3 class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
4 include CurrentApiClient
6 # The fixture services/api/test/fixtures/users.yml serves as the input for this test case
8 # Make sure system_user exists before making "pre-test users" list
12 test "check non-admin active user properties" do
13 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
14 assert !@active_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should not be set for a non-admin user'
15 assert @active_user.is_active, 'user should be active'
16 assert @active_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should be set'
17 assert_not_nil @active_user.prefs, "user's preferences should be non-null, but may be size zero"
18 assert (@active_user.can? :read=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to read own object"
19 assert (@active_user.can? :write=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to write own object"
20 assert (@active_user.can? :manage=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to manage own object"
22 assert @active_user.groups_i_can(:read).size > 0, "active user should be able read at least one group"
24 # non-admin user cannot manage or write other user objects
25 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
26 assert !(@active_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
27 assert !(@active_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
28 assert !(@active_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
31 test "check admin user properties" do
32 @admin_user = users(:admin) # get the admin user
33 assert @admin_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should be set for admin user'
34 assert @admin_user.is_active, 'admin user cannot be inactive'
35 assert @admin_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should be set'
36 assert_not_nil @admin_user.uuid.size, "user's uuid should be non-null"
37 assert_not_nil @admin_user.prefs, "user's preferences should be non-null, but may be size zero"
38 assert @admin_user.identity_url.size > 0, "user's identity url is expected"
39 assert @admin_user.can? :read=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
40 assert @admin_user.can? :write=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
41 assert @admin_user.can? :manage=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
43 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:read).size > 0, "admin active user should be able read at least one group"
44 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:write).size > 0, "admin active user should be able write to at least one group"
45 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:manage).size > 0, "admin active user should be able manage at least one group"
47 # admin user can also write or manage other users
48 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
49 assert @admin_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
50 assert @admin_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
51 assert @admin_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
54 test "check inactive and uninvited user properties" do
55 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
56 assert !@uninvited_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should not be set for a non-admin user'
57 assert !@uninvited_user.is_active, 'user should be inactive'
58 assert !@uninvited_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should not be set'
59 assert @uninvited_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
60 assert @uninvited_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
61 assert @uninvited_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
63 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:read).size == 1, "inactive and uninvited user can only read anonymous user group"
64 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:read).first.ends_with? 'anonymouspublic' , "inactive and uninvited user can only read anonymous user group"
65 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:write).size == 0, "inactive and uninvited user should not be able write to any groups"
66 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:manage).size == 0, "inactive and uninvited user should not be able manage any groups"
69 test "find user method checks" do
70 User.find(:all).each do |user|
71 assert_not_nil user.uuid, "non-null uuid expected for " + user.full_name
74 user = users(:active) # get the active user
76 found_user = User.find(user.id) # find a user by the row id
78 assert_equal found_user.full_name, user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name
79 assert_equal found_user.identity_url, user.identity_url
82 test "full name should not contain spurious whitespace" do
83 set_user_from_auth :admin
85 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: 'foo@example.com' })
87 assert_equal '', user.full_name
89 user.first_name = 'John'
90 user.last_name = 'Smith'
92 assert_equal user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name, user.full_name
95 test "create new user" do
96 set_user_from_auth :admin
98 @all_users = User.find(:all)
101 user.first_name = "first_name_for_newly_created_user"
104 # verify there is one extra user in the db now
105 assert_equal @all_users.size+1, User.find(:all).size
107 user = User.find(user.id) # get the user back
108 assert_equal(user.first_name, 'first_name_for_newly_created_user')
109 assert_not_nil user.uuid, 'uuid should be set for newly created user'
110 assert_nil user.email, 'email should be null for newly created user, because it was not passed in'
111 assert_nil user.identity_url, 'identity_url should be null for newly created user, because it was not passed in'
113 user.first_name = 'first_name_for_newly_created_user_updated'
115 user = User.find(user.id) # get the user back
116 assert_equal(user.first_name, 'first_name_for_newly_created_user_updated')
119 test "create new user with notifications" do
120 set_user_from_auth :admin
122 user_notification_helper true, 'active-notify-address@example.com', 'inactive-notify-address@example.com'
123 user_notification_helper true, 'active-notify-address@example.com', []
124 user_notification_helper true, [], []
125 user_notification_helper false, 'active-notify-address@example.com', 'inactive-notify-address@example.com'
126 user_notification_helper false, [], 'inactive-notify-address@example.com'
127 user_notification_helper false, [], []
130 test "update existing user" do
131 set_user_from_auth :active # set active user as current user
133 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
135 @active_user.first_name = "first_name_changed"
138 @active_user = User.find(@active_user.id) # get the user back
139 assert_equal(@active_user.first_name, 'first_name_changed')
141 # admin user also should be able to update the "active" user info
142 set_user_from_auth :admin # set admin user as current user
143 @active_user.first_name = "first_name_changed_by_admin_for_active_user"
146 @active_user = User.find(@active_user.id) # get the user back
147 assert_equal(@active_user.first_name, 'first_name_changed_by_admin_for_active_user')
150 test "delete a user and verify" do
151 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
152 active_user_uuid = @active_user.uuid
154 set_user_from_auth :admin
157 found_deleted_user = false
158 User.find(:all).each do |user|
159 if user.uuid == active_user_uuid
160 found_deleted_user = true
164 assert !found_deleted_user, "found deleted user: "+active_user_uuid
168 test "create new user as non-admin user" do
169 set_user_from_auth :active
174 rescue ArvadosModel::PermissionDeniedError => e
176 assert (e.message.include? 'PermissionDeniedError'),
177 'Expected PermissionDeniedError'
180 test "setup new user" do
181 set_user_from_auth :admin
183 email = 'foo@example.com'
184 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
186 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
188 vm = VirtualMachine.create
190 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'test_repo', vm.uuid
192 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
193 verify_user resp_user, email
195 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
197 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
200 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
201 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
203 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
204 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
206 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
207 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_write', resp_user[:uuid], nil
209 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
210 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
213 test "setup new user with junk in database" do
214 set_user_from_auth :admin
216 email = 'foo@example.com'
217 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
219 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
221 vm = VirtualMachine.create
223 # Set up the bogus Link
224 bad_uuid = 'zzzzz-tpzed-xyzxyzxyzxyzxyz'
226 resp_link = Link.create ({tail_uuid: email, link_class: 'permission',
227 name: 'can_login', head_uuid: bad_uuid})
228 resp_link.save(validate: false)
230 verify_link resp_link, 'permission', 'can_login', email, bad_uuid
232 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'test_repo', vm.uuid
234 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
235 verify_user resp_user, email
237 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
239 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
242 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
243 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
245 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
246 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
248 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
249 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_write', resp_user[:uuid], nil
251 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
252 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
257 test "setup new user in multiple steps" do
258 set_user_from_auth :admin
260 email = 'foo@example.com'
261 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
263 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
265 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix
267 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
268 verify_user resp_user, email
270 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
271 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
273 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
274 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
276 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
277 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
279 # invoke setup again with repo_name
280 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'test_repo'
281 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User', nil
282 verify_user resp_user, email
283 assert_equal user.uuid, resp_user[:uuid], 'expected uuid not found'
285 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
286 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
288 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
289 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_write', resp_user[:uuid], nil
291 # invoke setup again with a vm_uuid
292 vm = VirtualMachine.create
294 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'test_repo', vm.uuid
296 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User', nil
297 verify_user resp_user, email
298 assert_equal user.uuid, resp_user[:uuid], 'expected uuid not found'
300 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
301 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
303 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
304 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_write', resp_user[:uuid], nil
306 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
307 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
310 def find_obj_in_resp (response_items, object_type, head_kind=nil)
312 response_items.each { |x|
317 if object_type == 'User'
318 if ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x['uuid']) == User
322 else # looking for a link
323 if ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x['head_uuid']).kind == head_kind
332 def verify_user (resp_user, email)
333 assert_not_nil resp_user, 'expected user object'
334 assert_not_nil resp_user['uuid'], 'expected user object'
335 assert_equal email, resp_user['email'], 'expected email not found'
339 def verify_link (link_object, link_class, link_name, tail_uuid, head_uuid)
340 assert_not_nil link_object, "expected link for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
341 assert_not_nil link_object[:uuid],
342 "expected non-nil uuid for link for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
343 assert_equal link_class, link_object[:link_class],
344 "expected link_class not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
345 assert_equal link_name, link_object[:name],
346 "expected link_name not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
347 assert_equal tail_uuid, link_object[:tail_uuid],
348 "expected tail_uuid not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
350 assert_equal head_uuid, link_object[:head_uuid],
351 "expected head_uuid not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
355 def user_notification_helper (active, active_recipients, inactive_recipients)
356 Rails.configuration.new_user_notification_recipients = active_recipients
357 Rails.configuration.new_inactive_user_notification_recipients = inactive_recipients
359 assert_equal active_recipients, Rails.configuration.new_user_notification_recipients
360 assert_equal inactive_recipients, Rails.configuration.new_inactive_user_notification_recipients
362 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
365 user.first_name = "first_name_for_newly_created_user"
366 user.is_active = active
370 new_inactive_user_email = nil
372 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |d|
373 if d.subject == "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New user notification" then
375 elsif d.subject == "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New inactive user notification" then
376 new_inactive_user_email = d
381 if not inactive_recipients.empty? then
382 assert_not_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Expected new inactive user email after setup'
383 assert_equal Rails.configuration.user_notifier_email_from, new_inactive_user_email.from[0]
384 assert_equal inactive_recipients, new_inactive_user_email.to[0]
385 assert_equal "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New inactive user notification", new_inactive_user_email.subject
387 assert_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Did not expect new inactive user email after setup'
392 assert_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Expected email after setup'
393 if not active_recipients.empty? then
394 assert_not_nil new_user_email, 'Expected new user email after setup'
395 assert_equal Rails.configuration.user_notifier_email_from, new_user_email.from[0]
396 assert_equal active_recipients, new_user_email.to[0]
397 assert_equal "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New user notification", new_user_email.subject
399 assert_nil new_user_email, 'Did not expect new user email after setup'
402 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []