10144: Conver the link_to_log tests into controller tests so that the #show is executed.
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / test / helpers / repository_stub_helper.rb
1 module RepositoryStubHelper
2   # Supply some fake git content.
3   def stub_repo_content opts={}
4     fakesha1 = opts[:sha1] || 'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd'
5     fakefilename = opts[:filename] || 'COPYING'
6     fakefilesrc = File.expand_path('../../../../../'+fakefilename, __FILE__)
7     fakefile = File.read fakefilesrc
8     fakecommit = <<-EOS
9       commit abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcd
10       Author: Fake R <fake@example.com>
11       Date:   Wed Apr 1 11:59:59 2015 -0400
13           It's a fake commit.
15     EOS
16     Repository.any_instance.stubs(:ls_tree_lr).with(fakesha1).returns <<-EOS
17       100644 blob eec475862e6ec2a87554e0fca90697e87f441bf5     226    .gitignore
18       100644 blob acbd7523ed49f01217874965aa3180cccec89d61     625    COPYING
19       100644 blob d645695673349e3947e8e5ae42332d0ac3164cd7   11358    LICENSE-2.0.txt
20       100644 blob c7a36c355b4a2b94dfab45c9748330022a788c91     622    README
21       100644 blob dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3   34520    agpl-3.0.txt
22       100644 blob 9bef02bbfda670595750fd99a4461005ce5b8f12     695    apps/workbench/.gitignore
23       100644 blob b51f674d90f68bfb50d9304068f915e42b04aea4    2249    apps/workbench/Gemfile
24       100644 blob b51f674d90f68bfb50d9304068f915e42b04aea4    2249    apps/workbench/Gemfile
25       100755 blob cdd5ebaff27781f93ab85e484410c0ce9e97770f    1012    crunch_scripts/hash
26     EOS
27     Repository.any_instance.
28       stubs(:cat_file).with(fakesha1, fakefilename).returns fakefile
29     Repository.any_instance.
30       stubs(:show).with(fakesha1).returns fakecommit
31     return fakesha1, fakecommit, fakefile
32   end
33 end