19691: Avoid showing generic errors on collection & project create dialogs.
[arvados.git] / src / store / collections-content-address-panel / collections-content-address-middleware-service.ts
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services';
6 import { MiddlewareAPI, Dispatch } from 'redux';
7 import { DataExplorerMiddlewareService } from 'store/data-explorer/data-explorer-middleware-service';
8 import { RootState } from 'store/store';
9 import { getUserUuid } from "common/getuser";
10 import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from 'store/snackbar/snackbar-actions';
11 import { getDataExplorer } from 'store/data-explorer/data-explorer-reducer';
12 import { resourcesActions } from 'store/resources/resources-actions';
13 import { FilterBuilder } from 'services/api/filter-builder';
14 import { SortDirection } from 'components/data-table/data-column';
15 import { OrderDirection, OrderBuilder } from 'services/api/order-builder';
16 import { getSortColumn } from "store/data-explorer/data-explorer-reducer";
17 import { FavoritePanelColumnNames } from 'views/favorite-panel/favorite-panel';
18 import { GroupContentsResource, GroupContentsResourcePrefix } from 'services/groups-service/groups-service';
19 import { progressIndicatorActions } from 'store/progress-indicator/progress-indicator-actions';
20 import { collectionsContentAddressActions } from './collections-content-address-panel-actions';
21 import { navigateTo } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action';
22 import { updateFavorites } from 'store/favorites/favorites-actions';
23 import { updatePublicFavorites } from 'store/public-favorites/public-favorites-actions';
24 import { setBreadcrumbs } from '../breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs-actions';
25 import { ResourceKind, extractUuidKind } from 'models/resource';
26 import { ownerNameActions } from 'store/owner-name/owner-name-actions';
27 import { getUserDisplayName } from 'models/user';
29 export class CollectionsWithSameContentAddressMiddlewareService extends DataExplorerMiddlewareService {
30     constructor(private services: ServiceRepository, id: string) {
31         super(id);
32     }
34     async requestItems(api: MiddlewareAPI<Dispatch, RootState>) {
35         const dataExplorer = getDataExplorer(api.getState().dataExplorer, this.getId());
36         if (!dataExplorer) {
37             api.dispatch(collectionPanelDataExplorerIsNotSet());
38         } else {
39             const sortColumn = getSortColumn(dataExplorer);
41             const contentOrder = new OrderBuilder<GroupContentsResource>();
43             if (sortColumn && sortColumn.name === FavoritePanelColumnNames.NAME) {
44                 const direction = sortColumn.sortDirection === SortDirection.ASC
45                     ? OrderDirection.ASC
46                     : OrderDirection.DESC;
48                 contentOrder
49                     .addOrder(direction, "name", GroupContentsResourcePrefix.COLLECTION);
50             }
51             try {
52                 api.dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.START_WORKING(this.getId()));
53                 const userUuid = getUserUuid(api.getState());
54                 const pathname = api.getState().router.location!.pathname;
55                 const contentAddress = pathname.split('/')[2];
56                 const response = await this.services.collectionService.list({
57                     limit: dataExplorer.rowsPerPage,
58                     offset: dataExplorer.page * dataExplorer.rowsPerPage,
59                     filters: new FilterBuilder()
60                         .addEqual('portable_data_hash', contentAddress)
61                         .addILike("name", dataExplorer.searchValue)
62                         .getFilters(),
63                     includeOldVersions: true
64                 });
65                 const userUuids = response.items.map(it => {
66                     if (extractUuidKind(it.ownerUuid) === ResourceKind.USER) {
67                         return it.ownerUuid;
68                     } else {
69                         return '';
70                     }
71                 }
72                 );
73                 const groupUuids = response.items.map(it => {
74                     if (extractUuidKind(it.ownerUuid) === ResourceKind.GROUP) {
75                         return it.ownerUuid;
76                     } else {
77                         return '';
78                     }
79                 });
80                 const responseUsers = await this.services.userService.list({
81                     filters: new FilterBuilder()
82                         .addIn('uuid', userUuids)
83                         .getFilters(),
84                     count: "none"
85                 });
86                 const responseGroups = await this.services.groupsService.list({
87                     filters: new FilterBuilder()
88                         .addIn('uuid', groupUuids)
89                         .getFilters(),
90                     count: "none"
91                 });
92                 responseUsers.items.forEach(it => {
93                     api.dispatch<any>(ownerNameActions.SET_OWNER_NAME({
94                         name: it.uuid === userUuid
95                             ? 'User: Me'
96                             : `User: ${getUserDisplayName(it)}`,
97                         uuid: it.uuid
98                     }));
99                 });
100                 responseGroups.items.forEach(it => {
101                     api.dispatch<any>(ownerNameActions.SET_OWNER_NAME({ name: `Project: ${it.name}`, uuid: it.uuid }));
102                 });
103                 api.dispatch<any>(setBreadcrumbs([{ label: 'Projects', uuid: userUuid }]));
104                 api.dispatch<any>(updateFavorites(response.items.map(item => item.uuid)));
105                 api.dispatch<any>(updatePublicFavorites(response.items.map(item => item.uuid)));
106                 if (response.itemsAvailable === 1) {
107                     api.dispatch<any>(navigateTo(response.items[0].uuid));
108                     api.dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.PERSIST_STOP_WORKING(this.getId()));
109                 } else {
110                     api.dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.PERSIST_STOP_WORKING(this.getId()));
111                     api.dispatch(resourcesActions.SET_RESOURCES(response.items));
112                     api.dispatch(collectionsContentAddressActions.SET_ITEMS({
113                         items: response.items.map((resource: any) => resource.uuid),
114                         itemsAvailable: response.itemsAvailable,
115                         page: Math.floor(response.offset / response.limit),
116                         rowsPerPage: response.limit
117                     }));
118                 }
119             } catch (e) {
120                 api.dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.PERSIST_STOP_WORKING(this.getId()));
121                 api.dispatch(collectionsContentAddressActions.SET_ITEMS({
122                     items: [],
123                     itemsAvailable: 0,
124                     page: 0,
125                     rowsPerPage: dataExplorer.rowsPerPage
126                 }));
127                 api.dispatch(couldNotFetchCollections());
128             }
129         }
130     }
131 }
133 const collectionPanelDataExplorerIsNotSet = () =>
134     snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({
135         message: 'Collection panel is not ready.',
136         kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR
137     });
139 const couldNotFetchCollections = () =>
140     snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({
141         message: 'Could not fetch collection with this content address.',
142         kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR
143     });