1 # You can use this configuration to run a development Node Manager for
2 # testing. It uses libcloud's dummy driver and your own development API server.
3 # When new cloud nodes are created, you'll need to simulate the ping that
4 # they send to the Arvados API server. The easiest way I've found to do that
5 # is through the API server Rails console: load the Node object, set its
6 # IP address to 10.10.0.N (where N is the cloud node's ID), and save.
12 poll_stale_after = 600
13 node_stale_after = 300
14 certs_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
23 # This is the token for the text fixture's admin user.
24 token = 4axaw8zxe0qm22wa6urpp5nskcne8z88cvbupv653y1njyi05h
30 shutdown_windows = 1, 1