1 module ApplicationHelper
3 controller.current_user
6 def self.match_uuid(uuid)
7 /^([0-9a-z]{5})-([0-9a-z]{5})-([0-9a-z]{15})$/.match(uuid.to_s)
11 Rails.configuration.arvados_v1_base.gsub /https?:\/\/|\/arvados\/v1/,''
14 def render_markup(markup)
15 raw RedCloth.new(markup.to_s).to_html(:refs_arvados, :textile) if markup
18 def human_readable_bytes_html(n)
19 return h(n) unless n.is_a? Fixnum
20 return "0 bytes" if (n == 0)
26 (1024*1024*1024) => "GiB",
27 (1024*1024*1024*1024) => "TiB"
32 if sig >=1 and sig < 1024
34 return "%i #{v}" % sig
36 return "%0.1f #{v}" % sig
45 # cooked = ',' + raw[-3..-1] + cooked
48 #cooked = raw + cooked
51 def resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts={})
52 ArvadosBase::resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts)
56 # Returns HTML that links to the Arvados object specified in +attrvalue+
57 # Provides various output control and styling options.
59 # +attrvalue+ an Arvados model object or uuid
61 # +opts+ a set of flags to control output:
63 # [:link_text] the link text to use (may include HTML), overrides everything else
65 # [:friendly_name] whether to use the "friendly" name in the link text (by
66 # calling #friendly_link_name on the object), otherwise use the uuid
68 # [:with_class_name] prefix the link text with the class name of the model
70 # [:no_tags] disable tags in the link text (default is to show tags).
71 # Currently tags are only shown for Collections.
73 # [:thumbnail] if the object is a collection, show an image thumbnail if the
74 # collection consists of a single image file.
76 # [:no_link] don't create a link, just return the link text
78 # +style_opts+ additional HTML properties for the anchor tag, passed to link_to
80 def link_to_if_arvados_object(attrvalue, opts={}, style_opts={})
81 if (resource_class = resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue, opts))
82 if attrvalue.is_a? ArvadosBase
84 link_uuid = attrvalue.uuid
89 link_name = opts[:link_text]
92 link_name = object.andand.default_name || resource_class.default_name
94 if opts[:friendly_name]
95 if attrvalue.respond_to? :friendly_link_name
96 link_name = attrvalue.friendly_link_name opts[:lookup]
99 if resource_class.name == 'Collection'
100 link_name = collections_for_object(link_uuid).andand.first.andand.friendly_link_name
102 link_name = object_for_dataclass(resource_class, link_uuid).andand.friendly_link_name
104 rescue ArvadosApiClient::NotFoundException
105 # If that lookup failed, the link will too. So don't make one.
110 if link_name.nil? or link_name.empty?
111 link_name = attrvalue
113 if opts[:with_class_name]
114 link_name = "#{resource_class.to_s}: #{link_name}"
116 if !opts[:no_tags] and resource_class == Collection
117 links_for_object(link_uuid).each do |tag|
118 if tag.link_class.in? ["tag", "identifier"]
119 tags += ' <span class="label label-info">'
120 tags += link_to tag.name, controller: "links", filters: [["link_class", "=", "tag"], ["name", "=", tag.name]].to_json
125 if opts[:thumbnail] and resource_class == Collection
126 # add an image thumbnail if the collection consists of a single image file.
127 collections_for_object(link_uuid).each do |c|
128 if c.files.length == 1 and CollectionsHelper::is_image c.files.first[1]
130 link_name += image_tag "#{url_for c}/#{CollectionsHelper::file_path c.files.first}", style: "height: 4em; width: auto"
135 style_opts[:class] = (style_opts[:class] || '') + ' nowrap'
136 if opts[:no_link] or (resource_class == User && !current_user)
139 (link_to raw(link_name), { controller: resource_class.to_s.tableize, action: 'show', id: ((opts[:name_link].andand.uuid) || link_uuid) }, style_opts) + raw(tags)
142 # just return attrvalue if it is not recognizable as an Arvados object or uuid.
143 if attrvalue.nil? or (attrvalue.is_a? String and attrvalue.empty?)
151 def render_editable_attribute(object, attr, attrvalue=nil, htmloptions={})
152 attrvalue = object.send(attr) if attrvalue.nil?
153 if not object.attribute_editable?(attr)
154 if attrvalue && attrvalue.length > 0
155 return render_attribute_as_textile( object, attr, attrvalue, false )
157 return (attr == 'name' and object.andand.default_name) ||
163 attrtype = object.class.attribute_info[attr.to_sym].andand[:type]
164 if attrtype == 'text' or attr == 'description'
165 input_type = 'textarea'
166 elsif attrtype == 'datetime'
172 attrvalue = attrvalue.to_json if attrvalue.is_a? Hash or attrvalue.is_a? Array
173 rendervalue = render_attribute_as_textile( object, attr, attrvalue, false )
178 key: object.class.to_s.underscore
182 ajax_options['data-url'] = url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore)
184 ajax_options['data-url'] = url_for(action: "create", controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore)
185 ajax_options['data-pk'][:defaults] = object.attributes
187 ajax_options['data-pk'] = ajax_options['data-pk'].to_json
188 @unique_id ||= (Time.now.to_f*1000000).to_i
189 span_id = object.uuid.to_s + '-' + attr.to_s + '-' + (@unique_id += 1).to_s
191 span_tag = content_tag 'span', rendervalue, {
192 "data-emptytext" => '(none)',
193 "data-placement" => "bottom",
194 "data-type" => input_type,
195 "data-title" => "Edit #{attr.to_s.gsub '_', ' '}",
197 "data-object-uuid" => object.uuid,
198 "data-toggle" => "manual",
199 "data-value" => attrvalue,
201 :class => "editable #{is_textile?( object, attr ) ? 'editable-textile' : ''}"
202 }.merge(htmloptions).merge(ajax_options)
203 edit_tiptitle = 'edit'
204 edit_tiptitle = 'Warning: do not use hyphens in the repository name as they will be stripped' if (object.class.to_s == 'Repository' and attr == 'name')
205 edit_button = raw('<a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-default btn-nodecorate" data-toggle="x-editable tooltip" data-toggle-selector="#' + span_id + '" data-placement="top" title="' + (htmloptions[:tiptitle] || edit_tiptitle) + '"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i></a>')
206 if htmloptions[:btnplacement] == :left
207 edit_button + ' ' + span_tag
209 span_tag + ' ' + edit_button
213 def render_pipeline_component_attribute(object, attr, subattr, value_info, htmloptions={})
216 attrvalue = value_info
218 if value_info.is_a? Hash
219 if value_info[:output_of]
220 return raw("<span class='label label-default'>#{value_info[:output_of]}</span>")
222 if value_info[:dataclass]
223 dataclass = value_info[:dataclass]
225 if value_info[:optional] != nil
226 required = (value_info[:optional] != "true")
228 if value_info[:required] != nil
229 required = value_info[:required]
232 # Pick a suitable attrvalue to show as the current value (i.e.,
233 # the one that would be used if we ran the pipeline right now).
234 if value_info[:value]
235 attrvalue = value_info[:value]
236 elsif value_info[:default]
237 attrvalue = value_info[:default]
241 preconfigured_search_str = value_info[:search_for]
244 if not object.andand.attribute_editable?(attr)
245 return link_to_if_arvados_object attrvalue
250 dataclass = dataclass.constantize
254 dataclass = ArvadosBase.resource_class_for_uuid(attrvalue)
257 id = "#{object.uuid}-#{subattr.join('-')}"
262 if value_info.is_a? Hash
266 if (dataclass == Collection) or (dataclass == File)
267 selection_param = object.class.to_s.underscore + dn
268 display_value = attrvalue
269 if value_info.is_a?(Hash)
270 if (link = Link.find? value_info[:link_uuid])
271 display_value = link.name
272 elsif value_info[:link_name]
273 display_value = value_info[:link_name]
274 elsif value_info[:selection_name]
275 display_value = value_info[:selection_name]
278 if (attr == :components) and (subattr.size > 2)
279 chooser_title = "Choose a #{dataclass == Collection ? 'dataset' : 'file'} for #{object.component_input_title(subattr[0], subattr[2])}:"
281 chooser_title = "Choose a #{dataclass == Collection ? 'dataset' : 'file'}:"
283 modal_path = choose_collections_path \
284 ({ title: chooser_title,
285 filters: [['owner_uuid', '=', object.owner_uuid]].to_json,
287 action_href: pipeline_instance_path(id: object.uuid),
288 action_method: 'patch',
289 preconfigured_search_str: (preconfigured_search_str || ""),
292 use_preview_selection: dataclass == File ? true : nil,
293 selection_param: selection_param,
294 success: 'page-refresh'
297 return content_tag('div', :class => 'input-group') do
298 html = text_field_tag(dn, display_value,
300 "form-control #{'required' if required}")
301 html + content_tag('span', :class => 'input-group-btn') do
304 { :class => "btn btn-primary",
312 if attrvalue.is_a? String
314 elsif attrvalue.is_a?(Array) or dataclass.andand.is_a?(Class)
315 # TODO: find a way to edit with x-editable
319 # When datatype is a String or Fixnum, link_to the attrvalue
320 lt = link_to attrvalue, '#', {
321 "data-emptytext" => "none",
322 "data-placement" => "bottom",
323 "data-type" => datatype,
324 "data-url" => url_for(action: "update", id: object.uuid, controller: object.class.to_s.pluralize.underscore, merge: true),
325 "data-title" => "Set value for #{subattr[-1].to_s}",
327 "data-pk" => "{id: \"#{object.uuid}\", key: \"#{object.class.to_s.underscore}\"}",
328 "data-value" => attrvalue,
329 # "clear" button interferes with form-control's up/down arrows
330 "data-clear" => false,
331 :class => "editable #{'required' if required} form-control",
338 def render_arvados_object_list_start(list, button_text, button_href,
339 params={}, *rest, &block)
340 show_max = params.delete(:show_max) || 3
341 params[:class] ||= 'btn btn-xs btn-default'
342 list[0...show_max].each { |item| yield item }
343 unless list[show_max].nil?
344 link_to(h(button_text) +
345 raw(' <i class="fa fa-fw fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>'),
346 button_href, params, *rest)
350 def render_controller_partial partial, opts
351 cname = opts.delete :controller_name
353 render opts.merge(partial: "#{cname}/#{partial}")
354 rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate
355 render opts.merge(partial: "application/#{partial}")
360 "Collection" => "fa-archive",
361 "Group" => "fa-users",
362 "Human" => "fa-male", # FIXME: Use a more inclusive icon.
364 "KeepDisk" => "fa-hdd-o",
365 "KeepService" => "fa-exchange",
366 "Link" => "fa-arrows-h",
367 "Node" => "fa-cloud",
368 "PipelineInstance" => "fa-gears",
369 "PipelineTemplate" => "fa-gears",
370 "Repository" => "fa-code-fork",
371 "Specimen" => "fa-flask",
372 "Trait" => "fa-clipboard",
374 "VirtualMachine" => "fa-terminal",
376 DEFAULT_ICON_CLASS = "fa-cube"
378 def fa_icon_class_for_class(resource_class, default=DEFAULT_ICON_CLASS)
379 RESOURCE_CLASS_ICONS.fetch(resource_class.to_s, default)
382 def fa_icon_class_for_uuid(uuid, default=DEFAULT_ICON_CLASS)
383 fa_icon_class_for_class(resource_class_for_uuid(uuid), default)
386 def fa_icon_class_for_object(object, default=DEFAULT_ICON_CLASS)
387 case class_name = object.class.to_s
389 object.group_class ? 'fa-folder' : 'fa-users'
391 RESOURCE_CLASS_ICONS.fetch(class_name, default)
395 def chooser_preview_url_for object, use_preview_selection=false
396 case object.class.to_s
398 polymorphic_path(object, tab_pane: 'chooser_preview', use_preview_selection: use_preview_selection)
404 def render_attribute_as_textile( object, attr, attrvalue, truncate )
405 if attrvalue && (is_textile? object, attr)
406 markup = render_markup attrvalue
407 markup = markup[0,markup.index('</p>')+4] if (truncate && markup.index('</p>'))
414 def render_localized_date(date, opts="")
415 raw("<span class='utc-date' data-utc-date='#{date}' data-utc-date-opts='noseconds'>#{date}</span>")
419 def is_textile?( object, attr )
420 is_textile = object.textile_attributes.andand.include?(attr)