4 title: Inspecting active requests
8 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
10 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
13 Most Arvados services publish a snapshot of HTTP requests currently being serviced at @/_inspect/requests@. This can be useful for troubleshooting slow requests and understanding high server load conditions.
15 To access snapshots, services must be configured with a "management token":management-token.html. When accessing this endpoint, prefix the management token with @"Bearer "@ and supply it in the @Authorization@ request header.
17 In an interactive setting, use the @jq@ tool to format the JSON response.
19 <notextile><pre><code>curl -sfH "Authorization: Bearer <span class="userinput">your_management_token_goes_here</span>" "https://<span class="userinput"></span>/_inspect/requests" | jq .
20 </code></pre></notextile>
22 table(table table-bordered table-condensed table-hover){width:40em}.
23 |_. Component|_. Provides @/_inspect/requests@ endpoint|
25 |arvados-controller|✓|
26 |arvados-dispatch-cloud|✓|
27 |arvados-dispatch-lsf|✓|
39 Most fields are self explanatory.
41 The @Host@ field reports the virtual host specified in the incoming HTTP request.
43 The @RemoteAddr@ field reports the source of the incoming TCP connection, which is typically a local address associated with the Nginx proxy service.
45 The @Elapsed@ field reports the number of seconds since the incoming HTTP request headers were received.
52 "RequestID": "req-1vzzj6nwrki0rd2hj08a",
54 "Host": "tordo.arvadosapi.com",
55 "URL": "/arvados/v1/groups?order=name+asc&filters=[[%22owner_uuid%22,%22%3D%22,%22zzzzz-tpzed-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa%22],[%22group_class%22,%22in%22,[%22project%22,%22filter%22]]]",
56 "RemoteAddr": "",
57 "Elapsed": 0.006363228
60 "RequestID": "req-1wrof2b2wlj5s1rao4u3",
62 "Host": "tordo.arvadosapi.com",
63 "URL": "/arvados/v1/users/current",
64 "RemoteAddr": "",