1 require 'integration_helper'
2 require 'selenium-webdriver'
5 class ProjectsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
7 Capybara.current_driver = Capybara.javascript_driver
10 test 'Check collection count for A Project in the tab pane titles' do
11 project_uuid = api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['uuid']
12 visit page_with_token 'active', '/projects/' + project_uuid
13 collection_count = page.all("[data-pk*='collection']").count
14 assert_selector '#Data_collections-tab span', text: "(#{collection_count})"
17 test 'Find a project and edit its description' do
18 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
19 find("#projects-menu").click
20 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "A Project").click
21 within('.container-fluid', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']) do
22 find('span', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']).click
23 within('.arv-description-as-subtitle') do
24 find('.fa-pencil').click
25 find('.editable-input textarea').set('I just edited this.')
26 find('.editable-submit').click
31 assert(find?('.container-fluid', text: 'I just edited this.'),
32 "Description update did not survive page refresh")
35 test 'Find a project and edit description to textile description' do
36 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
37 find("#projects-menu").click
38 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "A Project").click
39 within('.container-fluid', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']) do
40 find('span', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']).click
41 within('.arv-description-as-subtitle') do
42 find('.fa-pencil').click
43 find('.editable-input textarea').set('<p>*Textile description for A project* - "take me home":/ </p><p>And a new paragraph in description.</p>')
44 find('.editable-submit').click
51 assert(has_no_text?('.container-fluid', text: '*Textile description for A project*'),
52 "Description is not rendered properly")
53 assert(find?('.container-fluid', text: 'Textile description for A project'),
54 "Description update did not survive page refresh")
55 assert(find?('.container-fluid', text: 'And a new paragraph in description'),
56 "Description did not contain the expected new paragraph")
57 assert(page.has_link?("take me home"), "link not found in description")
59 click_link 'take me home'
62 assert(page.has_text?('Active pipelines'), 'Active pipelines - not found on dashboard')
65 test 'Find a project and edit description to html description' do
66 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
67 find("#projects-menu").click
68 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "A Project").click
69 within('.container-fluid', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']) do
70 find('span', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']).click
71 within('.arv-description-as-subtitle') do
72 find('.fa-pencil').click
73 find('.editable-input textarea').set('<br>Textile description for A project</br> - <a href="/">take me home</a>')
74 find('.editable-submit').click
79 assert(find?('.container-fluid', text: 'Textile description for A project'),
80 "Description update did not survive page refresh")
81 assert(!find?('.container-fluid', text: '<br>Textile description for A project</br>'),
82 "Textile description is displayed with uninterpreted formatting characters")
83 assert(page.has_link?("take me home"),"link not found in description")
84 click_link 'take me home'
85 assert page.has_text?('Active pipelines')
88 test 'Find a project and edit description to textile description with link to object' do
89 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
90 find("#projects-menu").click
91 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "A Project").click
92 within('.container-fluid', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']) do
93 find('span', text: api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['name']).click
94 within('.arv-description-as-subtitle') do
95 find('.fa-pencil').click
96 find('.editable-input textarea').set('*Textile description for A project* - "go to sub-project":' + api_fixture('groups')['asubproject']['uuid'] + "'")
97 find('.editable-submit').click
102 assert(find?('.container-fluid', text: 'Textile description for A project'),
103 "Description update did not survive page refresh")
104 assert(!find?('.container-fluid', text: '*Textile description for A project*'),
105 "Textile description is displayed with uninterpreted formatting characters")
106 assert(page.has_link?("go to sub-project"), "link not found in description")
107 click_link 'go to sub-project'
108 assert(page.has_text?(api_fixture('groups')['asubproject']['name']), 'sub-project name not found after clicking link')
111 test 'Add a new name, then edit it, without creating a duplicate' do
112 project_uuid = api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['uuid']
113 specimen_uuid = api_fixture('traits')['owned_by_aproject_with_no_name']['uuid']
114 visit page_with_token 'active', '/projects/' + project_uuid
115 click_link 'Other objects'
116 within '.selection-action-container' do
117 # Wait for the tab to load:
118 assert_selector 'tr[data-kind="arvados#trait"]'
119 within first('tr', text: 'Trait') do
120 find(".fa-pencil").click
121 find('.editable-input input').set('Now I have a name.')
122 find('.glyphicon-ok').click
123 assert_selector '.editable', text: 'Now I have a name.'
124 find(".fa-pencil").click
125 find('.editable-input input').set('Now I have a new name.')
126 find('.glyphicon-ok').click
129 assert_selector '.editable', text: 'Now I have a new name.'
132 click_link 'Other objects'
133 within '.selection-action-container' do
134 find '.editable', text: 'Now I have a new name.'
135 page.assert_no_selector '.editable', text: 'Now I have a name.'
139 test 'Create a project and move it into a different project' do
140 visit page_with_token 'active', '/projects'
141 find("#projects-menu").click
142 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "Home").click
143 find('.btn', text: "Add a subproject").click
145 # within('.editable', text: 'New project') do
147 find('.fa-pencil').click
148 find('.editable-input input').set('Project 1234')
149 find('.glyphicon-ok').click
154 find("#projects-menu").click
155 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "Home").click
156 find('.btn', text: "Add a subproject").click
158 find('.fa-pencil').click
159 find('.editable-input input').set('Project 5678')
160 find('.glyphicon-ok').click
164 click_link 'Move project...'
165 find('.selectable', text: 'Project 1234').click
166 find('.modal-footer a,button', text: 'Move').click
169 # Wait for the page to refresh and show the new parent in Sharing panel
171 assert(page.has_link?("Project 1234"),
172 "Project 5678 should now be inside project 1234")
175 def show_project_using(auth_key, proj_key='aproject')
176 project_uuid = api_fixture('groups')[proj_key]['uuid']
177 visit(page_with_token(auth_key, "/projects/#{project_uuid}"))
178 assert(page.has_text?("A Project"), "not on expected project page")
182 find('#project_sharing').all('tr')
185 def add_share_and_check(share_type, name, obj=nil)
186 assert(page.has_no_text?(name), "project is already shared with #{name}")
187 start_share_count = share_rows.size
188 click_on("Share with #{share_type}")
189 within(".modal-container") do
190 # Order is important here: we should find something that appears in the
191 # modal before we make any assertions about what's not in the modal.
192 # Otherwise, the not-included assertions might falsely pass because
193 # the modal hasn't loaded yet.
194 find(".selectable", text: name).click
195 assert(has_no_selector?(".modal-dialog-preview-pane"),
196 "preview pane available in sharing dialog")
197 if share_type == 'users' and obj and obj['email']
198 assert(page.has_text?(obj['email']), "Did not find user's email")
200 assert_raises(Capybara::ElementNotFound,
201 "Projects pulldown available from sharing dialog") do
202 click_on "All projects"
206 using_wait_time(Capybara.default_wait_time * 3) do
207 assert(page.has_link?(name),
208 "new share was not added to sharing table")
209 assert_equal(start_share_count + 1, share_rows.size,
210 "new share did not add row to sharing table")
214 def modify_share_and_check(name)
215 start_rows = share_rows
216 link_row = start_rows.select { |row| row.has_text?(name) }
217 assert_equal(1, link_row.size, "row with new permission not found")
218 within(link_row.first) do
220 select("Write", from: "share_change_level")
221 click_on("editable-submit")
222 assert(has_link?("Write"),
223 "failed to change access level on new share")
226 using_wait_time(Capybara.default_wait_time * 3) do
227 assert(page.has_no_text?(name),
228 "new share row still exists after being revoked")
229 assert_equal(start_rows.size - 1, share_rows.size,
230 "revoking share did not remove row from sharing table")
234 test "project viewer can't see project sharing tab" do
235 show_project_using("project_viewer")
236 assert(page.has_no_link?("Sharing"),
237 "read-only project user sees sharing tab")
240 test "project owner can manage sharing for another user" do
241 add_user = api_fixture('users')['future_project_user']
242 new_name = ["first_name", "last_name"].map { |k| add_user[k] }.join(" ")
244 show_project_using("active")
246 add_share_and_check("users", new_name, add_user)
247 modify_share_and_check(new_name)
250 test "project owner can manage sharing for another group" do
251 new_name = api_fixture('groups')['future_project_viewing_group']['name']
253 show_project_using("active")
255 add_share_and_check("groups", new_name)
256 modify_share_and_check(new_name)
259 test "'share with group' listing does not offer projects" do
260 show_project_using("active")
262 click_on "Share with groups"
263 good_uuid = api_fixture("groups")["private"]["uuid"]
264 assert(page.has_selector?(".selectable[data-object-uuid=\"#{good_uuid}\"]"),
265 "'share with groups' listing missing owned user group")
266 bad_uuid = api_fixture("groups")["asubproject"]["uuid"]
267 assert(page.has_no_selector?(".selectable[data-object-uuid=\"#{bad_uuid}\"]"),
268 "'share with groups' listing includes project")
272 ['Move',api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject'],
273 api_fixture('groups')['aproject'],api_fixture('groups')['asubproject']],
274 ['Remove',api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject'],
275 api_fixture('groups')['aproject']],
276 ['Copy',api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject'],
277 api_fixture('groups')['aproject'],api_fixture('groups')['asubproject']],
278 ['Remove',api_fixture('collections')['collection_in_aproject_with_same_name_as_in_home_project'],
279 api_fixture('groups')['aproject'],nil,true],
280 ].each do |action, my_collection, src, dest=nil, expect_name_change=nil|
281 test "selection #{action} #{expect_name_change} for project" do
282 perform_selection_action src, dest, my_collection, action
286 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in src project after copy'
287 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
288 find("#projects-menu").click
289 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: dest['name']).click
290 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in dest project after copy'
292 # now remove it from destination project to restore to original state
293 perform_selection_action dest, nil, my_collection, 'Remove'
295 assert page.has_no_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection still found in src project after move'
296 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
297 find("#projects-menu").click
298 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: dest['name']).click
299 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in dest project after move'
301 # move it back to src project to restore to original state
302 perform_selection_action dest, src, my_collection, action
304 assert page.has_no_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection still found in src project after remove'
305 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
306 find("#projects-menu").click
307 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: "Home").click
308 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in home project after remove'
309 if expect_name_change
310 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']+' removed from ' + src['name']),
311 'Collection with update name is not found in home project after remove'
317 def perform_selection_action src, dest, item, action
318 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
319 find("#projects-menu").click
320 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: src['name']).click
321 assert page.has_text?(item['name']), 'Collection not found in src project'
323 within('tr', text: item['name']) do
324 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
327 click_button 'Selection...'
329 within('.selection-action-container') do
330 assert page.has_text?("Compare selected"), "Compare selected link text not found"
331 assert page.has_link?("Copy selected"), "Copy selected link not found"
332 assert page.has_link?("Move selected"), "Move selected link not found"
333 assert page.has_link?("Remove selected"), "Remove selected link not found"
335 click_link "#{action} selected"
338 # select the destination project if a Copy or Move action is being performed
339 if action == 'Copy' || action == 'Move'
340 within(".modal-container") do
341 find('.selectable', text: dest['name']).click
342 find('.modal-footer a,button', text: action).click
348 # Test copy action state. It should not be available when a subproject is selected.
349 test "copy action is disabled when a subproject is selected" do
350 my_project = api_fixture('groups')['aproject']
351 my_collection = api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject']
352 my_subproject = api_fixture('groups')['asubproject']
354 # verify that selection options are disabled on the project until an item is selected
355 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
356 find("#projects-menu").click
357 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: my_project['name']).click
359 click_button 'Selection...'
360 within('.selection-action-container') do
361 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Create new collection with selected collections'
362 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Compare selected'
363 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Copy selected'
364 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Move selected'
365 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Remove selected'
368 # select collection and verify links are enabled
369 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
370 find("#projects-menu").click
371 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: my_project['name']).click
372 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in project'
374 within('tr', text: my_collection['name']) do
375 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
378 click_button 'Selection...'
379 within('.selection-action-container') do
380 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Create new collection with selected collections'
381 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Create new collection with selected collections'
382 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Compare selected'
383 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Copy selected'
384 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Copy selected'
385 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Move selected'
386 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Move selected'
387 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Remove selected'
388 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Remove selected'
391 # select subproject and verify that copy action is disabled
392 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
393 find("#projects-menu").click
394 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: my_project['name']).click
396 click_link 'Subprojects'
397 assert page.has_text?(my_subproject['name']), 'Subproject not found in project'
399 within('tr', text: my_subproject['name']) do
400 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
403 click_button 'Selection...'
404 within('.selection-action-container') do
405 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Create new collection with selected collections'
406 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Compare selected'
407 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Copy selected'
408 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Move selected'
409 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Move selected'
410 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Remove selected'
411 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Remove selected'
414 # select subproject and a collection and verify that copy action is still disabled
415 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
416 find("#projects-menu").click
417 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: my_project['name']).click
419 click_link 'Subprojects'
420 assert page.has_text?(my_subproject['name']), 'Subproject not found in project'
422 within('tr', text: my_subproject['name']) do
423 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
426 click_link 'Data collections'
427 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in project'
429 within('tr', text: my_collection['name']) do
430 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
433 click_button 'Selection...'
434 within('.selection-action-container') do
435 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Create new collection with selected collections'
436 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Compare selected'
437 page.assert_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Copy selected'
438 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Move selected'
439 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Move selected'
440 page.assert_no_selector 'li.disabled', text: 'Remove selected'
441 page.assert_selector 'li', text: 'Remove selected'
447 ['project_viewer', false],
448 ].each do |user, expect_collection_in_aproject|
449 test "combine selected collections into new collection #{user} #{expect_collection_in_aproject}" do
450 my_project = api_fixture('groups')['aproject']
451 my_collection = api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject']
453 visit page_with_token user, '/'
454 find("#projects-menu").click
455 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: my_project['name']).click
456 assert page.has_text?(my_collection['name']), 'Collection not found in project'
458 within('tr', text: my_collection['name']) do
459 find('input[type=checkbox]').click
462 click_button 'Selection...'
463 within('.selection-action-container') do
464 click_link 'Create new collection with selected collections'
467 # now in the new collection page
468 if expect_collection_in_aproject
469 assert page.has_text?("Created new collection in the project #{my_project['name']}"),
470 'Not found flash message that new collection is created in aproject'
472 assert page.has_text?("Created new collection in your Home project"),
473 'Not found flash message that new collection is created in Home project'
475 assert page.has_text?('Content hash'), 'Not found content hash in collection page'
481 ["pipelines", "/pipeline_instances"],
482 ["collections", "/collections"]
483 ].each do |target,path|
484 test "Test dashboard button all #{target}" do
485 visit page_with_token 'active', '/'
486 click_link "All #{target}"
487 assert_equal path, current_path
492 ['project with 10 collections', 10],
493 ['project with 201 collections', 201], # two pages of data
494 ].each do |project_name, amount|
495 test "scroll collections tab for #{project_name} with #{amount} objects" do
496 headless = Headless.new
498 Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
500 visit page_with_token 'user1_with_load'
502 find("#projects-menu").click
503 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: project_name).click
507 my_collections << "Collection_#{i}"
510 # verify Data collections scroll
511 assert(page.has_text?("Data collections (#{amount})"), "Number of collections did not match the input amount")
513 click_link 'Data collections'
519 verify_collections = my_collections.dup
520 unexpected_items = []
521 collections_count = 0
522 within('.arv-project-Data_collections') do
523 page.execute_script "window.scrollBy(0,999000)"
529 # Visit all rows. If not all expected collections are found, retry
530 found_collections = page.all('tr[data-kind="arvados#collection"]')
531 collections_count = found_collections.count
533 (0..collections_count-1).each do |i|
534 # Found row text would be of the format "Show Collection_#{n} "
535 collection_name = found_collections[i].text.split[1]
536 if !my_collections.include? collection_name
537 unexpected_items << collection_name
539 verify_collections.delete collection_name
543 assert_equal true, unexpected_items.empty?, "Found unexpected items #{unexpected_items.inspect}"
544 assert_equal amount, collections_count, "Found different number of collections"
545 assert_equal true, verify_collections.empty?, "Did not find all the collections"
551 ['project with 10 pipelines', 10, 0],
552 ['project with 2 pipelines and 100 jobs', 2, 100],
553 ['project with 25 pipelines', 25, 0],
554 ].each do |project_name, num_pipelines, num_jobs|
555 test "scroll pipeline instances tab for #{project_name} with #{num_pipelines} pipelines and #{num_jobs} jobs" do
556 headless = Headless.new
558 Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
560 visit page_with_token 'user1_with_load'
562 find("#projects-menu").click
563 find(".dropdown-menu a", text: project_name).click
566 (0..num_pipelines-1).each do |i|
567 name = "pipeline_#{i}"
571 # verify Jobs and pipelines tab scroll
572 assert(page.has_text?("Jobs and pipelines (#{num_pipelines+num_jobs})"), "Number of objects did not match the input counts")
573 click_link 'Jobs and pipelines'
579 verify_pipelines = my_pipelines.dup
580 unexpected_items = []
582 within('.arv-project-Jobs_and_pipelines') do
583 page.execute_script "window.scrollBy(0,999000)"
589 # Visit all rows. Repeat if not all expected my_pipelines are found (inifinite scrolling should kick in)
590 pipelines_found = page.all('tr[data-kind="arvados#pipelineInstance"]')
591 found_pipeline_count = pipelines_found.count
592 (0..found_pipeline_count-1).each do |i|
593 name = pipelines_found[i].text.split[1]
594 if !my_pipelines.include? name
595 unexpected_items << name
597 verify_pipelines.delete name
600 assert_equal true, unexpected_items.empty?, "Found unexpected items #{unexpected_items.inspect}"
603 jobs_found = page.all('tr[data-kind="arvados#job"]')
604 found_job_count = jobs_found.count
606 assert_equal num_pipelines, found_pipeline_count, "Found different number of pipelines and jobs"
607 assert_equal num_jobs, found_job_count, 'Did not find expected number of jobs'
608 assert_equal true, verify_pipelines.empty?, "Did not find all the pipelines and jobs"
613 # Move button accessibility
616 ['active', true], # project owner
617 ['project_viewer', false],
618 ].each do |user, can_move|
619 test "#{user} can move subproject under another user's Home #{can_move}" do
620 project = api_fixture('groups')['aproject']
621 collection = api_fixture('collections')['collection_to_move_around_in_aproject']
623 # verify the project move button
624 visit page_with_token user, "/projects/#{project['uuid']}"
626 assert page.has_link? 'Move project...'
628 assert page.has_no_link? 'Move project...'