6 (ARGV.any? ? ARGV : ['--jobs', '--pipelines']).each do |arg|
11 $options[:pipelines] = true
13 abort "Unrecognized command line option '#{arg}'"
16 if not ($options[:jobs] or $options[:pipelines])
17 abort "Nothing to do. Please specify at least one of: --jobs, --pipelines."
20 ARGV.reject! { |a| a =~ /--jobs|--pipelines/ }
24 %w{TERM INT}.each do |sig|
27 $stderr.puts "Received #{signame} signal"
33 lockfilename = ENV.delete "CRUNCH_DISPATCH_LOCKFILE"
34 lockfile = File.open(lockfilename, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644)
35 unless lockfile.flock File::LOCK_EX|File::LOCK_NB
36 abort "Lock unavailable on #{lockfilename} - exit"
40 ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = ARGV[0] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "development"
42 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/boot'
43 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
47 include ApplicationHelper
50 return act_as_system_user
56 @todo = Job.queue.select(&:repository)
59 if $options[:pipelines]
60 @todo_pipelines = PipelineInstance.queue
64 def each_slurm_line(cmd, outfmt, max_fields=nil)
65 max_fields ||= outfmt.split(":").size
66 max_fields += 1 # To accommodate the node field we add
67 @@slurm_version ||= Gem::Version.new(`sinfo --version`.match(/\b[\d\.]+\b/)[0])
68 if Gem::Version.new('2.3') <= @@slurm_version
69 `#{cmd} --noheader -o '%n:#{outfmt}'`.each_line do |line|
70 yield line.chomp.split(":", max_fields)
73 # Expand rows with hostname ranges (like "foo[1-3,5,9-12]:idle")
74 # into multiple rows with one hostname each.
75 `#{cmd} --noheader -o '%N:#{outfmt}'`.each_line do |line|
76 tokens = line.chomp.split(":", max_fields)
77 if (re = tokens[0].match /^(.*?)\[([-,\d]+)\]$/)
79 re[2].split(",").each do |range|
80 range = range.split("-").collect(&:to_i)
81 (range[0]..range[-1]).each do |n|
82 yield [re[1] + n.to_s] + tokens
94 each_slurm_line("sinfo", "%t") do |hostname, state|
95 state.sub!(/\W+$/, "")
96 state = "down" unless %w(idle alloc down).include?(state)
97 slurm_nodes[hostname] = {state: state, job: nil}
99 each_slurm_line("squeue", "%j") do |hostname, job_uuid|
100 slurm_nodes[hostname][:job] = job_uuid if slurm_nodes[hostname]
105 def update_node_status
106 return unless Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper.to_s.match /^slurm/
108 slurm_status.each_pair do |hostname, slurmdata|
109 next if @node_state[hostname] == slurmdata
111 node = Node.where('hostname=?', hostname).order(:last_ping_at).last
113 $stderr.puts "dispatch: update #{hostname} state to #{slurmdata}"
114 node.info["slurm_state"] = slurmdata[:state]
115 node.job_uuid = slurmdata[:job]
117 @node_state[hostname] = slurmdata
119 $stderr.puts "dispatch: failed to update #{node.uuid}: #{node.errors.messages}"
121 elsif slurmdata[:state] != 'down'
122 $stderr.puts "dispatch: SLURM reports '#{hostname}' is not down, but no node has that name"
125 $stderr.puts "dispatch: error updating #{hostname} node status: #{error}"
130 def positive_int(raw_value, default=nil)
131 value = begin raw_value.to_i rescue 0 end
140 # Map Job runtime_constraints keys to the corresponding Node info key.
141 'min_ram_mb_per_node' => 'total_ram_mb',
142 'min_scratch_mb_per_node' => 'total_scratch_mb',
143 'min_cores_per_node' => 'total_cpu_cores',
146 def nodes_available_for_job_now(job)
147 # Find Nodes that satisfy a Job's runtime constraints (by building
148 # a list of Procs and using them to test each Node). If there
149 # enough to run the Job, return an array of their names.
150 # Otherwise, return nil.
151 need_procs = NODE_CONSTRAINT_MAP.each_pair.map do |job_key, node_key|
153 positive_int(node.info[node_key], 0) >=
154 positive_int(job.runtime_constraints[job_key], 0)
157 min_node_count = positive_int(job.runtime_constraints['min_nodes'], 1)
159 Node.find_each do |node|
160 good_node = (node.info['slurm_state'] == 'idle')
161 need_procs.each { |node_test| good_node &&= node_test.call(node) }
164 if usable_nodes.count >= min_node_count
165 return usable_nodes.map { |node| node.hostname }
172 def nodes_available_for_job(job)
173 # Check if there are enough idle nodes with the Job's minimum
174 # hardware requirements to run it. If so, return an array of
175 # their names. If not, up to once per hour, signal start_jobs to
176 # hold off launching Jobs. This delay is meant to give the Node
177 # Manager an opportunity to make new resources available for new
180 # The exact timing parameters here might need to be adjusted for
181 # the best balance between helping the longest-waiting Jobs run,
182 # and making efficient use of immediately available resources.
183 # These are all just first efforts until we have more data to work
185 nodelist = nodes_available_for_job_now(job)
186 if nodelist.nil? and not did_recently(:wait_for_available_nodes, 3600)
187 $stderr.puts "dispatch: waiting for nodes for #{job.uuid}"
188 @node_wait_deadline = Time.now + 5.minutes
195 next if @running[job.uuid]
198 case Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper
201 # Don't run more than one at a time.
205 when :slurm_immediate
206 nodelist = nodes_available_for_job(job)
208 if Time.now < @node_wait_deadline
214 cmd_args = ["salloc",
219 "--job-name=#{job.uuid}",
220 "--nodelist=#{nodelist.join(',')}"]
222 raise "Unknown crunch_job_wrapper: #{Server::Application.config.crunch_job_wrapper}"
225 if Server::Application.config.crunch_job_user
226 cmd_args.unshift("sudo", "-E", "-u",
227 Server::Application.config.crunch_job_user,
228 "PATH=#{ENV['PATH']}",
232 "GEM_PATH=#{ENV['GEM_PATH']}")
235 job_auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
236 new(user: User.where('uuid=?', job.modified_by_user_uuid).first,
239 $stderr.puts "dispatch: job_auth.save failed"
243 crunch_job_bin = (ENV['CRUNCH_JOB_BIN'] || `which arv-crunch-job`.strip)
244 if crunch_job_bin == ''
245 raise "No CRUNCH_JOB_BIN env var, and crunch-job not in path."
250 arvados_internal = Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir
251 if not File.exists? arvados_internal
252 $stderr.puts `mkdir -p #{arvados_internal.shellescape} && cd #{arvados_internal.shellescape} && git init --bare`
255 repo_root = Rails.configuration.git_repositories_dir
256 src_repo = File.join(repo_root, job.repository + '.git')
257 if not File.exists? src_repo
258 src_repo = File.join(repo_root, job.repository, '.git')
259 if not File.exists? src_repo
260 $stderr.puts "dispatch: No #{job.repository}.git or #{job.repository}/.git at #{repo_root}"
266 git = "git --git-dir=#{arvados_internal.shellescape}"
268 # check if the commit needs to be fetched or not
269 commit_rev = `#{git} rev-list -n1 #{job.script_version.shellescape} 2>/dev/null`.chomp
270 unless $? == 0 and commit_rev == job.script_version
271 # commit does not exist in internal repository, so import the source repository using git fetch-pack
272 cmd = "#{git} fetch-pack --no-progress --all #{src_repo.shellescape}"
274 $stderr.puts `#{cmd}`
276 $stderr.puts "dispatch: git fetch-pack failed"
282 # check if the commit needs to be tagged with this job uuid
283 tag_rev = `#{git} rev-list -n1 #{job.uuid.shellescape} 2>/dev/null`.chomp
285 # no job tag found, so create one
286 cmd = "#{git} tag #{job.uuid.shellescape} #{job.script_version.shellescape}"
288 $stderr.puts `#{cmd}`
290 $stderr.puts "dispatch: git tag failed"
295 # job tag found, check that it has the expected revision
296 unless tag_rev == job.script_version
297 # Uh oh, the tag doesn't point to the revision we were expecting.
298 # Someone has been monkeying with the job record and/or git.
299 $stderr.puts "dispatch: Already a tag #{job.script_version} pointing to commit #{tag_rev} but expected commit #{job.script_version}"
302 $stderr.puts "dispatch: job.save failed"
309 cmd_args << crunch_job_bin
310 cmd_args << '--job-api-token'
311 cmd_args << job_auth.api_token
314 cmd_args << '--git-dir'
315 cmd_args << arvados_internal
317 $stderr.puts "dispatch: #{cmd_args.join ' '}"
320 i, o, e, t = Open3.popen3(*cmd_args)
322 $stderr.puts "dispatch: popen3: #{$!}"
327 $stderr.puts "dispatch: job #{job.uuid}"
328 start_banner = "dispatch: child #{t.pid} start #{Time.now.ctime.to_s}"
329 $stderr.puts start_banner
331 @running[job.uuid] = {
337 buf: {stderr: '', stdout: ''},
341 stderr_buf_to_flush: '',
342 stderr_flushed_at: Time.new(0),
345 log_throttle_is_open: true,
346 log_throttle_reset_time: Time.now + Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period,
347 log_throttle_bytes_so_far: 0,
348 log_throttle_lines_so_far: 0,
349 log_throttle_bytes_skipped: 0,
356 # Test for hard cap on total output and for log throttling. Returns whether
357 # the log line should go to output or not. Modifies "line" in place to
358 # replace it with an error if a logging limit is tripped.
359 def rate_limit running_job, line
362 if running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
363 running_job[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] += 1
364 running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] += linesize
365 running_job[:bytes_logged] += linesize
367 if (running_job[:bytes_logged] >
368 Rails.configuration.crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job)
369 message = "Exceeded log limit #{Rails.configuration.crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job} bytes (crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job). Log will be truncated."
370 running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] = Time.now + 100.years
371 running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
373 elsif (running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] >
374 Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes)
375 remaining_time = running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] - Time.now
376 message = "Exceeded rate #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes} bytes per #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period} seconds (crunch_log_throttle_bytes). Logging will be silenced for the next #{remaining_time.round} seconds.\n"
377 running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
379 elsif (running_job[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] >
380 Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_lines)
381 remaining_time = running_job[:log_throttle_reset_time] - Time.now
382 message = "Exceeded rate #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_lines} lines per #{Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period} seconds (crunch_log_throttle_lines), logging will be silenced for the next #{remaining_time.round} seconds.\n"
383 running_job[:log_throttle_is_open] = false
387 if not running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
388 # Don't log anything if any limit has been exceeded. Just count lossage.
389 running_job[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] += linesize
393 # Yes, write to logs, but use our "rate exceeded" message
394 # instead of the log message that exceeded the limit.
398 running_job[:log_throttle_is_open]
403 @running.each do |job_uuid, j|
407 if now > j[:log_throttle_reset_time]
408 # It has been more than throttle_period seconds since the last
409 # checkpoint so reset the throttle
410 if j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] > 0
411 message = "#{job_uuid} ! Skipped #{j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped]} bytes of log"
413 j[:stderr_buf_to_flush] << "#{Time.now.ctime.to_s} #{message}\n"
416 j[:log_throttle_reset_time] = now + Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_period
417 j[:log_throttle_bytes_so_far] = 0
418 j[:log_throttle_lines_so_far] = 0
419 j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] = 0
420 j[:log_throttle_is_open] = true
423 j[:buf].each do |stream, streambuf|
424 # Read some data from the child stream
427 # It's important to use a big enough buffer here. When we're
428 # being flooded with logs, we must read and discard many
429 # bytes at once. Otherwise, we can easily peg a CPU with
430 # time-checking and other loop overhead. (Quick tests show a
431 # 1MiB buffer working 2.5x as fast as a 64 KiB buffer.)
433 # So don't reduce this buffer size!
434 buf = j[stream].read_nonblock(2**20)
435 rescue Errno::EAGAIN, EOFError
438 # Short circuit the counting code if we're just going to throw
439 # away the data anyway.
440 if not j[:log_throttle_is_open]
441 j[:log_throttle_bytes_skipped] += streambuf.size + buf.size
448 # Append to incomplete line from previous read, if any
452 streambuf.each_line do |line|
453 if not line.end_with? $/
454 if line.size > Rails.configuration.crunch_log_throttle_bytes
455 # Without a limit here, we'll use 2x an arbitrary amount
456 # of memory, and waste a lot of time copying strings
457 # around, all without providing any feedback to anyone
458 # about what's going on _or_ hitting any of our throttle
461 # Here we leave "line" alone, knowing it will never be
462 # sent anywhere: rate_limit() will reach
463 # crunch_log_throttle_bytes immediately. However, we'll
464 # leave [...] in bufend: if the trailing end of the long
465 # line does end up getting sent anywhere, it will have
466 # some indication that it is incomplete.
469 # If line length is sane, we'll wait for the rest of the
470 # line to appear in the next read_pipes() call.
475 # rate_limit returns true or false as to whether to actually log
476 # the line or not. It also modifies "line" in place to replace
477 # it with an error if a logging limit is tripped.
478 if rate_limit j, line
479 $stderr.print "#{job_uuid} ! " unless line.index(job_uuid)
481 pub_msg = "#{Time.now.ctime.to_s} #{line.strip}\n"
482 j[:stderr_buf_to_flush] << pub_msg
486 # Leave the trailing incomplete line (if any) in streambuf for
488 streambuf.replace bufend
490 # Flush buffered logs to the logs table, if appropriate. We have
491 # to do this even if we didn't collect any new logs this time:
492 # otherwise, buffered data older than seconds_between_events
493 # won't get flushed until new data arrives.
499 return if 0 == @running.size
505 pid_done = waitpid(-1, Process::WNOHANG | Process::WUNTRACED)
507 j_done = @running.values.
508 select { |j| j[:wait_thr].pid == pid_done }.
511 rescue SystemCallError
512 # I have @running processes but system reports I have no
513 # children. This is likely to happen repeatedly if it happens at
514 # all; I will log this no more than once per child process I
516 if 0 < @running.select { |uuid,j| j[:warned_waitpid_error].nil? }.size
517 children = @running.values.collect { |j| j[:wait_thr].pid }.join ' '
518 $stderr.puts "dispatch: IPC bug: waitpid() error (#{$!}), but I have children #{children}"
520 @running.each do |uuid,j| j[:warned_waitpid_error] = true end
523 @running.each do |uuid, j|
524 if j[:wait_thr].status == false
525 pid_done = j[:wait_thr].pid
533 job_done = j_done[:job]
534 $stderr.puts "dispatch: child #{pid_done} exit"
535 $stderr.puts "dispatch: job #{job_done.uuid} end"
537 # Ensure every last drop of stdout and stderr is consumed.
539 # Reset flush timestamp to make sure log gets written.
540 j_done[:stderr_flushed_at] = Time.new(0)
541 # Write any remaining logs.
544 j_done[:buf].each do |stream, streambuf|
546 $stderr.puts streambuf + "\n"
550 # Wait the thread (returns a Process::Status)
551 exit_status = j_done[:wait_thr].value.exitstatus
553 jobrecord = Job.find_by_uuid(job_done.uuid)
554 if exit_status != 75 and jobrecord.state == "Running"
555 # crunch-job did not return exit code 75 (see below) and left the job in
556 # the "Running" state, which means there was an unhandled error. Fail
558 jobrecord.state = "Failed"
559 if not jobrecord.save
560 $stderr.puts "dispatch: jobrecord.save failed"
563 # Don't fail the job if crunch-job didn't even get as far as
564 # starting it. If the job failed to run due to an infrastructure
565 # issue with crunch-job or slurm, we want the job to stay in the
566 # queue. If crunch-job exited after losing a race to another
567 # crunch-job process, it exits 75 and we should leave the job
568 # record alone so the winner of the race do its thing.
570 # There is still an unhandled race condition: If our crunch-job
571 # process is about to lose a race with another crunch-job
572 # process, but crashes before getting to its "exit 75" (for
573 # example, "cannot fork" or "cannot reach API server") then we
574 # will assume incorrectly that it's our process's fault
575 # jobrecord.started_at is non-nil, and mark the job as failed
576 # even though the winner of the race is probably still doing
580 # Invalidate the per-job auth token
581 j_done[:job_auth].update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
583 @running.delete job_done.uuid
587 expire_tokens = @pipe_auth_tokens.dup
588 @todo_pipelines.each do |p|
589 pipe_auth = (@pipe_auth_tokens[p.uuid] ||= ApiClientAuthorization.
590 create(user: User.where('uuid=?', p.modified_by_user_uuid).first,
592 puts `export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=#{pipe_auth.api_token} && arv-run-pipeline-instance --run-pipeline-here --no-wait --instance #{p.uuid}`
593 expire_tokens.delete p.uuid
596 expire_tokens.each do |k, v|
597 v.update_attributes expires_at: Time.now
598 @pipe_auth_tokens.delete k
605 @pipe_auth_tokens ||= { }
606 $stderr.puts "dispatch: ready"
607 while !$signal[:term] or @running.size > 0
610 @running.each do |uuid, j|
611 if !j[:started] and j[:sent_int] < 2
613 Process.kill 'INT', j[:wait_thr].pid
615 # No such pid = race condition + desired result is
622 refresh_todo unless did_recently(:refresh_todo, 1.0)
624 unless @todo.empty? or did_recently(:start_jobs, 1.0) or $signal[:term]
627 unless (@todo_pipelines.empty? and @pipe_auth_tokens.empty?) or did_recently(:update_pipelines, 5.0)
632 select(@running.values.collect { |j| [j[:stdout], j[:stderr]] }.flatten,
639 def did_recently(thing, min_interval)
641 if !@did_recently[thing] or @did_recently[thing] < Time.now - min_interval
642 @did_recently[thing] = Time.now
649 # send message to log table. we want these records to be transient
650 def write_log running_job
651 return if running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush] == ''
653 # Send out to log event if buffer size exceeds the bytes per event or if
654 # it has been at least crunch_log_seconds_between_events seconds since
656 if running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush].size > Rails.configuration.crunch_log_bytes_per_event or
657 (Time.now - running_job[:stderr_flushed_at]) >= Rails.configuration.crunch_log_seconds_between_events
659 log = Log.new(object_uuid: running_job[:job].uuid,
660 event_type: 'stderr',
661 owner_uuid: running_job[:job].owner_uuid,
662 properties: {"text" => running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush]})
664 running_job[:events_logged] += 1
666 $stderr.puts "Failed to write logs"
667 $stderr.puts exception.backtrace
669 running_job[:stderr_buf_to_flush] = ''
670 running_job[:stderr_flushed_at] = Time.now
675 # This is how crunch-job child procs know where the "refresh" trigger file is
676 ENV["CRUNCH_REFRESH_TRIGGER"] = Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger