Fix to use python from a-c-r package if available.
[arvados.git] / sdk / cwl / tests / wf / scatter2.cwl
1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 #
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 class: Workflow
6 cwlVersion: v1.0
7 $namespaces:
8   arv: ""
9 inputs:
10   sleeptime:
11     type: int[]
12     default: [5]
13   fileblub:
14     type: File
15     default:
16       class: File
17       location: keep:99999999999999999999999999999999+118/token.txt
18 outputs:
19   out:
20     type: string[]
21     outputSource: scatterstep/out
22 requirements:
23   SubworkflowFeatureRequirement: {}
24   ScatterFeatureRequirement: {}
25   InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}
26   StepInputExpressionRequirement: {}
27 steps:
28   scatterstep:
29     in:
30       sleeptime: sleeptime
31       fileblub: fileblub
32     out: [out]
33     scatter: sleeptime
34     hints:
35       - class: arv:RunInSingleContainer
36     run:
37       class: Workflow
38       id: mysub
39       inputs:
40         sleeptime: int
41         fileblub: File
42       outputs:
43         out:
44           type: string
45           outputSource: sleep1/out
46       steps:
47         sleep1:
48           in:
49             sleeptime: sleeptime
50             blurb:
51               valueFrom: |
52                 ${
53                   return String(inputs.sleeptime) + "b";
54                 }
55           out: [out]
56           run:
57             class: CommandLineTool
58             id: subtool
59             inputs:
60               sleeptime:
61                 type: int
62                 inputBinding: {position: 1}
63             outputs:
64               out:
65                 type: string
66                 outputBinding:
67                   outputEval: "out"
68             baseCommand: sleep