3 class CollectionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
4 def create_collection name, enc=nil
5 txt = ". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:#{name}.txt\n"
6 txt.force_encoding(enc) if enc
7 return Collection.create(manifest_text: txt)
10 test 'accept ASCII manifest_text' do
12 c = create_collection 'foo', Encoding::US_ASCII
17 test 'accept UTF-8 manifest_text' do
19 c = create_collection "f\xc3\x98\xc3\x98", Encoding::UTF_8
24 test 'refuse manifest_text with invalid UTF-8 byte sequence' do
26 c = create_collection "f\xc8o", Encoding::UTF_8
28 assert_equal [:manifest_text], c.errors.messages.keys
29 assert_match /UTF-8/, c.errors.messages[:manifest_text].first
33 test 'refuse manifest_text with non-UTF-8 encoding' do
35 c = create_collection "f\xc8o", Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
37 assert_equal [:manifest_text], c.errors.messages.keys
38 assert_match /UTF-8/, c.errors.messages[:manifest_text].first