1 <% content_for :content_top do %>
4 <%= render_editable_attribute @object, 'name', nil, { 'data-emptytext' => "New project" } %>
7 <div class="arv-description-as-subtitle">
8 <%= render_editable_attribute @object, 'description', nil, { 'data-emptytext' => "(No description provided)", 'data-toggle' => 'manual' } %>
13 <% content_for :tab_line_buttons do %>
14 <% if @object.editable? %>
16 choose_collections_path(
17 title: 'Add data to project:',
20 action_href: actions_path(id: @object.uuid),
21 action_method: 'post',
22 action_data: {selection_param: 'selection[]', copy_selections_into_project: @object.uuid, success: 'page-refresh'}.to_json),
23 { class: "btn btn-primary btn-sm", remote: true, method: 'get', data: {'event-after-select' => 'page-refresh'} }) do %>
24 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i> Add data...
27 choose_pipeline_templates_path(
28 title: 'Choose a pipeline to run:',
29 action_name: 'Next: choose inputs <i class="fa fa-fw fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>',
30 action_href: pipeline_instances_path,
31 action_method: 'post',
32 action_data: {'selection_param' => 'pipeline_instance[pipeline_template_uuid]', 'pipeline_instance[owner_uuid]' => @object.uuid, 'success' => 'redirect-to-created-object'}.to_json),
33 { class: "btn btn-primary btn-sm", remote: true, method: 'get' }) do %>
34 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-gear"></i> Run a pipeline...
36 <%= link_to projects_path('project[owner_uuid]' => @object.uuid), method: 'post', class: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary' do %>
37 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-plus"></i>
42 title: 'Move this project to...',
44 my_root_selectable: true,
46 action_href: project_path(@object.uuid),
48 action_data: {selection_param: 'project[owner_uuid]', success: 'page-refresh'}.to_json),
49 { class: "btn btn-sm btn-primary arv-move-to-project", remote: true, method: 'get' }) do %>
50 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-truck"></i> Move project...
52 <%= link_to(project_path(id: @object.uuid), method: 'delete', class: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary', data: {confirm: "Really delete project '#{@object.name}'?"}) do %>
53 <i class="fa fa-fw fa-trash-o"></i> Delete project
58 <div class="selection-action-container">
60 <div class="col-sm-5">
61 <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm">
62 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Selection...</button>
63 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
64 <span class="caret"></span>
65 <span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
67 <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
68 <li><%= link_to "Compare selected", '#',
69 'data-href' => compare_pipeline_instances_path,
70 'data-selection-param-name' => 'uuids[]',
71 'data-selection-action' => 'compare'
73 <li><%= link_to "Remove selected", '#',
74 'data-href' => url_for(action: :remove_items),
75 'data-selection-param-name' => 'item_uuids[]',
76 'data-selection-action' => 'remove',
77 'data-remote' => true,
83 <div class="col-sm-3">
84 <form class="form-inline" role="form">
86 <select class="form-control form-control-sm filterable-control" data-filterable-attribute="data-kind" data-filterable-target="table.arv-index.arv-project-contents tbody">
87 <option value="">Everything</option>
88 <option value="arvados#collection">Data</option>
89 <option value="arvados#pipelineInstance arvados#job">Compute jobs</option>
90 <option value="arvados#pipelineTemplate">Pipelines</option>
92 <option value="arvados#specimen">Specimens</option>
93 <option value="arvados#human">Humans</option>
94 <option value="arvados#trait">Traits</option>
99 <div class="col-sm-4">
100 <input type="text" class="form-control filterable-control" placeholder="Search project contents" data-filterable-target="table.arv-index.arv-project-contents tbody"/>
104 <table class="table table-condensed table-fixedlayout arv-index arv-project-contents" style="overflow-x: hidden">
109 <tbody data-infinite-scroller="#Contents-scroll" data-infinite-content-href="<%= url_for(format: :json, partial: :contents_rows, offset: next_page_offset) if next_page_offset %>">
110 <%= render partial: 'show_contents_rows', locals: {project: @object, objects_and_names: @objects_and_names} %>