5 title: "Debugging a Crunch script"
9 h1. Tutorial: Debugging a Crunch script
11 To test changes to a script by running a job, the change must be pushed into @git@, the job queued asynchronously, and the actual execution may be run on any compute server. As a result, debugging a script can be difficult and time consuming. This tutorial demonstrates using @arv-crunch-job@ to run your job in your local VM. This avoids the job queue and allows you to execute the script from your uncomitted git tree.
13 *This tutorial assumes that you are "logged into an Arvados VM instance":{{site.basedoc}}/user/getting_started/ssh-access.html#login, and have a "working environment.":{{site.basedoc}}/user/getting_started/check-environment.html*
15 This tutorial uses _you_ to denote your username. Replace _you_ with your user name in all the following examples.
17 h2. Create a new script
19 Change to your git directory and create a new script in "crunch_scripts/".
22 <pre><code>$ <span class="userinput">cd you/crunch_scripts</span>
23 $ <span class="userinput">cat >hello-world.py <<EOF
28 $ <span class="userinput">chmod +x hello-world.py</span>
32 h2. Using arv-crunch-job to run the job in your VM
34 Instead of a git commit hash, we provide the path to the directory in the "script_version" parameter. The script specified in "script" will actually be searched for in the "crunch_scripts/" subdirectory of the directory specified "script_version". Although we are running the script locally, the script still requires access to the Arvados API server and Keep storage service. The job will be recorded in the Arvados job history, and visible in Workbench.
37 <pre><code>$ <span class="userinput">cat >the_job <<EOF
39 "script":"hello-world.py",
40 "script_version":"/home/you/you",
41 "script_parameters":{}
44 $ <span class="userinput">arv-crunch-job --job "$(cat the_job)"</span>
45 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 check slurm allocation
46 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 node localhost - 1 slots
47 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 start
48 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 script hello-world.py
49 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 script_version /home/you/you
50 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 script_parameters {}
51 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 runtime_constraints {"max_tasks_per_node":0}
52 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 start level 0
53 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 status: 0 done, 0 running, 1 todo
54 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 job_task qr1hi-ot0gb-4zdajby8cjmlguh
55 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 child 29834 started on localhost.1
56 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 status: 0 done, 1 running, 0 todo
57 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 stderr hello world
58 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 child 29834 on localhost.1 exit 0 signal 0 success=
59 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 failure (#1, permanent) after 0 seconds
60 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 output
61 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 Every node has failed -- giving up on this round
62 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 wait for last 0 children to finish
63 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 status: 0 done, 0 running, 0 todo
64 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 Freeze not implemented
65 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 collate
66 2013-12-12_21:36:43 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 output d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0
67 2013-12-12_21:36:44 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 meta key is c00bfbd58e6f58ce3bebdd47f745a70f+1857+K@qr1hi
71 This is the line of interest:
73 bc. 2013-12-12_21:36:42 qr1hi-8i9sb-okzukfzkpbrnhst 29827 0 stderr hello world
75 The script's output is captured in the log, which is useful for print statement debugging. However, although this script returned a status code of 0 (success), the job failed. Why? For a job to complete successfully scripts must explicitly add their output to Keep, and then tell Arvados about it. Here is a second try:
78 <pre><code>$ <span class="userinput">cat >hello-world.py <<EOF
83 # Create a new collection
84 out = arvados.CollectionWriter()
86 # Set the name of the file in the collection to write to
87 out.set_current_file_name('hello.txt')
89 # Actually output our text
90 out.write('hello world')
92 # Commit the collection to Keep
93 out_collection = out.finish()
95 # Tell Arvados which Keep object is our output
96 arvados.current_task().set_output(out_collection)
100 $ <span class="userinput">chmod +x hello-world-fixed.py</span>
101 $ <span class="userinput">cat >the_job <<EOF
103 "script":"hello-world-fixed.py",
104 "script_version":"/home/you/you",
105 "script_parameters":{}
108 $ <span class="userinput">arv-crunch-job --job "$(cat the_job)"</span>
109 2013-12-12_21:56:59 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 check slurm allocation
110 2013-12-12_21:56:59 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 node localhost - 1 slots
111 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 start
112 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 script hello-world.py
113 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 script_version /home/you/you
114 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 script_parameters {}
115 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 runtime_constraints {"max_tasks_per_node":0}
116 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 start level 0
117 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 status: 0 done, 0 running, 1 todo
118 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 0 job_task qr1hi-ot0gb-u8g594ct0wt7f3f
119 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 0 child 31585 started on localhost.1
120 2013-12-12_21:57:00 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 status: 0 done, 1 running, 0 todo
121 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 0 child 31585 on localhost.1 exit 0 signal 0 success=true
122 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 0 success in 1 seconds
123 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 0 output 576c44d762ba241b0a674aa43152b52a+53
124 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 wait for last 0 children to finish
125 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 status: 1 done, 0 running, 0 todo
126 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 Freeze not implemented
127 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 collate
128 2013-12-12_21:57:02 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 output 576c44d762ba241b0a674aa43152b52a+53
129 2013-12-12_21:57:03 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 finish
130 2013-12-12_21:57:04 qr1hi-8i9sb-79260ykfew5trzl 31578 meta key is 9f937693334d0c9234ccc1f808ee7117+1761+K@qr1hi
134 The job succeeded, with output in Keep object @576c44d762ba241b0a674aa43152b52a+53@. Let's look at our output:
137 <pre><code>$ <span class="userinput">arv keep get 576c44d762ba241b0a674aa43152b52a+53/hello.txt</span>
142 h3. Location of temporary files
144 Crunch job tasks are supplied with @TASK_WORK@ and @JOB_WORK@ environment variables, to be used as scratch space. When running in local development mode using @arv-crunch-job@, Crunch sets these variables to point to directory called @crunch-job-{USERID}@ in @TMPDIR@ (or @/tmp@ if @TMPDIR@ is not set).
146 * Set @TMPDIR@ to @/scratch@ to make Crunch use a directory like @/scratch/crunch-job-{USERID}/@ for temporary space.
148 * Set @CRUNCH_TMP@ to @/scratch/foo@ to make Crunch use @/scratch/foo/@ for temporary space (omitting the default @crunch-job-{USERID}@ leaf name)
150 h3. Testing job scripts without SDKs and Keep access
152 Read and write data to @/tmp/@ instead of Keep. This only works with the Python SDK.
154 notextile. <pre><code>$ <span class="userinput">export KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp</span></code></pre>
156 Next, "parallel tasks.":tutorial-parallel.html