add delete method. refs #1406
[arvados.git] / app / controllers / orvos / v1 / schema_controller.rb
1 class Orvos::V1::SchemaController < ApplicationController
2   skip_before_filter :find_object_by_uuid
3   skip_before_filter :login_required
5   def show
6     classes = Rails.cache.fetch 'orvos_v1_schema' do
7       Rails.application.eager_load!
8       classes = {}
9       ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |k|
10         classes[k] = k.columns.collect do |col|
11           if k.serialized_attributes.has_key?
12             { name:,
13               type: k.serialized_attributes[].object_class.to_s }
14           else
15             { name:,
16               type: col.type }
17           end
18         end
19       end
20       classes
21     end
22     render json: classes
23   end
25   def discovery_rest_description
26     discovery = Rails.cache.fetch 'orvos_v1_rest_discovery' do
27       Rails.application.eager_load!
28       discovery = {
29         kind: "discovery#restDescription",
30         discoveryVersion: "v1",
31         id: "orvos:v1",
32         name: "orvos",
33         version: "v1",
34         revision: "20130226",
35         title: "Orvos API",
36         description: "The API to interact with Orvos.",
37         documentationLink: "",
38         protocol: "rest",
39         baseUrl: root_url + "/orvos/v1/",
40         basePath: "/orvos/v1/",
41         rootUrl: root_url,
42         servicePath: "orvos/v1/",
43         batchPath: "batch",
44         parameters: {
45           alt: {
46             type: "string",
47             description: "Data format for the response.",
48             default: "json",
49             enum: [
50                    "json"
51                   ],
52             enumDescriptions: [
53                                "Responses with Content-Type of application/json"
54                               ],
55             location: "query"
56           },
57           fields: {
58             type: "string",
59             description: "Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
60             location: "query"
61           },
62           key: {
63             type: "string",
64             description: "API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
65             location: "query"
66           },
67           oauth_token: {
68             type: "string",
69             description: "OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
70             location: "query"
71           }
72         },
73         auth: {
74           oauth2: {
75             scopes: {
76               "" => {
77                 description: "View and manage objects"
78               },
79               "" => {
80                 description: "View objects"
81               }
82             }
83           }
84         },
85         schemas: {},
86         resources: {}
87       }
89       ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.reject(&:abstract_class?).each do |k|
90         object_properties = {}
91         k.columns.
92           select { |col| != 'id' }.
93           collect do |col|
94           if k.serialized_attributes.has_key?
95             object_properties[] = {
96               type: k.serialized_attributes[].object_class.to_s
97             }
98           else
99             object_properties[] = {
100               type: col.type
101             }
102           end
103         end
104         discovery[:schemas][k.to_s + 'List'] = {
105           id: k.to_s,
106           description: k.to_s,
107           type: "object",
108           properties: {
109             kind: {
110               type: "string",
111               description: "Object type. Always orvos##{k.to_s.camelcase(:lower)}List.",
112               default: "orvos##{k.to_s.camelcase(:lower)}List"
113             },
114             etag: {
115               type: "string",
116               description: "List version."
117             },
118             items: {
119               type: "array",
120               description: "The list of #{k.to_s.pluralize}."
121             },
122             next_link: {
123               type: "string",
124               description: "A link to the next page of #{k.to_s.pluralize}."
125             },
126             next_page_token: {
127               type: "string",
128               description: "The page token for the next page of #{k.to_s.pluralize}."
129             },
130             selfLink: {
131               type: "string",
132               description: "A link back to this list."
133             }
134           }
135         }
136         discovery[:schemas][k.to_s] = {
137           id: k.to_s,
138           description: k.to_s,
139           type: "object",
140           properties: {
141             uuid: {
142               type: "string",
143               description: "Object ID."
144             },
145             etag: {
146               type: "string",
147               description: "Object version."
148             }
149           }.merge(object_properties)
150         }
151         discovery[:resources][k.to_s.underscore.pluralize] = {
152           methods: {
153             get: {
154               id: "orvos.#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.get",
155               path: "#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}/{uuid}",
156               httpMethod: "GET",
157               description: "Gets a #{k.to_s}'s metadata by UUID.",
158               parameters: {
159                 uuid: {
160                   type: "string",
161                   description: "The UUID of the #{k.to_s} in question.",
162                   required: true,
163                   location: "path"
164                 }
165               },
166               parameterOrder: [
167                                "uuid"
168                               ],
169               response: {
170                 "$ref" => k.to_s
171               },
172               scopes: [
173                        "",
174                        ""
175                       ]
176             },
177             list: {
178               id: "orvos.#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.list",
179               path: k.to_s.underscore.pluralize,
180               httpMethod: "GET",
181               description: "List #{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.",
182               parameters: {
183                 limit: {
184                   type: "integer",
185                   description: "Maximum number of #{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize} to return.",
186                   default: "100",
187                   format: "int32",
188                   minimum: "0",
189                   location: "query"
190                 },
191                 pageToken: {
192                   type: "string",
193                   description: "Page token.",
194                   location: "query"
195                 },
196                 q: {
197                   type: "string",
198                   description: "Query string for searching #{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.",
199                   location: "query"
200                 }
201               },
202               response: {
203                 "$ref" => "#{k.to_s.pluralize}List"
204               },
205               scopes: [
206                        "",
207                        ""
208                       ]
209             },
210             create: {
211               id: "orvos.#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.create",
212               path: "#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}",
213               httpMethod: "POST",
214               description: "Create a new #{k.to_s}.",
215               parameters: {
216                 k.to_s.underscore => {
217                   type: "object",
218                   required: true,
219                   location: "query",
220                   properties: object_properties
221                 }
222               },
223               request: {
224                 "$ref" => k.to_s
225               },
226               response: {
227                 "$ref" => k.to_s
228               },
229               scopes: [
230                        ""
231                       ]
232             },
233             update: {
234               id: "orvos.#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.update",
235               path: "#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}/{uuid}",
236               httpMethod: "PUT",
237               description: "Update attributes of an existing #{k.to_s}.",
238               parameters: {
239                 uuid: {
240                   type: "string",
241                   description: "The UUID of the #{k.to_s} in question.",
242                   required: true,
243                   location: "path"
244                 },
245                 k.to_s.underscore => {
246                   type: "object",
247                   required: true,
248                   location: "query",
249                   properties: object_properties
250                 }
251               },
252               request: {
253                 "$ref" => k.to_s
254               },
255               response: {
256                 "$ref" => k.to_s
257               },
258               scopes: [
259                        ""
260                       ]
261             },
262             delete: {
263               id: "orvos.#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}.delete",
264               path: "#{k.to_s.underscore.pluralize}/{uuid}",
265               httpMethod: "DELETE",
266               description: "Delete an existing #{k.to_s}.",
267               parameters: {
268                 uuid: {
269                   type: "string",
270                   description: "The UUID of the #{k.to_s} in question.",
271                   required: true,
272                   location: "path"
273                 }
274               },
275               response: {
276                 "$ref" => k.to_s
277               },
278               scopes: [
279                        ""
280                       ]
281             }
282           }
283         }
284       end
285       discovery
286     end
287     render json: discovery
288   end
289 end