3 For more information see <%= link_to raw('Arvados Docs → User Guide → SSH access'),
4 "#{Rails.configuration.arvados_docsite}/user/getting_started/ssh-access-unix.html",
5 target: "_blank"%>. A sample <i>~/.ssh/config</i> entry is provided below.
8 <% if !@my_virtual_machines.any? %>
9 You do not seem to have access to any virtual machines. If you would like to request access, please contact your system admin.
11 <table class="table virtual-machines-table">
13 <col style="width: 25%" />
14 <col style="width: 25%" />
15 <col style="width: 50%" />
21 <th> Command line </th>
25 <% @my_virtual_machines.andand.each do |vm| %>
27 <td style="word-break:break-all;">
30 <td style="word-break:break-all;">
31 <%= @my_vm_logins[vm[:uuid]].andand.compact.andand.join(", ") %>
33 <td style="word-break:break-all;">
34 <% if @my_vm_logins[vm[:uuid]] %>
35 <% @my_vm_logins[vm[:uuid]].each do |login| %>
36 <code>ssh <%= login %>@<%= vm[:hostname] %>.arvados</code>
45 <p><i>~/.ssh/config:</i></p>
48 ServerAliveInterval 60
49 ProxyCommand ssh -p2222 turnout@switchyard.<%= current_api_host || 'xyzzy.arvadosapi.com' %> -x -a $SSH_PROXY_FLAGS %h