1 class FullTextSearchIndexes < ActiveRecord::Migration
4 "collections" => "collections_full_text_search_idx",
5 "container_requests" => "container_requests_full_text_search_idx",
6 "groups" => "groups_full_text_search_idx",
7 "jobs" => "jobs_full_text_search_idx",
8 "pipeline_instances" => "pipeline_instances_full_text_search_idx",
9 "pipeline_templates" => "pipeline_templates_full_text_search_idx",
10 "workflows" => "workflows_full_text_search_idx",
15 # remove existing fts indexes and create up to date ones with no leading space
16 fts_indexes.each do |t, i|
17 t.classify.constantize.reset_column_information
18 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.indexes(t).each do |idx|
20 remove_index t.to_sym, :name => i
24 execute "CREATE INDEX #{i} ON #{t} USING gin(#{t.classify.constantize.full_text_tsvector});"
29 fts_indexes.each do |t, i|
30 remove_index t.to_sym, :name => i