1 class ArvadosModel < ActiveRecord::Base
2 self.abstract_class = true
4 include CurrentApiClient # current_user, current_api_client, etc.
6 attr_protected :created_at
7 attr_protected :modified_by_user_uuid
8 attr_protected :modified_by_client_uuid
9 attr_protected :modified_at
10 before_create :ensure_permission_to_create
11 before_update :ensure_permission_to_update
12 before_destroy :ensure_permission_to_destroy
13 before_create :update_modified_by_fields
14 before_update :maybe_update_modified_by_fields
15 validate :ensure_serialized_attribute_type
17 has_many :permissions, :foreign_key => :head_uuid, :class_name => 'Link', :primary_key => :uuid, :conditions => "link_class = 'permission'"
19 class PermissionDeniedError < StandardError
25 class UnauthorizedError < StandardError
31 def self.kind_class(kind)
32 kind.match(/^arvados\#(.+?)(_list|List)?$/)[1].pluralize.classify.constantize rescue nil
36 "#{current_api_base}/#{self.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore}/#{self.uuid}"
39 def self.searchable_columns
40 self.columns.collect do |col|
41 if [:string, :text].index(col.type) && col.name != 'owner_uuid'
47 def eager_load_associations
48 self.class.columns.each do |col|
49 re = col.name.match /^(.*)_kind$/
51 self.respond_to? re[1].to_sym and
52 (auuid = self.send((re[1] + '_uuid').to_sym)) and
53 (aclass = self.class.kind_class(self.send(col.name.to_sym))) and
54 (aobject = aclass.where('uuid=?', auuid).first))
55 self.instance_variable_set('@'+re[1], aobject)
62 def ensure_permission_to_create
63 raise PermissionDeniedError unless permission_to_create
66 def permission_to_create
67 current_user.andand.is_active
70 def ensure_permission_to_update
71 raise PermissionDeniedError unless permission_to_update
74 def permission_to_update
76 logger.warn "Anonymous user tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}"
79 if !current_user.is_active
80 logger.warn "Inactive user #{current_user.uuid} tried to update #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was}"
83 return true if current_user.is_admin
85 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change uuid of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid_was} to #{self.uuid}"
88 if self.owner_uuid_changed?
89 if current_user.uuid == self.owner_uuid or
90 current_user.can? write: self.owner_uuid
91 # current_user is, or has :write permission on, the new owner
93 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to change owner_uuid of #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} to #{self.owner_uuid} but does not have permission to write to #{self.owner_uuid}"
97 if current_user.uuid == self.owner_uuid_was or
98 current_user.uuid == self.uuid or
99 current_user.can? write: self.owner_uuid_was
100 # current user is, or has :write permission on, the previous owner
103 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to modify #{self.class.to_s} #{self.uuid} but does not have permission to write #{self.owner_uuid_was}"
108 def ensure_permission_to_destroy
109 raise PermissionDeniedError unless permission_to_destroy
112 def permission_to_destroy
116 def maybe_update_modified_by_fields
117 update_modified_by_fields if self.changed?
120 def update_modified_by_fields
121 self.created_at ||= Time.now
122 self.owner_uuid ||= current_default_owner
123 self.modified_at = Time.now
124 self.modified_by_user_uuid = current_user ? current_user.uuid : nil
125 self.modified_by_client_uuid = current_api_client ? current_api_client.uuid : nil
128 def ensure_serialized_attribute_type
129 # Specifying a type in the "serialize" declaration causes rails to
130 # raise an exception if a different data type is retrieved from
131 # the database during load(). The validation preventing such
132 # crash-inducing records from being inserted in the database in
133 # the first place seems to have been left as an exercise to the
135 self.class.serialized_attributes.each do |colname, attr|
137 unless self.attributes[colname].is_a? attr.object_class
138 self.errors.add colname.to_sym, "must be a #{attr.object_class.to_s}"