1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
6 require 'webrick/https'
8 require 'helpers/users_test_helper'
10 class RemoteUsersTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
13 def salted_active_token(remote:)
14 salt_token(fixture: :active, remote: remote).sub('/zzzzz-', '/'+remote+'-')
18 token = salted_active_token(remote: remote)
19 {"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Bearer #{token}"}
22 # For remote authentication tests, we bring up a simple stub server
23 # (on a port chosen by webrick) and configure the SUT so the stub is
24 # responsible for clusters "zbbbb" (a well-behaved cluster) and
25 # "zbork" (a misbehaving cluster).
27 # Test cases can override the stub's default response to
28 # .../users/current by changing @stub_status and @stub_content.
31 clnt.ssl_config.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
32 HTTPClient.stubs(:new).returns clnt
34 @controller = Arvados::V1::UsersController.new
35 ready = Thread::Queue.new
36 srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(
38 Logger: WEBrick::Log.new(
39 Rails.root.join("log", "webrick.log").to_s,
41 AccessLog: [[File.open(Rails.root.join(
42 "log", "webrick_access.log").to_s, 'a+'),
43 WEBrick::AccessLog::COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT]],
45 SSLVerifyClient: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE,
46 SSLPrivateKey: OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(
47 File.open(Rails.root.join("tmp", "self-signed.key")).read),
48 SSLCertificate: OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(
49 File.open(Rails.root.join("tmp", "self-signed.pem")).read),
50 SSLCertName: [["CN", WEBrick::Utils::getservername]],
51 StartCallback: lambda { ready.push(true) })
52 srv.mount_proc '/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest' do |req, res|
53 Rails.cache.delete 'arvados_v1_rest_discovery'
54 res.body = Arvados::V1::SchemaController.new.send(:discovery_doc).to_json
56 srv.mount_proc '/arvados/v1/users/current' do |req, res|
57 res.status = @stub_status
58 res.body = @stub_content.is_a?(String) ? @stub_content : @stub_content.to_json
65 @remote_host = "{srv.config[:Port]}"
66 Rails.configuration.remote_hosts['zbbbb'] = @remote_host
67 Rails.configuration.remote_hosts['zbork'] = @remote_host
68 Arvados::V1::SchemaController.any_instance.stubs(:root_url).returns "https://#{@remote_host}"
71 uuid: 'zbbbb-tpzed-000000000000000',
72 email: 'foo@example.com',
80 @remote_server.andand.stop
83 test 'authenticate with remote token' do
84 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
85 assert_response :success
86 assert_equal 'zbbbb-tpzed-000000000000000', json_response['uuid']
87 assert_equal false, json_response['is_admin']
88 assert_equal false, json_response['is_active']
89 assert_equal 'foo@example.com', json_response['email']
90 assert_equal 'barney', json_response['username']
92 # revoke original token
95 # re-authorize before cache expires
96 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
97 assert_response :success
99 # simulate cache expiry
100 ApiClientAuthorization.where(
101 uuid: salted_active_token(remote: 'zbbbb').split('/')[1]).
102 update_all(expires_at: db_current_time - 1.minute)
104 # re-authorize after cache expires
105 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
108 # simulate cached token indicating wrong user (e.g., local user
109 # entry was migrated out of the way taking the cached token with
110 # it, or authorizing cluster reassigned auth to a different user)
111 ApiClientAuthorization.where(
112 uuid: salted_active_token(remote: 'zbbbb').split('/')[1]).
113 update_all(user_id: users(:active).id)
115 # revive original token and re-authorize
117 @stub_content[:username] = 'blarney'
118 @stub_content[:email] = 'blarney@example.com'
119 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
120 assert_response :success
121 assert_equal 'barney', json_response['username'], 'local username should not change once assigned'
122 assert_equal 'blarney@example.com', json_response['email']
125 test 'authenticate with remote token, remote username conflicts with local' do
126 @stub_content[:username] = 'active'
127 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
128 assert_response :success
129 assert_equal 'active2', json_response['username']
132 test 'authenticate with remote token, remote username is nil' do
133 @stub_content.delete :username
134 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
135 assert_response :success
136 assert_equal 'foo', json_response['username']
139 test 'authenticate with remote token from misbhehaving remote cluster' do
140 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbork')
144 test 'authenticate with remote token that fails validate' do
147 error: 'not authorized',
149 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
157 "v2/'; delete from users where 1=1; commit; select '/lol",
159 'v2/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1',
160 'v2/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1/',
161 'v2/3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi',
162 'v2/3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1',
163 'v2//3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi',
164 'v8/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1/3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi',
165 '/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1/3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi',
166 '"v2/zzzzz-gj3su-077z32aux8dg2s1/3kg6k6lzmp9kj5cpkcoxie963cmvjahbt2fod9zru30k1jqdmi"',
171 test "authenticate with malformed remote token #{token}" do
172 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, {"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Bearer #{token}"}
177 test "ignore extra fields in remote token" do
178 token = salted_active_token(remote: 'zbbbb') + '/foo/bar/baz/*'
179 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, {"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Bearer #{token}"}
180 assert_response :success
183 test 'remote api server is not an api server' do
185 @stub_content = '<html>bad</html>'
186 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
190 ['zbbbb', 'z0000'].each do |token_valid_for|
191 test "validate #{token_valid_for}-salted token for remote cluster zbbbb" do
192 salted_token = salt_token(fixture: :active, remote: token_valid_for)
193 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json', remote: 'zbbbb'}, {
194 "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Bearer #{salted_token}"
196 if token_valid_for == 'zbbbb'
198 assert_equal(users(:active).uuid, json_response['uuid'])
205 test "list readable groups with salted token" do
206 salted_token = salt_token(fixture: :active, remote: 'zbbbb')
207 get '/arvados/v1/groups', {
212 "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => "Bearer #{salted_token}"
215 group_uuids = json_response['items'].collect { |i| i['uuid'] }
216 assert_includes(group_uuids, 'zzzzz-j7d0g-fffffffffffffff')
217 refute_includes(group_uuids, 'zzzzz-j7d0g-000000000000000')
218 assert_includes(group_uuids, groups(:aproject).uuid)
219 refute_includes(group_uuids, groups(:trashed_project).uuid)
220 refute_includes(group_uuids, groups(:testusergroup_admins).uuid)
223 test 'auto-activate user from trusted cluster' do
224 Rails.configuration.auto_activate_users_from = ['zbbbb']
225 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
226 assert_response :success
227 assert_equal 'zbbbb-tpzed-000000000000000', json_response['uuid']
228 assert_equal false, json_response['is_admin']
229 assert_equal true, json_response['is_active']
230 assert_equal 'foo@example.com', json_response['email']
231 assert_equal 'barney', json_response['username']
234 test 'pre-activate remote user' do
235 post '/arvados/v1/users', {
237 "uuid" => "zbbbb-tpzed-000000000000000",
238 "email" => 'foo@example.com',
239 "username" => 'barney',
242 }, {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => "OAuth2 #{api_token(:admin)}"}
243 assert_response :success
245 get '/arvados/v1/users/current', {format: 'json'}, auth(remote: 'zbbbb')
246 assert_response :success
247 assert_equal 'zbbbb-tpzed-000000000000000', json_response['uuid']
248 assert_equal nil, json_response['is_admin']
249 assert_equal true, json_response['is_active']
250 assert_equal 'foo@example.com', json_response['email']
251 assert_equal 'barney', json_response['username']