1 # Protect referential integrity of owner_uuid columns in other tables
2 # that can refer to the uuid column in this table.
6 def self.included(base)
7 # Rails' "has_many" can prevent us from destroying the owner
8 # record when other objects refer to it.
9 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.each do |t|
10 next if t == base.table_name
11 next if t == 'schema_migrations'
12 klass = t.classify.constantize
13 next unless klass and 'owner_uuid'.in?(klass.columns.collect(&:name))
14 base.has_many(t.to_sym,
15 foreign_key: :owner_uuid,
17 dependent: :restrict_with_exception)
19 # We need custom protection for changing an owner's primary
20 # key. (Apart from this restriction, admins are allowed to change
22 base.validate :restrict_uuid_change_breaking_associations
27 def restrict_uuid_change_breaking_associations
28 return true if new_record? or not uuid_changed?
30 # Check for objects that have my old uuid listed as their owner.
31 self.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many).each do |assoc|
32 next unless assoc.foreign_key == :owner_uuid
33 if assoc.klass.where(owner_uuid: uuid_was).any?
35 "cannot be changed on a #{self.class} that owns objects")
40 # if I owned myself before, I'll just continue to own myself with
42 if owner_uuid == uuid_was
43 self.owner_uuid = uuid