1 require 'integration_helper'
3 class UserProfileTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
6 @user_profile_form_fields = Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_fields
10 Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_fields = @user_profile_form_fields
13 def verify_homepage_with_profile user, invited, has_profile
14 profile_config = Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_fields
17 assert page.has_text?('Please log in'), 'Not found text - Please log in'
18 elsif user['is_active']
19 if profile_config && !has_profile
20 assert page.has_text?('Save profile'), 'No text - Save profile'
23 assert page.has_text?('Active pipelines'), 'Not found text - Active pipelines'
24 assert page.has_no_text?('Save profile'), 'Found text - Save profile'
27 assert page.has_text?('Please check the box below to indicate that you have read and accepted the user agreement'),
28 'Not found text - Please check the box below . . .'
29 assert page.has_no_text?('Save profile'), 'Found text - Save profile'
31 assert page.has_text?('Your account is inactive'), 'Not found text - Your account is inactive'
32 assert page.has_no_text?('Save profile'), 'Found text - Save profile'
35 # If the user has not already seen getting_started modal, it will be shown on first visit.
36 if user and user['is_active'] and !user['prefs']['getting_started_shown']
37 within '.modal-content' do
38 assert_text 'Getting Started'
39 assert_selector 'button', text: 'Next'
40 assert_selector 'button', text: 'Prev'
41 first('button', text: 'x').click
45 within('.navbar-fixed-top') do
47 assert page.has_link?('Log in'), 'Not found link - Log in'
50 assert(page.has_link?("notifications-menu"), 'no user menu')
51 page.find("#notifications-menu").click
52 within('.dropdown-menu') do
54 assert page.has_no_link?('Not active'), 'Found link - Not active'
55 assert page.has_no_link?('Sign agreements'), 'Found link - Sign agreements'
57 assert page.has_link?('Manage account'), 'No link - Manage account'
60 assert page.has_link?('Manage profile'), 'No link - Manage profile'
62 assert page.has_no_link?('Manage profile'), 'Found link - Manage profile'
65 assert page.has_link?('Log out'), 'No link - Log out'
71 # Check manage profile page and add missing profile to the user
73 assert page.has_no_text?('My projects'), 'Found text - My projects'
74 assert page.has_no_text?('Projects shared with me'), 'Found text - Projects shared with me'
76 assert page.has_text?('Profile'), 'No text - Profile'
77 assert page.has_text?('First Name'), 'No text - First Name'
78 assert page.has_text?('Last Name'), 'No text - Last Name'
79 assert page.has_text?('Identity URL'), 'No text - Identity URL'
80 assert page.has_text?('E-mail'), 'No text - E-mail'
81 assert page.has_text?(user['email']), 'No text - user email'
83 # Using the default profile which has message and one required field
85 # Save profile without filling in the required field. Expect to be back in this profile page again
86 click_button "Save profile"
87 assert page.has_text?('Profile'), 'No text - Profile'
88 assert page.has_text?('First Name'), 'No text - First Name'
89 assert page.has_text?('Last Name'), 'No text - Last Name'
90 assert page.has_text?('Save profile'), 'No text - Save profile'
92 # This time fill in required field and then save. Expect to go to requested page after that.
93 profile_message = Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_message
94 required_field_title = ''
95 required_field_key = ''
96 profile_config = Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_fields
97 profile_config.andand.each do |entry|
99 required_field_key = entry['key']
100 required_field_title = entry['form_field_title']
104 assert page.has_text? profile_message.gsub(/<.*?>/,'')
105 assert page.has_text?(required_field_title), 'No text - configured required field title'
107 page.find_field('user[prefs][:profile][:'+required_field_key+']').set 'value to fill required field'
109 click_button "Save profile"
110 # profile saved and in profile page now with success
111 assert page.has_text?('Thank you for filling in your profile'), 'No text - Thank you for filling'
112 if user['prefs']['getting_started_shown']
113 click_link 'Back to work!'
115 click_link 'Get started'
118 # profile saved and in home page now
119 assert page.has_text?('Active pipelines'), 'No text - Active pipelines'
123 [nil, nil, false, false],
124 ['inactive', api_fixture('users')['inactive'], true, false],
125 ['inactive_uninvited', api_fixture('users')['inactive_uninvited'], false, false],
126 ['active', api_fixture('users')['active'], true, true],
127 ['admin', api_fixture('users')['admin'], true, true],
128 ['active_no_prefs', api_fixture('users')['active_no_prefs'], true, false],
129 ['active_no_prefs_profile_no_getting_started_shown',
130 api_fixture('users')['active_no_prefs_profile_no_getting_started_shown'], true, false],
131 ['active_no_prefs_profile_with_getting_started_shown',
132 api_fixture('users')['active_no_prefs_profile_with_getting_started_shown'], true, false],
133 ].each do |token, user, invited, has_profile|
135 test "visit home page when profile is configured for user #{token}" do
136 # Our test config enabled profile by default. So, no need to update config
140 visit page_with_token(token)
143 verify_homepage_with_profile user, invited, has_profile
146 test "visit home page when profile not configured for user #{token}" do
147 Rails.configuration.user_profile_form_fields = false
152 visit page_with_token(token)
155 verify_homepage_with_profile user, invited, has_profile