22317: Get compute node settings from cluster configuration
[arvados.git] / tools / compute-images / ansible / build-compute-image.yml
1 #!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 #
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6 - name: Load Arvados configuration
7   hosts: default
8   tasks:
9     - name: Load Arvados configuration file
10       delegate_to: localhost
11       ansible.builtin.include_vars:
12         name: arvados_config
13         file: "{{ arvados_config_file }}"
14     - name: Load Arvados cluster configuration
15       ansible.builtin.set_fact:
16         arvados_cluster: "{{ arvados_config.Clusters[arvados_cluster_id] }}"
17       failed_when: arvados_cluster is undefined
18     - name: Get Crunch dispatch public key
19       delegate_to: localhost
20       vars:
21         key_url: "{{ arvados_cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey | urlsplit }}"
22       ansible.builtin.command:
23         argv: "{{ ['ssh-keygen', '-y'] + (['-f', key_url.path] if key_url.scheme == 'file' else []) }}"
24         stdin: "{{ arvados_cluster.Containers.DispatchPrivateKey if key_url.scheme != 'file' else '' }}"
25       register: compute_dispatch_ssh_keygen
27 - name: Build compute node
28   # `default` is the name that the Packer Ansible plugin assigns to the
29   # instance used to create the image.
30   hosts: default
31   become: true
32   tasks:
33     - name: Bootstrap packages required for Ansible
34       ansible.builtin.raw: "apt-get -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=300 -qy {{ item }}"
35       loop:
36         - update
37         - install gnupg python3-apt python3-debian xz-utils
38     - include_role:
39         name: distro_apt
40     - include_role:
41         name: arvados_apt
42     - name: Upgrade packages
43       ansible.builtin.apt:
44         update_cache: true
45         upgrade: true
46     - name: Remove unwanted packages
47       ansible.builtin.apt:
48         state: absent
49         autoremove: true
50         purge: true
51         name:
52           - unattended-upgrades
54     - include_role:
55         name: compute_nvidia
56       when: "arvados_compute_nvidia|default(false)|bool"
57     - include_role:
58         name: "compute_{{ arvados_cluster.Containers.RuntimeEngine }}"
59     - include_role:
60         name: compute_encrypt_tmp
61     - include_role:
62         name: compute_user
64     - name: Install Arvados FUSE driver
65       ansible.builtin.apt:
66         name: python3-arvados-fuse
67     - name: Configure FUSE
68       ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
69         path: /etc/fuse.conf
70         regexp: "^[# ]*user_allow_other *$"
71         line: user_allow_other
72     - name: Configure locale
73       ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
74         path: /etc/locale.gen
75         regexp: "^[# ]*en_US.UTF-8 +UTF-8 *$"
76         line: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
77       notify: locale-gen
78     - name: Configure DNS
79       ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
80         path: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
81         regexp: "^[# ]*prepend +domain-name-servers "
82         line: "prepend domain-name-servers {{ dns_resolver }};"
83       when: dns_resolver is defined
85   handlers:
86     - name: apt update
87       ansible.builtin.debug:
88         msg: Skipping apt update handler before an apt upgrade
89         verbosity: 1
90     - name: locale-gen
91       ansible.builtin.command: locale-gen