8 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
10 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
13 In these examples, the site prefix is @aaaaa@.
17 {% codeblock as python %}
19 api = arvados.api("v1")
24 {% codeblock as python %}
25 result = api.collections().create(body={"collection": {"name": "create example"}}).execute()
30 {% codeblock as python %}
31 result = api.collections().delete(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc").execute()
36 {% codeblock as python %}
37 result = api.collections().get(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc").execute()
42 {% codeblock as python %}
43 result = api.collections().list(filters=[["uuid", "=", "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccccccccccccc"]]).execute()
48 {% codeblock as python %}
49 result = api.collections().update(uuid="aaaaa-4zz18-ccccccccccccccc", body={"collection": {"name": "update example"}}).execute()
54 {% codeblock as python %}
55 result = api.users().current().execute()