2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
14 from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
17 from dataclasses import dataclass
19 import crunchstat_summary.dygraphs
20 from crunchstat_summary.summarizer import Task
22 from arvados_cluster_activity.prometheus import get_metric_usage, get_data_usage
28 * https://www.npmjs.com/package/sortable-tablesort
29 * https://github.com/tofsjonas/sortable
31 * Makes html tables sortable, No longer ie9+ 😢
33 * Styling is done in css.
35 * Copyleft 2017 Jonas Earendel
37 * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
39 * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
40 * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
41 * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
44 * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
45 * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
46 * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
47 * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
48 * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
49 * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
50 * software under copyright law.
60 * For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org>
63 document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
65 // allows for elements inside TH
66 function findElementRecursive(element, tag) {
67 return element.nodeName === tag ? element : findElementRecursive(element.parentNode, tag);
69 var ascending_table_sort_class = 'asc';
70 var no_sort_class = 'no-sort';
71 var null_last_class = 'n-last';
72 var table_class_name = 'sortable';
73 var alt_sort_1 = e.shiftKey || e.altKey;
74 var element = findElementRecursive(e.target, 'TH');
75 var tr = element.parentNode;
76 var thead = tr.parentNode;
77 var table = thead.parentNode;
78 function getValue(element) {
80 var value = alt_sort_1 ? element.dataset.sortAlt : (_a = element.dataset.sort) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : element.textContent;
83 if (thead.nodeName === 'THEAD' && // sortable only triggered in `thead`
84 table.classList.contains(table_class_name) &&
85 !element.classList.contains(no_sort_class) // .no-sort is now core functionality, no longer handled in CSS
89 var tiebreaker_1 = +element.dataset.sortTbr;
90 // Reset thead cells and get column index
91 for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
92 if (nodes[i] === element) {
93 column_index_1 = +element.dataset.sortCol || i;
96 nodes[i].setAttribute('aria-sort', 'none');
99 var direction = 'descending';
100 if (element.getAttribute('aria-sort') === 'descending' ||
101 (table.classList.contains(ascending_table_sort_class) && element.getAttribute('aria-sort') !== 'ascending')) {
102 direction = 'ascending';
104 // Update the `th` class accordingly
105 element.setAttribute('aria-sort', direction);
106 var reverse_1 = direction === 'ascending';
107 var sort_null_last_1 = table.classList.contains(null_last_class);
108 var compare_1 = function (a, b, index) {
109 var x = getValue(b.cells[index]);
110 var y = getValue(a.cells[index]);
111 if (sort_null_last_1) {
112 if (x === '' && y !== '') {
115 if (y === '' && x !== '') {
119 // Before comparing, clean up formatted numbers that may have a leading dollar sign and/or commas.
120 x = x.replace("$", "").replace(",", "");
121 y = y.replace("$", "").replace(",", "");
123 var bool = isNaN(temp) ? x.localeCompare(y) : temp;
124 return reverse_1 ? -bool : bool;
126 // loop through all tbodies and sort them
127 for (var i = 0; i < table.tBodies.length; i++) {
128 var org_tbody = table.tBodies[i];
129 // Put the array rows in an array, so we can sort them...
130 var rows = [].slice.call(org_tbody.rows, 0);
131 // Sort them using Array.prototype.sort()
132 rows.sort(function (a, b) {
133 var bool = compare_1(a, b, column_index_1);
134 return bool === 0 && !isNaN(tiebreaker_1) ? compare_1(a, b, tiebreaker_1) : bool;
136 // Make an empty clone
137 var clone_tbody = org_tbody.cloneNode();
138 // Put the sorted rows inside the clone
139 clone_tbody.append.apply(clone_tbody, rows);
140 // And finally replace the unsorted tbody with the sorted one
141 table.replaceChild(clone_tbody, org_tbody);
144 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
147 // console.log(error)
154 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort) {
157 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort)::after, .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort)::before {
158 transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out;
162 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort)::after {
166 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort):hover::after {
169 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort)[aria-sort=descending]::after {
173 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort)[aria-sort=ascending]::after {
177 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort).indicator-left::after {
180 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort).indicator-left::before {
184 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort).indicator-left:hover::before {
187 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort).indicator-left[aria-sort=descending]::before {
191 .sortable thead th:not(.no-sort).indicator-left[aria-sort=ascending]::before {
196 /*# sourceMappingURL=sortable.css.map */
200 class WorkflowRunSummary:
208 class ProjectSummary:
211 runs: dict[str, WorkflowRunSummary]
212 earliest: datetime = datetime(year=9999, month=1, day=1)
213 latest: datetime = datetime(year=1900, month=1, day=1)
218 activityspan: str = ""
224 tasks: collections.defaultdict[str, Task]
226 def long_label(self):
230 def date_export(item):
231 if isinstance(item, datetime):
232 return """@new Date("{}")@""".format(item.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
234 def aws_monthly_cost(value):
235 value_gb = value / (1024*1024*1024)
236 first_50tb = min(1024*50, value_gb)
237 next_450tb = max(min(1024*450, value_gb-1024*50), 0)
238 over_500tb = max(value_gb-1024*500, 0)
240 monthly_cost = (first_50tb * 0.023) + (next_450tb * 0.022) + (over_500tb * 0.021)
244 def format_with_suffix_base2(summary_value):
245 for scale in ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"]:
246 summary_value = summary_value / 1024
247 if summary_value < 1024:
248 return "%.3f %s" % (summary_value, scale)
250 def format_with_suffix_base10(summary_value):
251 for scale in ["KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"]:
252 summary_value = summary_value / 1000
253 if summary_value < 1000:
254 return "%.3f %s" % (summary_value, scale)
256 containers_category = 'Concurrent running containers'
257 storage_category = 'Storage Usage'
259 class ReportChart(crunchstat_summary.dygraphs.DygraphsChart):
263 'label': s.long_label(),
265 self.chartdata(s.label, s.tasks, stat)
266 for stat in ((containers_category, ['containers']),
267 (storage_category, ['storage used']),
271 for s in self.summarizers]
274 return 'var chartdata = {};\n{}'.format(
275 json.dumps(self.sections(), default=date_export).replace('"@', '').replace('@"', '').replace('\\"', '"'),
276 '\n'.join([pkg_resources.resource_string('crunchstat_summary', jsa).decode('utf-8') for jsa in self.JSASSETS]))
278 def _collate_data(self, tasks, stats):
281 # uuid is category for crunch2
282 for uuid, task in tasks.items():
283 # All stats in a category are assumed to have the same time base and same number of samples
285 series_names = stats[1]
286 sn0 = series_names[0]
287 series = task.series[(category,sn0)]
288 for i in range(len(series)):
290 vals = [task.series[(category,stat)][i][1] for stat in series_names[1:]]
291 data.append([pt[0]] + nulls + [pt[1]] + vals)
296 WEBCHART_CLASS = ReportChart
299 def runtime_str(container_request, containers):
300 length = ciso8601.parse_datetime(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]) - ciso8601.parse_datetime(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["started_at"])
302 hours = length.days * 24 + (length.seconds // 3600)
303 minutes = (length.seconds // 60) % 60
304 seconds = length.seconds % 60
306 return "%i:%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
308 def runtime_in_hours(runtime):
309 sp = runtime.split(":")
311 hours += float(sp[1]) / 60
312 hours += float(sp[2]) / 3600
315 def hours_to_runtime_str(frac_hours):
316 hours = math.floor(frac_hours)
317 minutes = (frac_hours - math.floor(frac_hours)) * 60.0
318 seconds = (minutes - math.floor(minutes)) * 60.0
320 return "%i:%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
323 def csv_dateformat(datestr):
324 dt = ciso8601.parse_datetime(datestr)
325 return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
328 class ClusterActivityReport(object):
329 def __init__(self, prom_client, label=None, threads=1, **kwargs):
330 self.threadcount = threads
331 self.arv_client = arvados.api()
332 self.prom_client = prom_client
333 self.cluster = self.arv_client.config()["ClusterID"]
335 self.active_users = set()
336 self.project_summary = {}
339 self.total_workflows = 0
340 self.summarizers = []
341 self.storage_cost = 0
346 def collect_graph(self, s1, since, to, taskname, legend, metric, resampleTo, extra=None):
347 if not self.prom_client:
350 task = s1.tasks[taskname]
352 for series in get_metric_usage(self.prom_client, since, to, metric % self.cluster, resampleTo=resampleTo):
353 for t in series.itertuples():
354 task.series[taskname, legend].append(t)
358 def collect_storage_cost(self, t):
359 self.storage_cost += aws_monthly_cost(t.y) / (30*24)
361 def html_report(self, since, to, exclude):
363 self.label = "Cluster report for %s from %s to %s" % (self.cluster, since.date(), to.date())
365 for row in self.report_from_api(since, to, False, exclude):
368 logging.info("Getting container hours time series")
369 s1 = Summarizer(label="", tasks=collections.defaultdict(Task))
370 self.collect_graph(s1, since, to, containers_category, "containers",
371 "arvados_dispatchcloud_containers_running{cluster='%s'}", resampleTo="5min")
373 logging.info("Getting data usage time series")
374 s2 = Summarizer(label="", tasks=collections.defaultdict(Task))
375 self.collect_graph(s2, since, to, storage_category, "managed",
376 "arvados_keep_collection_bytes{cluster='%s'}", resampleTo="60min")
378 self.collect_graph(s2, since, to, storage_category, "storage used",
379 "arvados_keep_total_bytes{cluster='%s'}", resampleTo="60min", extra=self.collect_storage_cost)
381 managed_data_now = s2.tasks[storage_category].series[storage_category,"managed"][-1]
382 storage_used_now = s2.tasks[storage_category].series[storage_category,"storage used"][-1]
384 storage_cost = aws_monthly_cost(storage_used_now.y)
385 dedup_ratio = managed_data_now.y/storage_used_now.y
386 dedup_savings = aws_monthly_cost(managed_data_now.y) - storage_cost
388 self.summarizers = [s1, s2]
396 workbench = self.arv_client.config()["Services"]["Workbench2"]["ExternalURL"]
397 if workbench.endswith("/"):
398 workbench = workbench[:-1]
400 if to.date() == date.today():
401 tophtml.append("""<h2>Cluster status as of {now}</h2>
402 <table class='aggtable'><tbody>
403 <tr><td><a href="{workbench}/users">Total users</a></td><td>{total_users}</td></tr>
404 <tr><td>Total projects</td><td>{total_projects}</td></tr>
405 <tr><td>Total data under management</td><td>{managed_data_now}</td></tr>
406 <tr><td>Total storage usage</td><td>{storage_used_now}</td></tr>
407 <tr><td>Deduplication ratio</td><td>{dedup_ratio:.1f}</td></tr>
408 <tr><td>Approximate monthly storage cost</td><td>${storage_cost:,.2f}</td></tr>
409 <tr><td>Monthly savings from storage deduplication</td><td>${dedup_savings:,.2f}</td></tr>
411 """.format(now=date.today(),
412 total_users=self.total_users,
413 total_projects=self.total_projects,
414 managed_data_now=format_with_suffix_base10(managed_data_now.y),
415 storage_used_now=format_with_suffix_base10(storage_used_now.y),
416 dedup_savings=dedup_savings,
417 storage_cost=storage_cost,
418 dedup_ratio=dedup_ratio,
419 workbench=workbench))
421 tophtml.append("""<h2>Activity and cost over the {reporting_days} day period {since} to {to}</h2>
422 <table class='aggtable'><tbody>
423 <tr><td>Active users</td><td>{active_users}</td></tr>
424 <tr><td><a href="#Active_Projects">Active projects</a></td><td>{active_projects}</td></tr>
425 <tr><td>Workflow runs</td><td>{total_workflows:,}</td></tr>
426 <tr><td>Compute used</td><td>{total_hours:,.1f} hours</td></tr>
427 <tr><td>Compute cost</td><td>${total_cost:,.2f}</td></tr>
428 <tr><td>Storage cost</td><td>${storage_cost:,.2f}</td></tr>
430 """.format(active_users=len(self.active_users),
431 total_users=self.total_users,
432 total_hours=self.total_hours,
433 total_cost=self.total_cost,
434 total_workflows=self.total_workflows,
435 active_projects=len(self.project_summary),
436 since=since.date(), to=to.date(),
437 reporting_days=(to - since).days,
438 storage_cost=self.storage_cost))
442 projectlist = sorted(self.project_summary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].cost, reverse=True)
444 for k, prj in projectlist:
445 if prj.earliest.date() == prj.latest.date():
446 prj.activityspan = "{}".format(prj.earliest.date())
448 prj.activityspan = "{} to {}".format(prj.earliest.date(), prj.latest.date())
450 prj.tablerow = """<td>{users}</td> <td>{active}</td> <td>{hours:,.1f}</td> <td>${cost:,.2f}</td>""".format(
452 active=prj.activityspan,
455 users=", ".join(prj.users),
460 <style>{style}</style>
461 <script>{script}</script>
462 <a id="Active_Projects"><h2>Active Projects</h2></a>
463 <table class='sortable'>
464 <thead><tr><th>Project</th> <th>Users</th> <th>Active</th> <th>Compute usage (hours)</th> <th>Compute cost</th> </tr></thead>
465 <tbody><tr>{projects}</tr></tbody>
467 """.format(projects="</tr>\n<tr>".join("""<td><a href="#{name}">{name}</a></td>{rest}""".format(name=prj.name, rest=prj.tablerow) for k, prj in projectlist),
471 for k, prj in projectlist:
473 for k2, r in sorted(prj.runs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].count, reverse=True):
475 <tr><td>{count}</td> <td>{workflowlink}</td> <td>{runtime}</td> <td>${cost:,.2f}</td> <td>${totalcost:,.2f}</td></tr>
478 runtime=hours_to_runtime_str(r.hours/r.count),
481 workflowlink="""<a href="{workbench}/workflows/{uuid}">{name}</a>""".format(workbench=workbench,uuid=r.uuid,name=r.name)
482 if r.uuid != "none" else r.name))
485 # <thead><tr><th>Users</th> <th>Active</th> <th>Compute usage</th> <th>Compute cost</th> </tr></thead>
486 # <tbody><tr>{projectrow}</tr></tbody>
491 """<a id="{name}"></a><a href="{workbench}/projects/{uuid}"><h2>{name}</h2></a>
494 <tbody><tr>{projectrow}</tr></tbody>
497 <table class='sortable'>
498 <thead><tr><th>Workflow run count</th> <th>Workflow name</th> <th>Mean runtime</th> <th>Mean cost per run</th> <th>Sum cost over runs</th></tr></thead>
502 """.format(name=prj.name,
503 users=", ".join(prj.users),
506 wfsum=" ".join(wfsum),
507 earliest=prj.earliest.date(),
508 latest=prj.latest.date(),
509 activity=prj.activityspan,
510 userplural='s' if len(prj.users) > 1 else '',
511 projectrow=prj.tablerow,
516 return WEBCHART_CLASS(label, self.summarizers).html(tophtml, bottomhtml)
518 def flush_containers(self, pending, include_steps, exclude):
521 for container in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
522 self.arv_client.containers().list,
524 ["uuid", "in", [c["container_uuid"] for c in pending if c["container_uuid"]]],
526 select=["uuid", "started_at", "finished_at", "cost"]):
528 containers[container["uuid"]] = container
531 workflows["none"] = "workflow run from command line"
533 for wf in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
534 self.arv_client.workflows().list,
536 ["uuid", "in", list(set(c["properties"]["template_uuid"]
538 if "template_uuid" in c["properties"] and c["properties"]["template_uuid"].startswith(self.arv_client.config()["ClusterID"])))],
540 select=["uuid", "name"]):
541 workflows[wf["uuid"]] = wf["name"]
545 for pr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
546 self.arv_client.groups().list,
548 ["uuid", "in", list(set(c["owner_uuid"] for c in pending if c["owner_uuid"][6:11] == 'j7d0g'))],
550 select=["uuid", "name"]):
551 projects[pr["uuid"]] = pr["name"]
553 for pr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
554 self.arv_client.users().list,
556 ["uuid", "in", list(set(c["owner_uuid"] for c in pending if c["owner_uuid"][6:11] == 'tpzed')|set(c["modified_by_user_uuid"] for c in pending))],
558 select=["uuid", "full_name", "first_name", "last_name"]):
559 projects[pr["uuid"]] = pr["full_name"]
562 name_regex = re.compile(r"(.+)_[0-9]+")
564 child_cr_containers = set()
567 logging.info("Getting workflow steps")
568 for cr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
569 self.arv_client.container_requests().list,
571 ["requesting_container_uuid", "in", list(containers.keys())],
573 select=["uuid", "name", "cumulative_cost", "requesting_container_uuid", "container_uuid"]):
575 if cr["cumulative_cost"] == 0:
578 g = name_regex.fullmatch(cr["name"])
582 child_crs.setdefault(cr["requesting_container_uuid"], []).append(cr)
583 child_cr_containers.add(cr["container_uuid"])
584 if len(child_cr_containers) == 1000:
585 stepcount += len(child_cr_containers)
586 for container in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
587 self.arv_client.containers().list,
589 ["uuid", "in", list(child_cr_containers)],
591 select=["uuid", "started_at", "finished_at", "cost"]):
593 containers[container["uuid"]] = container
595 logging.info("Got workflow steps %s - %s", stepcount-len(child_cr_containers), stepcount)
596 child_cr_containers.clear()
598 if child_cr_containers:
599 stepcount += len(child_cr_containers)
600 for container in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
601 self.arv_client.containers().list,
603 ["uuid", "in", list(child_cr_containers)],
605 select=["uuid", "started_at", "finished_at", "cost"]):
607 containers[container["uuid"]] = container
608 logging.info("Got workflow steps %s - %s", stepcount-len(child_cr_containers), stepcount)
610 for container_request in pending:
611 if not container_request["container_uuid"] or not containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["started_at"] or not containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]:
614 template_uuid = container_request["properties"].get("template_uuid", "none")
615 workflowname = container_request["name"] if template_uuid == "none" else workflows.get(template_uuid, "workflow missing")
617 if exclude and re.search(exclude, workflowname, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
621 "Project": projects.get(container_request["owner_uuid"], "unknown owner"),
622 "ProjectUUID": container_request["owner_uuid"],
623 "Workflow": workflowname,
624 "WorkflowUUID": container_request["properties"].get("template_uuid", "none"),
625 "Step": "workflow runner",
626 "StepUUID": container_request["uuid"],
627 "Sample": container_request["name"],
628 "SampleUUID": container_request["uuid"],
629 "User": projects.get(container_request["modified_by_user_uuid"], "unknown user"),
630 "UserUUID": container_request["modified_by_user_uuid"],
631 "Submitted": csv_dateformat(container_request["created_at"]),
632 "Started": csv_dateformat(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["started_at"]),
633 "Finished": csv_dateformat(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]),
634 "Runtime": runtime_str(container_request, containers),
635 "Cost": round(containers[container_request["container_uuid"]]["cost"] if include_steps else container_request["cumulative_cost"], 3),
636 "CumulativeCost": round(container_request["cumulative_cost"], 3)
640 for child_cr in child_crs.get(container_request["container_uuid"], []):
641 if not child_cr["container_uuid"] or not containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["started_at"] or not containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]:
644 "Project": projects.get(container_request["owner_uuid"], "unknown owner"),
645 "ProjectUUID": container_request["owner_uuid"],
646 "Workflow": workflows.get(container_request["properties"].get("template_uuid", "none"), "workflow missing"),
647 "WorkflowUUID": container_request["properties"].get("template_uuid", "none"),
648 "Step": child_cr["name"],
649 "StepUUID": child_cr["uuid"],
650 "Sample": container_request["name"],
651 "SampleUUID": container_request["name"],
652 "User": projects.get(container_request["modified_by_user_uuid"], "unknown user"),
653 "UserUUID": container_request["modified_by_user_uuid"],
654 "Submitted": csv_dateformat(child_cr["created_at"]),
655 "Started": csv_dateformat(containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["started_at"]),
656 "Finished": csv_dateformat(containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["finished_at"]),
657 "Runtime": runtime_str(child_cr, containers),
658 "Cost": round(containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["cost"], 3),
659 "CumulativeCost": round(containers[child_cr["container_uuid"]]["cost"], 3),
663 def collect_summary_stats(self, row):
664 self.active_users.add(row["User"])
665 self.project_summary.setdefault(row["ProjectUUID"],
666 ProjectSummary(users=set(),
668 uuid=row["ProjectUUID"],
669 name=row["Project"]))
670 prj = self.project_summary[row["ProjectUUID"]]
674 prj.users.add(row["User"])
675 hrs = runtime_in_hours(row["Runtime"])
678 started = datetime.strptime(row["Started"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
679 finished = datetime.strptime(row["Finished"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
681 if started < prj.earliest:
682 prj.earliest = started
684 if finished > prj.latest:
685 prj.latest = finished
687 if row["Step"] == "workflow runner":
688 prj.runs.setdefault(row["Workflow"], WorkflowRunSummary(name=row["Workflow"],
689 uuid=row["WorkflowUUID"]))
690 wfuuid = row["Workflow"]
691 prj.runs[wfuuid].count += 1
692 prj.runs[wfuuid].cost += row["CumulativeCost"]
693 prj.runs[wfuuid].hours += hrs
694 self.total_workflows += 1
696 self.total_hours += hrs
697 self.total_cost += cost
699 def report_from_api(self, since, to, include_steps, exclude):
703 for container_request in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(
704 self.arv_client.container_requests().list,
706 ["command", "like", "[\"arvados-cwl-runner%"],
707 ["created_at", ">=", since.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")],
709 select=["uuid", "owner_uuid", "container_uuid", "name", "cumulative_cost", "properties", "modified_by_user_uuid", "created_at"]):
711 if container_request["cumulative_cost"] == 0:
714 if len(pending) < 1000:
715 pending.append(container_request)
717 count += len(pending)
718 logging.info("Exporting workflow runs %s - %s", count-len(pending), count)
719 for row in self.flush_containers(pending, include_steps, exclude):
720 self.collect_summary_stats(row)
724 count += len(pending)
725 logging.info("Exporting workflow runs %s - %s", count-len(pending), count)
726 for row in self.flush_containers(pending, include_steps, exclude):
727 self.collect_summary_stats(row)
730 userinfo = self.arv_client.users().list(filters=[["is_active", "=", True]], limit=0).execute()
731 self.total_users = userinfo["items_available"]
733 groupinfo = self.arv_client.groups().list(filters=[["group_class", "=", "project"]], limit=0).execute()
734 self.total_projects = groupinfo["items_available"]
736 def csv_report(self, since, to, out, include_steps, columns, exclude):
738 columns = columns.split(",")
741 columns = ("Project", "Workflow", "Step", "Sample", "User", "Submitted", "Runtime", "Cost")
743 columns = ("Project", "Workflow", "Sample", "User", "Submitted", "Runtime", "Cost")
745 csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(out, fieldnames=columns, extrasaction="ignore")
746 csvwriter.writeheader()
748 for row in self.report_from_api(since, to, include_steps, exclude):
749 csvwriter.writerow(row)