1 ========================
2 Arvados Keep FUSE Driver
3 ========================
8 This package provides a FUSE driver for Keep, the Arvados_ storage
9 system. It allows you to read data from your collections as if they
10 were on the local filesystem.
12 .. _Arvados: https://arvados.org/
17 Installing under your user account
18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
20 This method lets you install the package without root access.
21 However, other users on the same system won't be able to use it.
23 1. Run ``pip install --user arvados_fuse``.
25 2. In your shell configuration, make sure you add ``$HOME/.local/bin``
26 to your PATH environment variable. For example, you could add the
27 command ``PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin`` to your ``.bashrc`` file.
29 3. Reload your shell configuration. For example, bash users could run
32 Installing on Debian systems
33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
35 1. Add this Arvados repository to your sources list::
37 deb http://apt.arvados.org/ wheezy main
39 2. Update your package list.
41 3. Install the ``python-arvados-fuse`` package.
46 This driver needs two pieces of information to connect to
47 Arvados: the DNS name of the API server, and an API authorization
48 token. You can set these in environment variables, or the file
49 ``$HOME/.config/arvados/settings.conf``. `The Arvados user
51 <http://doc.arvados.org/user/reference/api-tokens.html>`_ describes
52 how to find this information in the Arvados Workbench, and install it
55 Testing and Development
56 -----------------------
58 This package is one part of the Arvados source package, and it has
59 integration tests to check interoperability with other Arvados
60 components. Our `hacking guide
61 <https://arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Hacking_Python_SDK>`_
62 describes how to set up a development environment and run tests.