1 ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" if (ENV["RAILS_ENV"] != "diagnostics")
6 require 'simplecov-rcov'
7 class SimpleCov::Formatter::MergedFormatter
9 SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter.new.format(result)
10 SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.new.format(result)
13 SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MergedFormatter
16 add_filter 'initializers/secret_token'
19 $stderr.puts "SimpleCov unavailable (#{e}). Proceeding without."
23 require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
24 require 'rails/test_help'
25 require 'mocha/mini_test'
27 class ActiveSupport::TestCase
28 # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.(yml|csv) for all tests in
31 # Note: You'll currently still have to declare fixtures explicitly
32 # in integration tests -- they do not yet inherit this setting
34 def use_token token_name
35 auth = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')[token_name.to_s]
36 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = auth['api_token']
40 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = nil
41 Thread.current[:user] = nil
42 Thread.current[:reader_tokens] = nil
43 # Diagnostics suite doesn't run a server, so there's no cache to clear.
44 Rails.cache.clear unless (Rails.env == "diagnostics")
45 # Restore configuration settings changed during tests
46 $application_config.each do |k,v|
48 Rails.configuration.send (k + '='), v
54 module ApiFixtureLoader
55 def self.included(base)
56 base.extend(ClassMethods)
61 def api_fixture(name, *keys)
62 # Returns the data structure from the named API server test fixture.
63 @@api_fixtures[name] ||= \
65 path = File.join(ApiServerForTests::ARV_API_SERVER_DIR,
66 'test', 'fixtures', "#{name}.yml")
68 trim_index = file.index('# Test Helper trims the rest of the file')
69 file = file[0, trim_index] if trim_index
72 keys.inject(@@api_fixtures[name]) { |hash, key| hash[key] }
75 def api_fixture(name, *keys)
76 self.class.api_fixture(name, *keys)
79 def find_fixture(object_class, name)
80 object_class.find(api_fixture(object_class.to_s.pluralize.underscore,
85 class ActiveSupport::TestCase
86 include ApiFixtureLoader
87 def session_for api_client_auth_name
89 arvados_api_token: api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')[api_client_auth_name.to_s]['api_token']
93 Oj.load(@response.body)
97 class ApiServerForTests
98 ARV_API_SERVER_DIR = File.expand_path('../../../../services/api', __FILE__)
99 SERVER_PID_PATH = File.expand_path('tmp/pids/wbtest-server.pid', ARV_API_SERVER_DIR)
100 @main_process_pid = $$
102 def self._system(*cmd)
103 $stderr.puts "_system #{cmd.inspect}"
104 Bundler.with_clean_env do
105 if not system({'RAILS_ENV' => 'test'}, *cmd)
106 raise RuntimeError, "#{cmd[0]} returned exit code #{$?.exitstatus}"
111 def self.make_ssl_cert
112 unless File.exists? './self-signed.key'
113 _system('openssl', 'req', '-new', '-x509', '-nodes',
114 '-out', './self-signed.pem',
115 '-keyout', './self-signed.key',
117 '-subj', '/CN=localhost')
122 if (pid = find_server_pid)
123 $stderr.puts "Sending TERM to API server, pid #{pid}"
124 Process.kill 'TERM', pid
128 def self.find_server_pid
131 pid = IO.read(SERVER_PID_PATH).to_i
132 $stderr.puts "API server is running, pid #{pid.inspect}"
138 def self.run(args=[])
139 ::MiniTest.after_run do
143 # Kill server left over from previous test run
146 Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
147 Dir.chdir(ARV_API_SERVER_DIR) do |apidir|
150 _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:test:load')
151 _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:fixtures:load')
152 _system('bundle', 'exec', 'passenger', 'start', '-d', '-p3000',
153 '--pid-file', SERVER_PID_PATH,
155 '--ssl-certificate', 'self-signed.pem',
156 '--ssl-certificate-key', 'self-signed.key')
157 timeout = Time.now.tv_sec + 10
159 while (not good_pid) and (Time.now.tv_sec < timeout)
161 server_pid = find_server_pid
162 good_pid = (server_pid and
164 (Process.kill(0, server_pid) rescue false))
167 raise RuntimeError, "could not find API server Rails pid"
173 class ActionController::TestCase
178 def check_counter action
181 assert_equal 1, 2, "Multiple actions in functional test"
185 [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete].each do |method|
186 define_method method do |action, *args|
193 # If it quacks like a duck, it must be a HTTP request object.
208 if ENV["RAILS_ENV"].eql? 'test'
209 ApiServerForTests.run