3 navsection: installguide
4 title: Build a cloud compute node image
7 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
9 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
12 {% include 'notebox_begin_warning' %}
13 @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ is only relevant for cloud installations. Skip this section if you are installing an on premises cluster that will spool jobs to Slurm or LSF.
14 {% include 'notebox_end' %}
16 # "Introduction":#introduction
17 # "Install Packer":#install-packer
18 # "Create an SSH keypair":#sshkeypair
19 # "Compute image requirements":#requirements
20 # "The build script":#building
21 ## "DNS resolution":#dns-resolution
22 ## "NVIDIA GPU support":#nvidia
23 ## "Singularity mksquashfs configuration":#singularity_mksquashfs_configuration
24 ## "apt package version pins":#apt-pins
25 # "Build an AWS image":#aws
26 ## "Autoscaling compute node scratch space":#aws-ebs-autoscaler
27 # "Build an Azure image":#azure
29 h2(#introduction). Introduction
31 This page describes how to build a compute node image that can be used to run containers dispatched by Arvados in the cloud.
33 Packer templates for AWS and Azure are provided with Arvados. To use them, the following are needed:
35 * "Packer":https://www.packer.io/
36 * credentials for your cloud account
37 * configuration details for your cloud account
39 h2(#install-packer). Install Packer
41 "Download Packer here":https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/downloads
43 h2(#sshkeypair). Create a SSH keypair
45 @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ communicates with the compute nodes via SSH. To do this securely, a SSH keypair is needed.
47 Generate a SSH keypair with no passphrase. The private key needs to be stored in the cluster configuration file (see @Containers/DispatchPrivateKey@) for use by @arvados-dispatch-cloud@, as described in the "next section":install-dispatch-cloud.html#update-config. The public key will be baked into the compute node images, see the cloud-specific documentation below.
50 <pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">ssh-keygen -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_dispatcher</span>
51 Generating public/private rsa key pair.
52 Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_dispatcher.
53 Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_dispatcher.pub.
54 The key fingerprint is:
56 ~$ <span class="userinput">cat ~/.ssh/id_dispatcher</span>
58 MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAqXoCzcOBkFQ7w4dvXf9B++1ctgZRqEbgRYL3SstuMV4oawks
59 ttUuxJycDdsPmeYcHsKo8vsEZpN6iYsX6ZZzhkO5nEayUTU8sBjmg1ZCTo4QqKXr
61 oFyAjVoexx0RBcH6BveTfQtJKbktP1qBO4mXo2dP0cacuZEtlAqW9Eb06Pvaw/D9
62 foktmqOY8MyctzFgXBpGTxPliGjqo8OkrOyQP2g+FL7v+Km31Xs61P8=
63 -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
67 h2(#requirements). Compute image requirements
69 Arvados comes with a build script to automate the creation of a suitable compute node image (see "The build script":#building below). It is provided as a convenience. It is also possible to create a compute node image via other means. These are the requirements:
71 * for AWS: the SSH public key for @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ (the one that corresponds with @Containers.DispatchPrivateKey@ in the Arvados config file) needs to go into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the SSH user you want @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ to use (cf. @CloudVMs.DriverParameters.AdminUsername@ in the Arvados config file) and that user needs to be able to sudo without password prompt, unless you use `root` in which case sudo is not used.
72 * for Azure: @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ automatically extracts the SSH public key from the value of @Containers.DispatchPrivateKey@ and uses an API call to create the user specified in @CloudVMs.DriverParameters.AdminUsername@ with that SSH public key and password-less sudo enabled.
73 * SSH needs to be running and reachable by @arvados-dispatch-cloud@ on port 22 (or a custom port, see @CloudVMS.SSHPort@ to in the Arvados config file)
74 * the @python3-arvados-fuse@ package needs to be installed
75 * @Docker@ or @Singularity@ needs to be installed (cf. @Containers.RuntimeEngine@ in the Arvados config file).
76 * all available scratch space should be made available under `/tmp`.
78 h2(#building). The build script
80 The necessary files are located in the @arvados/tools/compute-images@ directory in the source tree. A build script is provided to generate the image. The @--help@ argument lists all available options:
82 <notextile><pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">./build.sh --help</span>
83 build.sh: Build cloud images for arvados-dispatch-cloud
90 --json-file <path>
91 Path to the packer json file (required)
92 --arvados-cluster-id <xxxxx>
93 The ID of the Arvados cluster, e.g. zzzzz(required)
94 --aws-profile <profile>
95 AWS profile to use (valid profile from ~/.aws/config (optional)
96 --aws-secrets-file <path>
97 AWS secrets file which will be sourced from this script (optional)
98 When building for AWS, either an AWS profile or an AWS secrets file
100 --aws-source-ami <ami-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
101 The AMI to use as base for building the images (required if building for AWS)
102 --aws-region <region> (default: us-east-1)
103 The AWS region to use for building the images
104 --aws-vpc-id <vpc-id>
105 VPC id for AWS, if not specified packer will derive from the subnet id or pick the default one.
106 --aws-subnet-id <subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
107 Subnet id for AWS, if not specified packer will pick the default one for the VPC.
109 Install the AWS EBS autoscaler daemon (default: do not install the AWS EBS autoscaler).
110 --aws-associate-public-ip <true|false>
111 Associate a public IP address with the node used for building the compute image.
112 Required when the machine running packer can not reach the node used for building
113 the compute image via its private IP. (default: true if building for AWS)
114 Note: if the subnet has "Auto-assign public IPv4 address" enabled, disabling this
115 flag will have no effect.
116 --aws-ena-support <true|false>
117 Enable enhanced networking (default: true if building for AWS)
118 --gcp-project-id <project-id>
119 GCP project id (required if building for GCP)
120 --gcp-account-file <path>
121 GCP account file (required if building for GCP)
122 --gcp-zone <zone> (default: us-central1-f)
124 --azure-secrets-file <patch>
125 Azure secrets file which will be sourced from this script (required if building for Azure)
126 --azure-resource-group <resouce-group>
127 Azure resource group (required if building for Azure)
128 --azure-location <location>
129 Azure location, e.g. centralus, eastus, westeurope (required if building for Azure)
130 --azure-sku <sku> (required if building for Azure, e.g. 16.04-LTS)
131 Azure SKU image to use
132 --ssh_user <user> (default: packer)
133 The user packer will use to log into the image
134 --workdir <path> (default: /tmp)
135 The directory where data files are staged and setup scripts are run
136 --resolver <resolver_IP>
137 The dns resolver for the machine (default: host's network provided)
138 --reposuffix <suffix>
139 Set this to "-dev" to track the unstable/dev Arvados repositories
140 --pin-packages, --no-pin-packages
141 These flags determine whether or not to configure apt pins for Arvados
142 and third-party packages it depends on. By default packages are pinned
143 unless you set `--reposuffix -dev`.
144 --public-key-file <path>
145 Path to the public key file that a-d-c will use to log into the compute node (required)
146 --mksquashfs-mem (default: 256M)
147 Only relevant when using Singularity. This is the amount of memory mksquashfs is allowed to use.
149 Install all the necessary tooling for Nvidia GPU support (default: do not install Nvidia GPU support)
151 Output debug information (default: no debug output is printed)
152 </code></pre></notextile>
154 The following sections highlight common configuration settings with more information.
156 h3(#dns-resolution). DNS resolution
158 Compute nodes must be able to resolve the hostnames of the API server and any keepstore servers to your internal IP addresses. If you are on AWS and using Route 53 for your DNS, the default resolver configuration can be used with no extra options.
160 You can also run your own internal DNS resolver. In that case, the IP address of the resolver should be passed as the value for the @--resolver@ argument to "the build script":#building.
162 As a third option, the services could be hardcoded into an @/etc/hosts@ file. For example:
164 <notextile><pre><code> <span class="userinput">ClusterID.example.com</span>
165 <span class="userinput">keep1.ClusterID.example.com</span>
166 <span class="userinput">keep2.ClusterID.example.com</span>
167 </code></pre></notextile>
169 Adding these lines to the @/etc/hosts@ file in the compute node image could be done with a small change to the Packer template and the @scripts/base.sh@ script, which will be left as an exercise for the reader.
171 h3(#nvidia). NVIDIA GPU support
173 If you plan on using instance types with NVIDIA GPUs, add @--nvidia-gpu-support@ to the build command line. Arvados uses the same compute image for both GPU and non-GPU instance types. The GPU tooling is ignored when using the image with a non-GPU instance type.
175 {% assign mksquashfs_header = "h3" %}
176 {% assign show_docker_warning = true %}
177 {% include 'singularity_mksquashfs_configuration' %}
179 The desired amount of memory to make available for @mksquashfs@ can be configured in an argument to "the build script":#building. It defaults to @256M@.
181 h3(#apt-pins). apt package version pins
183 By default, unless your image uses development packages with @--reposuffix -dev@, the build script configures apt with version pins for Arvados and third-party packages it depends on. This ensures that everything apt installs has been tested and is known to work with your version of Arvados. The version pins have some flexibility to allow apt to install security updates and other changes that are unlikely to interfere with Arvados.
185 You can explicitly control whether or not these version pins are configured with the @--pin-packages@ and @--no-pin-packages@ flags. You should only need to use these flags if you are doing development work on the compute image and specifically want to test compatibility with different versions.
187 h2(#aws). Build an AWS image
189 For @ClusterID@, fill in your cluster ID.
191 @AWSProfile@ is the name of an AWS profile in your "credentials file":https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html#shared-credentials-file (@~/.aws/credentials@) listing the @aws_access_key_id@ and @aws_secret_access_key@ to use.
193 The @AMI@ is the identifier for the base image to be used. Current AMIs are maintained by "Debian":https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Buster and "Ubuntu":https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/.
195 The @VPC@ and @Subnet@ should be configured for where you want the compute image to be generated and stored.
197 @ArvadosDispatchCloudPublicKeyPath@ should be replaced with the path to the ssh *public* key file generated in "Create an SSH keypair":#sshkeypair, above.
199 <notextile><pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">./build.sh --json-file arvados-images-aws.json \
200 --arvados-cluster-id ClusterID \
201 --aws-profile AWSProfile \
202 --aws-source-ami AMI \
204 --aws-subnet-id Subnet \
206 --public-key-file ArvadosDispatchCloudPublicKeyPath
207 </span></code></pre></notextile>
209 h3(#aws-ebs-autoscaler). Autoscaling compute node scratch space
211 Arvados supports "AWS EBS autoscaler":https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-ebs-autoscale. This feature automatically expands the scratch space on the compute node on demand by 200 GB at a time, up to 5 TB.
213 If you want to add the daemon in your images, add the @--aws-ebs-autoscale@ flag to the "the build script":#building.
215 The AWS EBS autoscaler daemon will be installed with this configuration:
217 <notextile><pre><code>{
218 "mountpoint": "/tmp",
219 "filesystem": "lvm.ext4",
221 "volume_group": "autoscale_vg",
222 "logical_volume": "autoscale_lv"
229 "detection_interval": 2,
231 "max_ebs_volume_size": 1500,
232 "max_logical_volume_size": 8000,
233 "max_ebs_volume_count": 16
236 "log_file": "/var/log/ebs-autoscale.log",
240 </code></pre></notextile>
242 Changing the ebs-autoscale configuration is left as an exercise for the reader.
244 This feature also requires a few Arvados configuration changes, described in "EBS Autoscale configuration":install-dispatch-cloud.html#aws-ebs-autoscaler.
246 h2(#azure). Build an Azure image
248 <notextile><pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">./build.sh --json-file arvados-images-azure.json \
249 --arvados-cluster-id ClusterID \
250 --azure-resource-group ResourceGroup \
251 --azure-location AzureRegion \
252 --azure-sku AzureSKU \
253 --azure-secrets-file AzureSecretsFilePath \
254 --resolver ResolverIP \
255 --public-key-file ArvadosDispatchCloudPublicKeyPath
256 </span></code></pre></notextile>
258 For @ClusterID@, fill in your cluster ID. The @ResourceGroup@ and @AzureRegion@ (e.g. 'eastus2') should be configured for where you want the compute image to be generated and stored. The @AzureSKU@ is the SKU of the base image to be used, e.g. '18.04-LTS' for Ubuntu 18.04.
260 @AzureSecretsFilePath@ should be replaced with the path to a shell script that loads the Azure secrets with sufficient permissions to create the image. The file would look like this:
262 <notextile><pre><code>export ARM_CLIENT_ID=...
263 export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=...
264 export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=...
265 export ARM_TENANT_ID=...
266 </code></pre></notextile>
268 These secrets can be generated from the Azure portal, or with the cli using a command like this:
270 <notextile><pre><code>~$ <span class="userinput">az ad sp create-for-rbac --name Packer --password ...</span>
271 </code></pre></notextile>
273 @ArvadosDispatchCloudPublicKeyPath@ should be replaced with the path to the ssh *public* key file generated in "Create an SSH keypair":#sshkeypair, above.