2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
7 . `dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")"`/run-library.sh
9 read -rd "\000" helpmessage <<EOF
10 $(basename $0): Install and test Arvados components.
12 Exit non-zero if any tests fail.
15 $(basename $0) WORKSPACE=/path/to/arvados [options]
19 --skip FOO Do not test the FOO component.
20 --skip sanity Skip initial dev environment sanity checks.
21 --skip install Do not run any install steps. Just run tests.
22 You should provide GOPATH, GEMHOME, and VENVDIR options
23 from a previous invocation if you use this option.
24 --only FOO Do not test anything except the FOO component.
25 --temp DIR Install components and dependencies under DIR instead of
26 making a new temporary directory. Implies --leave-temp.
27 --leave-temp Do not remove GOPATH, virtualenv, and other temp dirs at exit.
28 Instead, show the path to give as --temp to reuse them in
29 subsequent invocations.
30 --repeat N Repeat each install/test step until it succeeds N times.
31 --retry Prompt to retry if an install or test suite fails.
32 --only-install Run specific install step
33 --short Skip (or scale down) some slow tests.
34 --interactive Set up, then prompt for test/install steps to perform.
35 WORKSPACE=path Arvados source tree to test.
36 CONFIGSRC=path Dir with config.yml file containing PostgreSQL section for use by tests.
37 services/api_test="TEST=test/functional/arvados/v1/collections_controller_test.rb"
38 Restrict apiserver tests to the given file
39 sdk/python_test="--test-suite tests.test_keep_locator"
40 Restrict Python SDK tests to the given class
41 services/githttpd_test="-check.vv"
42 Show all log messages, even when tests pass (also works
43 with services/keepstore_test etc.)
45 Print more debug messages
46 envvar=value Set \$envvar to value. Primarily useful for WORKSPACE,
47 *_test, and other examples shown above.
49 Assuming "--skip install" is not given, all components are installed
50 into \$GOPATH, \$VENDIR, and \$GEMHOME before running any tests. Many
51 test suites depend on other components being installed, and installing
52 everything tends to be quicker than debugging dependencies.
54 As a special concession to the current CI server config, CONFIGSRC
55 defaults to $HOME/arvados-api-server if that directory exists.
57 More information and background:
59 https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Running_tests
70 lib/controller/federation
71 lib/controller/railsproxy
80 lib/dispatchcloud/container
81 lib/dispatchcloud/scheduler
82 lib/dispatchcloud/sshexecutor
83 lib/dispatchcloud/worker
89 services/dockercleaner
98 services/crunch-dispatch-local
99 services/crunch-dispatch-slurm
100 services/workbench2_units
101 services/workbench2_integration
106 sdk/ruby-google-api-client
124 tools/crunchstat-summary
125 tools/crunchstat-summary:py3
128 tools/keep-block-check
132 # First make sure to remove any ARVADOS_ variables from the calling
133 # environment that could interfere with the tests.
134 unset $(env | cut -d= -f1 | grep \^ARVADOS_)
136 # Reset other variables that could affect our [tests'] behavior by
145 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
155 if [[ -z "$temp" ]]; then
156 # we did not even get as far as making a temp dir
158 elif [[ -z "$temp_preserve" ]]; then
159 # Go creates readonly dirs in the module cache, which cause
160 # "rm -rf" to fail unless we chmod first.
164 echo "Leaving behind temp dirs in $temp"
170 echo >&2 "Fatal: $* (encountered in ${FUNCNAME[1]} at ${BASH_SOURCE[1]} line ${BASH_LINENO[0]})"
177 rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log/" "test.log"
184 [[ -n "${skip[sanity]}" ]] && return 0
185 ( [[ -n "$WORKSPACE" ]] && [[ -d "$WORKSPACE/services" ]] ) \
186 || fatal "WORKSPACE environment variable not set to a source directory (see: $0 --help)"
187 [[ -z "$CONFIGSRC" ]] || [[ -s "$CONFIGSRC/config.yml" ]] \
188 || fatal "CONFIGSRC is $CONFIGSRC but '$CONFIGSRC/config.yml' is empty or not found (see: $0 --help)"
189 echo Checking dependencies:
190 echo "locale: ${LANG}"
191 [[ "$(locale charmap)" = "UTF-8" ]] \
192 || fatal "Locale '${LANG}' is broken/missing. Try: echo ${LANG} | sudo tee -a /etc/locale.gen && sudo locale-gen"
195 || fatal "No ruby. Install >=2.1.9 (using rbenv, rvm, or source)"
198 || fatal "No go binary. See http://golang.org/doc/install"
199 [[ $(go version) =~ go1.([0-9]+) ]] && [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -ge 12 ]] \
200 || fatal "Go >= 1.12 required. See http://golang.org/doc/install"
202 gcc --version | egrep ^gcc \
203 || fatal "No gcc. Try: apt-get install build-essential"
205 find /usr/include -path '*fuse/fuse.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
206 || fatal "No fuse/fuse.h. Try: apt-get install libfuse-dev"
208 find /usr/include -path '*gnutls/gnutls.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
209 || fatal "No gnutls/gnutls.h. Try: apt-get install libgnutls28-dev"
210 echo -n 'virtualenv: '
211 python3 -m venv -h | egrep --max-count=1 . \
212 || fatal "No virtualenv. Try: apt-get install python3-venv"
213 echo -n 'Python3 pyconfig.h: '
214 find /usr/include -path '*/python3*/pyconfig.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
215 || fatal "No Python3 pyconfig.h. Try: apt-get install python3-dev"
217 || fatal "No netstat. Try: apt-get install net-tools"
219 PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin" nginx -v \
220 || fatal "No nginx. Try: apt-get install nginx"
223 || fatal "No gitolite. Try: apt-get install gitolite3"
226 || fatal "No npm. Try: wget -O- https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.22.12/node-v12.22.12-linux-x64.tar.xz | sudo tar -C /usr/local -xJf - && sudo ln -s ../node-v12.22.12-linux-x64/bin/{node,npm} /usr/local/bin/"
228 cadaver --version | grep -w cadaver \
229 || fatal "No cadaver. Try: apt-get install cadaver"
230 echo -n 'libattr1 xattr.h: '
231 find /usr/include -path '*/attr/xattr.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
232 || fatal "No libattr1 xattr.h. Try: apt-get install libattr1-dev"
233 echo -n 'libcurl curl.h: '
234 find /usr/include -path '*/curl/curl.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
235 || fatal "No libcurl curl.h. Try: apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev"
236 echo -n 'libpq libpq-fe.h: '
237 find /usr/include -path '*/postgresql/libpq-fe.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
238 || fatal "No libpq libpq-fe.h. Try: apt-get install libpq-dev"
239 echo -n 'libpam pam_appl.h: '
240 find /usr/include -path '*/security/pam_appl.h' | egrep --max-count=1 . \
241 || fatal "No libpam pam_appl.h. Try: apt-get install libpam0g-dev"
242 echo -n 'postgresql: '
243 psql --version || fatal "No postgresql. Try: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client-common"
245 which Xvfb || fatal "No xvfb. Try: apt-get install xvfb"
247 dot -V || fatal "No graphviz. Try: apt-get install graphviz"
248 echo -n 'singularity: '
249 singularity --version || fatal "No singularity. Try: arvados-server install"
250 echo -n 'docker client: '
251 docker --version || echo "No docker client. Try: arvados-server install"
252 echo -n 'docker server: '
253 docker info --format='{{.ServerVersion}}' || echo "No docker server. Try: arvados-server install"
255 if [[ "$NEED_SDK_R" = true ]]; then
258 which Rscript || fatal "No Rscript. Try: apt-get install r-base"
260 Rscript -e "library('testthat')" || fatal "No testthat. Try: apt-get install r-cran-testthat"
261 # needed for roxygen2, needed for devtools, needed for R sdk
262 pkg-config --exists libxml-2.0 || fatal "No libxml2. Try: apt-get install libxml2-dev"
263 # needed for pkgdown, builds R SDK doc pages
264 which pandoc || fatal "No pandoc. Try: apt-get install pandoc"
266 echo 'procs with /dev/fuse open:'
267 find /proc/*/fd -lname /dev/fuse 2>/dev/null | cut -d/ -f3 | xargs --no-run-if-empty ps -lywww
268 echo 'grep fuse /proc/self/mountinfo:'
269 grep fuse /proc/self/mountinfo
273 # i.e. rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log/" "test.log"
274 # $BUILD_NUMBER is set by Jenkins if this script is being called as part of a Jenkins run
275 if [[ -f "$1/$2" ]]; then
276 THEDATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
277 mv "$1/$2" "$1/$THEDATE-$BUILD_NUMBER-$2"
278 gzip "$1/$THEDATE-$BUILD_NUMBER-$2"
292 echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
300 only[$1]=1; skip[$1]=""; shift
312 only_install="$1"; shift
322 repeat=$((${1}+0)); shift
328 suite="${arg%%_test=*}"
330 testargs["$suite"]="$args"
333 eval export $(echo $arg | cut -d= -f1)=\"$(echo $arg | cut -d= -f2-)\"
336 echo >&2 "$0: Unrecognized option: '$arg'. Try: $0 --help"
342 # R SDK installation is very slow (~360s in a clean environment) and only
343 # required when testing it. Skip that step if it is not needed.
346 if [[ ${#only[@]} -ne 0 ]] &&
347 [[ -z "${only['sdk/R']}" && -z "${only['doc']}" ]]; then
351 if [[ ${skip["sdk/R"]} == 1 && ${skip["doc"]} == 1 ]]; then
355 if [[ $NEED_SDK_R == false ]]; then
356 echo "R SDK not needed, it will not be installed."
361 pid="$(cat "$WORKSPACE/tmp/${svc}.pid")"
362 if [[ -z "$pid" ]] || ! kill -0 "$pid"; then
363 tail $WORKSPACE/tmp/${1}*.log
364 echo "${svc} pid ${pid} not running"
367 echo "${svc} pid ${pid} ok"
372 base=$("${VENV3DIR}/bin/python3" -c "import yaml; print(list(yaml.safe_load(open('$ARVADOS_CONFIG','r'))['Clusters']['zzzzz']['Services']['$1']['InternalURLs'].keys())[0])")
373 url="$base/_health/ping"
374 if ! curl -Ss -H "Authorization: Bearer e687950a23c3a9bceec28c6223a06c79" "${url}" | tee -a /dev/stderr | grep '"OK"'; then
380 checkdiscoverydoc() {
381 dd="https://${1}/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/rest"
382 if ! (set -o pipefail; curl -fsk "$dd" | grep -q ^{ ); then
383 echo >&2 "ERROR: could not retrieve discovery doc from RailsAPI at $dd"
384 tail -v $WORKSPACE/tmp/railsapi.log
391 if [[ -n "$ARVADOS_TEST_API_HOST" ]]; then
394 . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"
395 echo 'Starting API, controller, keepproxy, keep-web, githttpd, ws, and nginx ssl proxy...'
396 if [[ ! -d "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log" ]]; then
397 mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log"
399 # Remove empty api.pid file if it exists
400 if [[ -f "$WORKSPACE/tmp/api.pid" && ! -s "$WORKSPACE/tmp/api.pid" ]]; then
401 rm -f "$WORKSPACE/tmp/api.pid"
403 all_services_stopped=
407 && eval $(python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start --auth admin) \
409 && export ARVADOS_TEST_API_INSTALLED="$$" \
410 && checkpidfile api \
411 && checkdiscoverydoc $ARVADOS_API_HOST \
412 && eval $(python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_nginx) \
413 && checkpidfile nginx \
414 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_controller \
415 && checkpidfile controller \
416 && checkhealth Controller \
417 && checkdiscoverydoc $ARVADOS_API_HOST \
418 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_keep_proxy \
419 && checkpidfile keepproxy \
420 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_keep-web \
421 && checkpidfile keep-web \
422 && checkhealth WebDAV \
423 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_githttpd \
424 && checkpidfile githttpd \
425 && checkhealth GitHTTP \
426 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py start_ws \
429 && (env | egrep ^ARVADOS) \
432 if [[ $fail != 0 ]]; then
439 if [[ -n "$all_services_stopped" ]]; then
443 . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate" || return
445 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_nginx \
446 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_githttpd \
447 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_ws \
448 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_keep-web \
449 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_keep_proxy \
450 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop_controller \
451 && python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py stop \
452 && all_services_stopped=1
458 if [[ -n "$ignore_sigint" ]]; then
459 echo >&2 "ignored SIGINT"
462 failures+=("($(basename $0) interrupted)")
467 setup_ruby_environment() {
468 if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then
469 source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
471 elif [[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then
472 source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
478 if [[ "$using_rvm" == true ]]; then
479 # If rvm is in use, we can't just put separate "dependencies"
480 # and "gems-under-test" paths to GEM_PATH: passenger resets
481 # the environment to the "current gemset", which would lose
482 # our GEM_PATH and prevent our test suites from running ruby
483 # programs (for example, the Workbench test suite could not
484 # boot an API server or run arv). Instead, we have to make an
485 # rvm gemset and use it for everything.
487 [[ `type rvm | head -n1` == "rvm is a function" ]] \
490 # Put rvm's favorite path back in first place (overriding
491 # virtualenv, which just put itself there). Ignore rvm's
492 # complaint about not being in first place already.
493 rvm use @default 2>/dev/null
495 # Create (if needed) and switch to an @arvados-tests-* gemset,
496 # salting the gemset name so it doesn't interfere with
497 # concurrent builds in other workspaces. Leave the choice of
498 # ruby to the caller.
499 gemset="arvados-tests-$(echo -n "${WORKSPACE}" | md5sum | head -c16)"
500 rvm use "@${gemset}" --create \
501 || fatal 'rvm gemset setup'
504 (bundle version | grep -q 2.2.19) || gem install --no-document bundler -v 2.2.19
505 bundle="$(which bundle)"
507 "$bundle" version | grep 2.2.19 || fatal 'install bundler'
509 # When our "bundle install"s need to install new gems to
510 # satisfy dependencies, we want them to go where "gem install
511 # --user-install" would put them. (However, if the caller has
512 # already set GEM_HOME, we assume that's where dependencies
513 # should be installed, and we should leave it alone.)
515 if [ -z "$GEM_HOME" ]; then
516 user_gempath="$(gem env gempath)"
517 export GEM_HOME="${user_gempath%%:*}"
519 PATH="$(gem env gemdir)/bin:$PATH"
521 # When we build and install our own gems, we install them in our
522 # $GEMHOME tmpdir, and we want them to be at the front of GEM_PATH and
523 # PATH so integration tests prefer them over other versions that
524 # happen to be installed in $user_gempath, system dirs, etc.
526 tmpdir_gem_home="$(env - PATH="$PATH" HOME="$GEMHOME" gem env gempath | cut -f1 -d:)"
527 PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home/bin:$PATH"
528 export GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home:$(gem env gempath)"
530 echo "Will install dependencies to $(gem env gemdir)"
531 echo "Will install bundler and arvados gems to $tmpdir_gem_home"
532 echo "Gem search path is GEM_PATH=$GEM_PATH"
537 for v in ${versions[@]}; do
538 if ! gem list --installed --version "${v}" bundler >/dev/null; then
539 gem install --no-document --user $(for v in ${versions[@]}; do echo bundler:${v}; done)
543 "$bundle" version | tee /dev/stderr | grep -q 'version 2'
544 ) || fatal 'install bundler'
545 if test -d /var/lib/arvados-arvbox/ ; then
546 # Inside arvbox, use bundler-installed binstubs. The
547 # system bundler and rail's own bin/bundle refuse to work.
549 bundle=binstubs/bundle
555 if [[ "$using_rvm" == true ]]; then
558 GEM_HOME="$tmpdir_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$tmpdir_gem_home" "$@"
562 gem_uninstall_if_exists() {
563 if gem list "$1\$" | egrep '^\w'; then
564 gem uninstall --force --all --executables "$1"
569 local venvdest="$1"; shift
570 if ! [[ -e "$venvdest/bin/activate" ]] || ! [[ -e "$venvdest/bin/pip3" ]]; then
571 python3 -m venv "$@" "$venvdest" || fatal "virtualenv $venvdest failed"
572 elif [[ -n "$short" ]]; then
575 "$venvdest/bin/pip3" install --no-cache-dir 'setuptools>=68' 'pip>=20'
579 # If dependencies like ruby, go, etc. are installed in
580 # /var/lib/arvados -- presumably by "arvados-server install" --
581 # then we want to use those versions, instead of whatever happens
582 # to be installed in /usr.
583 PATH="/var/lib/arvados/bin:${PATH}"
588 # Clean up .pyc files that may exist in the workspace
590 find -name '*.pyc' -delete
592 if [[ -z "$temp" ]]; then
596 # Set up temporary install dirs (unless existing dirs were supplied)
599 if [[ -z "${!tmpdir}" ]]; then
600 eval "$tmpdir"="$temp/$tmpdir"
602 if ! [[ -d "${!tmpdir}" ]]; then
603 mkdir "${!tmpdir}" || fatal "can't create ${!tmpdir} (does $temp exist?)"
607 rm -vf "${WORKSPACE}/tmp/*.log"
612 # Make sure our compiled binaries under test override anything
613 # else that might be in the environment.
614 export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
616 # Jenkins config requires that glob tmp/*.log match something. Ensure
617 # that happens even if we don't end up running services that set up
619 mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}/tmp/" || fatal "could not mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/tmp"
620 touch "${WORKSPACE}/tmp/controller.log" || fatal "could not touch ${WORKSPACE}/tmp/controller.log"
622 unset http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy
624 # Note: this must be the last time we change PATH, otherwise rvm will
626 setup_ruby_environment
632 go mod download || fatal "Go deps failed"
633 which goimports >/dev/null || go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest || fatal "Go setup failed"
635 setup_virtualenv "$VENV3DIR"
636 . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"
638 # PyYAML is a test requirement used by run_test_server.py and needed for
639 # other, non-Python tests.
640 # pdoc is needed to build PySDK documentation.
641 # We run `setup.py build` first to generate _version.py.
642 env -C "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" python3 setup.py build \
643 && python3 -m pip install "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" \
644 && python3 -m pip install PyYAML pdoc \
645 || fatal "installing Python SDK and related dependencies failed"
653 if [[ "$remain" -gt 1 ]]; then
654 remain=$((${remain}-1))
655 title "(repeating ${remain} more times)"
659 elif [[ "$retry" == 1 ]]; then
660 read -p 'Try again? [Y/n] ' x
661 if [[ "$x" != "y" ]] && [[ "$x" != "" ]]
673 services/workbench2_units | services/workbench2_integration)
674 suite=services/workbench2
680 if [[ -n "${skip[$suite]}" || \
681 -n "${skip[$1]}" || \
682 (${#only[@]} -ne 0 && ${only[$suite]} -eq 0 && ${only[$1]} -eq 0) ]]; then
688 check_arvados_config "$1"
691 | cmd/arvados-package \
696 | lib/cloud/cloudtest \
699 | lib/dispatchcloud/sshexecutor \
700 | lib/dispatchcloud/worker \
702 | services/workbench2_integration \
703 | services/workbench2_units \
705 check_arvados_config "$1"
706 # don't care whether services are running
709 check_arvados_config "$1"
710 if ! start_services; then
711 checkexit 1 "$1 tests"
712 title "test $1 -- failed to start services"
717 retry do_test_once ${@}
721 version=${ARVADOS_VERSION:-$(git log -n1 --format=%H)-dev}
722 echo "-X git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd.version=${version} -X main.version=${version} -s -w"
732 if which deactivate >/dev/null; then deactivate; fi
733 if ! . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"
736 elif [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
738 covername="coverage-$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\//_/g')"
739 coverflags=("-covermode=count" "-coverprofile=$WORKSPACE/tmp/.$covername.tmp")
741 if [[ "$1" == "cmd/arvados-package" ]]; then
742 testflags+=("-timeout" "20m")
744 # We do "go install" here to catch compilation errors
745 # before trying "go test". Otherwise, coverage-reporting
746 # mode makes Go show the wrong line numbers when reporting
747 # compilation errors.
748 go install -ldflags "$(go_ldflags)" "$WORKSPACE/$1" && \
749 cd "$WORKSPACE/$1" && \
750 if [[ -n "${testargs[$1]}" ]]
752 # "go test -check.vv giturl" doesn't work, but this
754 go test ${short:+-short} ${testflags[@]} ${testargs[$1]}
756 # The above form gets verbose even when testargs is
757 # empty, so use this form in such cases:
758 go test ${short:+-short} ${testflags[@]} ${coverflags[@]} "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/$1"
761 if [[ -f "$WORKSPACE/tmp/.$covername.tmp" ]]
763 go tool cover -html="$WORKSPACE/tmp/.$covername.tmp" -o "$WORKSPACE/tmp/$covername.html"
764 rm "$WORKSPACE/tmp/.$covername.tmp"
766 [[ $result = 0 ]] && gofmt -e -d *.go
767 elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
770 cd "$WORKSPACE/$1" && while :
772 tries=$((${tries}+1))
773 # $3 can name a path directory for us to use, including trailing
774 # slash; e.g., the bin/ subdirectory of a virtualenv.
775 if [[ -e "${3}activate" ]]; then
778 python setup.py ${short:+--short-tests-only} test ${testargs[$1]}
780 if [[ ${tries} < 3 && ${result} == 137 ]]
782 printf '\n*****\n%s tests killed -- retrying\n*****\n\n' "$1"
788 elif [[ "$2" != "" ]]
795 checkexit $result "$1 tests"
796 title "test $1 -- `timer`"
800 check_arvados_config() {
801 if [[ "$1" = "env" ]] ; then
804 if [[ -z "$ARVADOS_CONFIG" ]] ; then
805 # Create config file. The run_test_server script requires PyYAML,
806 # so virtualenv needs to be active. Downstream steps like
807 # workbench install which require a valid config.yml.
808 if [[ ! -s "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate" ]] ; then
811 . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"
813 eval $(python3 sdk/python/tests/run_test_server.py setup_config)
819 if [[ -n "${skip[install]}" || ( -n "${only_install}" && "${only_install}" != "${1}" && "${only_install}" != "${2}" ) ]]; then
822 check_arvados_config "$1"
823 retry do_install_once ${@}
831 if which deactivate >/dev/null; then deactivate; fi
832 if [[ "$1" != "env" ]] && ! . "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate"; then
834 elif [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
836 go install -ldflags "$(go_ldflags)" "$WORKSPACE/$1"
837 elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
839 # $3 can name a path directory for us to use, including trailing
840 # slash; e.g., the bin/ subdirectory of a virtualenv.
842 # Need to change to a different directory after creating
843 # the source dist package to avoid a pip bug.
844 # see https://arvados.org/issues/5766 for details.
846 # Also need to install twice, because if it believes the package is
847 # already installed, pip it won't install it. So the first "pip
848 # install" ensures that the dependencies are met, the second "pip
849 # install" ensures that we've actually installed the local package
852 && "${3}python3" setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
854 && "${3}pip3" install --no-cache-dir "$WORKSPACE/$1/dist"/*.tar.gz \
855 && "${3}pip3" install --no-cache-dir --no-deps --ignore-installed "$WORKSPACE/$1/dist"/*.tar.gz
856 elif [[ "$2" != "" ]]
863 checkexit $result "$1 install"
864 title "install $1 -- `timer`"
868 bundle_install_trylocal() {
871 echo "(Running bundle install --local. 'could not find package' messages are OK.)"
872 if ! "$bundle" install --local --no-deployment; then
873 echo "(Running bundle install again, without --local.)"
874 "$bundle" install --no-deployment
881 cd "$WORKSPACE/doc" \
882 && bundle_install_trylocal \
889 with_test_gemset gem_uninstall_if_exists "$gemname" \
890 && cd "$WORKSPACE/$srcpath" \
891 && bundle_install_trylocal \
892 && gem build "$gemname.gemspec" \
893 && with_test_gemset gem install --no-document $(ls -t "$gemname"-*.gem|head -n1)
897 install_gem arvados sdk/ruby
900 install_sdk/ruby-google-api-client() {
901 install_gem arvados-google-api-client sdk/ruby-google-api-client
905 if [[ "$NEED_SDK_R" = true ]]; then
906 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/R" \
907 && Rscript --vanilla install_deps.R
912 install_gem arvados-cli sdk/cli
915 install_services/login-sync() {
916 install_gem arvados-google-api-client sdk/ruby-google-api-client
917 install_gem arvados sdk/ruby
918 install_gem arvados-login-sync services/login-sync
921 install_services/api() {
923 check_arvados_config "services/api"
924 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
925 && RAILS_ENV=test bundle_install_trylocal \
928 rm -f config/environments/test.rb
929 cp config/environments/test.rb.example config/environments/test.rb
931 # Clear out any lingering postgresql connections to the test
932 # database, so that we can drop it. This assumes the current user
933 # is a postgresql superuser.
934 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
935 && test_database=$("${VENV3DIR}/bin/python3" -c "import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open('$ARVADOS_CONFIG','r'))['Clusters']['zzzzz']['PostgreSQL']['Connection']['dbname'])") \
936 && psql "$test_database" -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend (pg_stat_activity.pid::int) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '$test_database';" 2>/dev/null
938 mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/services/api/tmp/pids"
940 cert="$WORKSPACE/services/api/tmp/self-signed"
941 if [[ ! -e "$cert.pem" || "$(date -r "$cert.pem" +%s)" -lt 1512659226 ]]; then
943 dir="$WORKSPACE/services/api/tmp"
945 openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=State/L=City/CN=localhost' -out "$cert.csr" -keyout "$cert.key" </dev/null
946 openssl x509 -req -in "$cert.csr" -signkey "$cert.key" -out "$cert.pem" -days 3650 -extfile <(printf 'subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:::1,DNS:,DNS:,IP:::1,IP:,IP:')
950 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
952 && mkdir -p tmp/git \
954 && tar xf ../../test/test.git.tar \
955 && mkdir -p internal.git \
956 && git --git-dir internal.git init \
961 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
962 export RAILS_ENV=test
963 if bin/rails db:environment:set ; then
967 bin/rake db:fixtures:load
971 declare -a pythonstuff
975 services/dockercleaner:py3
977 tools/crunchstat-summary:py3
981 gostuff=($(cd "$WORKSPACE" && git ls-files | grep '\.go$' | sed -e 's/\/[^\/]*$//' | sort -u))
983 install_services/workbench2() {
984 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/workbench2" \
985 && make yarn-install ARVADOS_DIRECTORY="${WORKSPACE}"
992 ARVADOS_API_HOST=pirca.arvadosapi.com
993 # Make sure python-epydoc is installed or the next line won't
995 PYTHONPATH=$WORKSPACE/sdk/python/ "$bundle" exec rake linkchecker baseurl=file://$WORKSPACE/doc/.site/ arvados_workbench_host=https://workbench.$ARVADOS_API_HOST arvados_api_host=$ARVADOS_API_HOST
1000 cd "$WORKSPACE" || return 1
1001 dirs=$(ls -d */ | egrep -v 'vendor|tmp')
1002 [[ -z "$(gofmt -e -d $dirs | tee -a /dev/stderr)" ]]
1005 test_services/api() {
1006 rm -f "$WORKSPACE/services/api/git-commit.version"
1007 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
1008 && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[services/api]}
1012 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" \
1013 && "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/ruby]}
1016 test_sdk/ruby-google-api-client() {
1017 echo "*** note \`test sdk/ruby-google-api-client\` does not actually run any tests, see https://dev.arvados.org/issues/20993 ***"
1022 if [[ "$NEED_SDK_R" = true ]]; then
1023 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/R" \
1024 && Rscript --vanilla run_test.R
1029 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" \
1030 && mkdir -p /tmp/keep \
1031 && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[sdk/cli]}
1034 test_sdk/java-v2() {
1035 cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/java-v2" && gradle test ${testargs[sdk/java-v2]}
1038 test_services/login-sync() {
1039 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/login-sync" \
1040 && "$bundle" exec rake test TESTOPTS=-v ${testargs[services/login-sync]}
1043 test_services/workbench2_units() {
1044 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/workbench2" && make unit-tests ARVADOS_DIRECTORY="${WORKSPACE}" WORKSPACE="$(pwd)" ${testargs[services/workbench2]}
1047 test_services/workbench2_integration() {
1048 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/workbench2" && make integration-tests ARVADOS_DIRECTORY="${WORKSPACE}" WORKSPACE="$(pwd)" ${testargs[services/workbench2]}
1052 # Install parts needed by test suites
1054 do_install cmd/arvados-server go
1056 do_install sdk/python pip "${VENV3DIR}/bin/"
1057 do_install sdk/ruby-google-api-client
1059 do_install services/api
1060 do_install services/keepproxy go
1061 do_install services/keep-web go
1067 do_install sdk/ruby-google-api-client
1071 do_install services/login-sync
1072 for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
1075 if [[ -z ${skip[python3]} ]]; then
1076 do_install ${dir} pip "$VENV3DIR/bin/"
1079 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
1083 do_install services/api
1084 do_install services/workbench2
1089 do_test services/api
1091 # Shortcut for when we're only running apiserver tests. This saves a bit of time,
1092 # because we don't need to start up the api server for subsequent tests.
1093 if [ ! -z "$only" ] && [ "$only" == "services/api" ]; then
1094 rotate_logfile "$WORKSPACE/services/api/log/" "test.log"
1100 do_test sdk/ruby-google-api-client
1104 do_test services/login-sync
1106 for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
1109 if [[ -z ${skip[python3]} ]]; then
1110 do_test ${dir} pip "$VENV3DIR/bin/"
1114 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
1118 do_test services/workbench2_units
1119 do_test services/workbench2_integration
1124 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
1130 help_interactive() {
1131 echo "== Interactive commands:"
1132 echo "TARGET (short for 'test DIR')"
1134 echo "10 test TARGET (run test 10 times)"
1135 echo "test TARGET:py3 (test with python3)"
1136 echo "test TARGET -check.vv (pass arguments to test)"
1137 echo "install TARGET"
1138 echo "install env (go/python libs)"
1139 echo "install deps (go/python libs + arvados components needed for integration tests)"
1140 echo "reset (...services used by integration tests)"
1142 echo "== Test targets:"
1143 echo "${!testfuncargs[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | column
1148 declare -A testfuncargs=()
1149 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"; do
1150 testfuncargs[$g]="$g go"
1152 for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"; do
1154 testfuncargs[$dir:py3]="$dir pip $VENV3DIR/bin/"
1157 testfuncargs["sdk/cli"]="sdk/cli"
1158 testfuncargs["sdk/R"]="sdk/R"
1159 testfuncargs["sdk/java-v2"]="sdk/java-v2"
1161 if [[ -z ${interactive} ]]; then
1168 if [[ -e "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate" ]]; then stop_services; fi
1170 if [[ "$TERM" = dumb ]]; then
1171 # assume emacs, or something, is offering a history buffer
1172 # and pre-populating the command will only cause trouble
1174 elif [[ ! -e "$VENV3DIR/bin/activate" ]]; then
1175 nextcmd="install deps"
1182 nextcmd="install deps"
1184 HISTFILE="$WORKSPACE/tmp/.history"
1187 while read -p 'What next? ' -e -i "$nextcmd" nextcmd; do
1188 history -s "$nextcmd"
1191 if [[ "${nextcmd}" =~ ^[0-9] ]]; then
1192 read count nextcmd <<<"${nextcmd}"
1194 read verb target opts <<<"${nextcmd}"
1195 target="${target%/}"
1196 target="${target/\/:/:}"
1213 argstarget=${target%:py3}
1214 testargs["$argstarget"]="${opts}"
1215 tt="${testfuncargs[${target}]}"
1217 while [ $count -gt 0 ]; do
1228 if [[ ${#successes[@]} -gt 0 || ${#failures[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then