1 <table class="table topalign">
5 <% @object.attributes_for_display.each do |attr, attrvalue| %>
6 <% if attr == 'components' and attrvalue.is_a? Hash and attrvalue[:steps].is_a? Array %>
8 <tr><td>components[steps]</td><td>
10 <% attrvalue[:steps].each_with_index do |s, i| %>
13 <% %w(name function min_revision max_steps_per_node params).each do |key| %>
15 <% if key == 'params' %>
16 <% s[key.to_sym].each do |p| %>
18 <% if p[:data_locator] || p[:value] %>
19 ← <%= p[:data_locator] || p[:value] %>
21 <%= '(optional)' if p[:optional] %>
35 <%= render partial: 'application/arvados_object_attr', locals: { attr: attr, attrvalue: attrvalue } %>
41 <%= JSON.pretty_generate(@object.attributes) rescue nil %>