4 title: Create a Workflow with Composer
7 Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
9 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
12 The Arvados Workflow Composer is a graphical interface for building Common Workflow Language (CWL) workflows to run on Arvados.
14 This tutorial will demonstrate:
16 # Creating a new git repository through Arvados to store the workflow
17 # Creating CommandLineTools for "sort" and "uniq"
18 # Creating a Workflow which uses "sort" and "uniq" to remove duplicate lines from a text file
19 # Submitting the Workflow to run on Arvados
21 h3. 1. Access from workbench
25 h3. 2. Composer starting page
29 h3. 3. Manage git repositories (opens Workbench in new tab)
33 h3. 4. Add a new repository
39 h3. 5. Return to Composer. Use refresh button to discover new repository (may take a few moments to show up).
43 h3. 6. Create a new Command Line Tool
49 h3. 7. Set Docker image, base command, and input port for "sort" tool
51 The "Docker Repository" is the name:tag of a "Docker image uploaded Arvados.":{{site.baseurl}}/user/topics/arv-docker.html (Use @arv-keepdocker --pull debian:8@) You can also find prepackaged bioinformatics tools on various sites, such as http://dockstore.org and http://biocontainers.pro/ .
55 h3. 8. Redirect stdout to a file
59 h3. 9. Capture output file
63 h3. 10. Save Command Line Tool
67 h3. 11. Repeat steps 6-10 for "uniq" tool
69 Create a new tool with a "base command" of "uniq".
71 h3. 12. Switch back to "Home" tab and create workflow
79 h3. 13. Drag and drop tools into Workflow
83 h3. 14. Drag from input port of "sort" to empty space to create workflow input
87 h3. 15. Drag from output port of "sort" to input port of "uniq"
91 h3. 16. Drag from output port of "uniq" to empty space to create workflow output
99 h3. 18. Click on "Test" tab then click "Run"
101 !(screenshot)c15.png!
103 h3. 19. Choose input file
105 You may need to "upload an input file":{{site.baseurl}}/user/tutorials/tutorial-keep.html
107 !(screenshot)c16.png!
109 h3. 20. Run the workflow
111 !(screenshot)c17.png!
113 h3. 21. Monitor progress (may take several minutes)
115 !(screenshot)c18.png!
117 h3. 22. Get workflow output
119 !(screenshot)c19.png!