(
57     connect((state: RootState) => ({
58         files: state.collections.uploader
59     })),
60     reduxForm({ form: 'collectionCreateDialog' }),
61     withStyles(styles))(
62         class DialogCollectionCreate extends React.Component<DialogCollectionCreateProps & DispatchProp & WithStyles<CssRules>> {
63             render() {
64                 const { classes, open, handleClose, handleSubmit, onSubmit, submitting, invalid, pristine, files } = this.props;
65                 const busy = submitting || files.reduce(
66                     (prev, curr) => prev + (curr.loaded > 0 && curr.loaded < curr.total ? 1 : 0), 0
67                 ) > 0;
68                 return (
69                     <Dialog
70                         open={open}
71                         onClose={handleClose}
72                         fullWidth={true}
73                         maxWidth='sm'
74                         disableBackdropClick={true}
75                         disableEscapeKeyDown={true}>
76                         <form onSubmit={handleSubmit((data: any) => onSubmit(data, files))}>
77                             <DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title">Create a collection</DialogTitle>
78                             <DialogContent className={classes.formContainer}>
79                                 <Field name="name"
80                                     disabled={submitting}
81                                     component={TextField}
82                                     validate={COLLECTION_NAME_VALIDATION}
83                                     className={classes.textField}
84                                     label="Collection Name" />
85                                 <Field name="description"
86                                     disabled={submitting}
87                                     component={TextField}
88                                     validate={COLLECTION_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATION}
89                                     className={classes.textField}
90                                     label="Description - optional" />
91                                 <FileUpload
92                                     files={files}
93                                     disabled={busy}
94                                     onDrop={files => this.props.dispatch(collectionUploaderActions.SET_UPLOAD_FILES(files))} />
95                             </DialogContent>
96                             <DialogActions className={classes.dialogActions}>
97                                 <Button onClick={handleClose} className={classes.button} color="primary"
98                                     disabled={busy}>CANCEL</Button>
99                                 <Button type="submit"
100                                     className={classes.lastButton}
101                                     color="primary"
102                                     disabled={invalid || busy || pristine}
103                                     variant="contained">
104                                     CREATE A COLLECTION
105                             </Button>
106                                 {busy && <CircularProgress size={20} className={classes.createProgress} />}
107                             </DialogActions>
108                         </form>
109                     </Dialog>
110                 );
111             }
112         }
113     );