3 class CollectionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
4 # These tests don't do state-changing API calls. Save some time by
5 # skipping the database reset.
6 reset_api_fixtures :after_each_test, false
7 reset_api_fixtures :after_suite, true
9 include PipelineInstancesHelper
11 NONEXISTENT_COLLECTION = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff+0"
13 def config_anonymous enable
14 Rails.configuration.anonymous_user_token =
16 api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['anonymous']['api_token']
23 # For the duration of the current test case, stub file download
24 # content with a randomized (but recognizable) string. Return the
25 # string, the test case can use it in assertions.
26 txt = 'the quick brown fox ' + rand(2**32).to_s
27 @controller.stubs(:file_enumerator).returns([txt])
31 def collection_params(collection_name, file_name=nil)
32 uuid = api_fixture('collections')[collection_name.to_s]['uuid']
33 params = {uuid: uuid, id: uuid}
34 params[:file] = file_name if file_name
38 def assert_hash_includes(actual_hash, expected_hash, msg=nil)
39 expected_hash.each do |key, value|
40 assert_equal(value, actual_hash[key], msg)
45 assert_hash_includes(session, {arvados_api_token: nil},
46 "session includes unexpected API token")
49 def assert_session_for_auth(client_auth)
51 api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')[client_auth.to_s]['api_token']
52 assert_hash_includes(session, {arvados_api_token: api_token},
53 "session token does not belong to #{client_auth}")
56 def show_collection(params, session={}, response=:success)
57 params = collection_params(params) if not params.is_a? Hash
58 session = session_for(session) if not session.is_a? Hash
59 get(:show, params, session)
60 assert_response response
63 test "viewing a collection" do
64 show_collection(:foo_file, :active)
65 assert_equal([['.', 'foo', 3]], assigns(:object).files)
68 test "viewing a collection with spaces in filename" do
69 show_collection(:w_a_z_file, :active)
70 assert_equal([['.', 'w a z', 5]], assigns(:object).files)
73 test "download a file with spaces in filename" do
74 collection = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file']
75 fakepipe = IO.popen(['echo', '-n', 'w a z'], 'rb')
76 IO.expects(:popen).with { |cmd, mode|
77 cmd.include? "#{collection['uuid']}/w a z"
80 uuid: collection['uuid'],
82 }, session_for(:active)
83 assert_response :success
84 assert_equal 'w a z', response.body
87 test "viewing a collection fetches related projects" do
88 show_collection({id: api_fixture('collections')["foo_file"]['portable_data_hash']}, :active)
89 assert_includes(assigns(:same_pdh).map(&:owner_uuid),
90 api_fixture('groups')['aproject']['uuid'],
91 "controller did not find linked project")
94 test "viewing a collection fetches related permissions" do
95 show_collection(:bar_file, :active)
96 assert_includes(assigns(:permissions).map(&:uuid),
97 api_fixture('links')['bar_file_readable_by_active']['uuid'],
98 "controller did not find permission link")
101 test "viewing a collection fetches jobs that output it" do
102 show_collection(:bar_file, :active)
103 assert_includes(assigns(:output_of).map(&:uuid),
104 api_fixture('jobs')['foobar']['uuid'],
105 "controller did not find output job")
108 test "viewing a collection fetches jobs that logged it" do
109 show_collection(:baz_file, :active)
110 assert_includes(assigns(:log_of).map(&:uuid),
111 api_fixture('jobs')['foobar']['uuid'],
112 "controller did not find logger job")
115 test "viewing a collection fetches logs about it" do
116 show_collection(:foo_file, :active)
117 assert_includes(assigns(:logs).map(&:uuid),
118 api_fixture('logs')['system_adds_foo_file']['uuid'],
119 "controller did not find related log")
122 test "sharing auths available to admin" do
123 show_collection("collection_owned_by_active", "admin_trustedclient")
124 assert_not_nil assigns(:search_sharing)
127 test "sharing auths available to owner" do
128 show_collection("collection_owned_by_active", "active_trustedclient")
129 assert_not_nil assigns(:search_sharing)
132 test "sharing auths available to reader" do
133 show_collection("foo_collection_in_aproject",
134 "project_viewer_trustedclient")
135 assert_not_nil assigns(:search_sharing)
138 test "viewing collection files with a reader token" do
139 params = collection_params(:foo_file)
140 params[:reader_token] = api_fixture("api_client_authorizations",
141 "active_all_collections", "api_token")
142 get(:show_file_links, params)
143 assert_response :success
144 assert_equal([['.', 'foo', 3]], assigns(:object).files)
148 test "fetching collection file with reader token" do
149 expected = stub_file_content
150 params = collection_params(:foo_file, "foo")
151 params[:reader_token] = api_fixture("api_client_authorizations",
152 "active_all_collections", "api_token")
153 get(:show_file, params)
154 assert_response :success
155 assert_equal(expected, @response.body,
156 "failed to fetch a Collection file with a reader token")
160 test "reader token Collection links end with trailing slash" do
161 # Testing the fix for #2937.
162 session = session_for(:active_trustedclient)
163 post(:share, collection_params(:foo_file), session)
164 assert(@controller.download_link.ends_with? '/',
165 "Collection share link does not end with slash for wget")
168 test "getting a file from Keep" do
169 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'foo')
170 sess = session_for(:active)
171 expect_content = stub_file_content
172 get(:show_file, params, sess)
173 assert_response :success
174 assert_equal(expect_content, @response.body,
175 "failed to get a correct file from Keep")
178 test 'anonymous download' do
179 config_anonymous true
180 expect_content = stub_file_content
182 uuid: api_fixture('collections')['user_agreement_in_anonymously_accessible_project']['uuid'],
183 file: 'GNU_General_Public_License,_version_3.pdf',
185 assert_response :success
186 assert_equal expect_content, response.body
189 test "can't get a file from Keep without permission" do
190 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'foo')
191 sess = session_for(:spectator)
192 get(:show_file, params, sess)
196 test "trying to get a nonexistent file from Keep returns a 404" do
197 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'gone')
198 sess = session_for(:admin)
199 get(:show_file, params, sess)
203 test "getting a file from Keep with a good reader token" do
204 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'foo')
205 read_token = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
206 params[:reader_token] = read_token
207 expect_content = stub_file_content
208 get(:show_file, params)
209 assert_response :success
210 assert_equal(expect_content, @response.body,
211 "failed to get a correct file from Keep using a reader token")
212 assert_not_equal(read_token, session[:arvados_api_token],
213 "using a reader token set the session's API token")
216 [false, true].each do |anon|
217 test "download a file using a reader token with insufficient scope, anon #{anon}" do
218 config_anonymous anon
219 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'foo')
220 params[:reader_token] =
221 api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active_noscope']['api_token']
222 get(:show_file, params)
224 # Some files can be shown without a valid token, but not this one.
227 # No files will ever be shown without a valid token. You
228 # should log in and try again.
229 assert_response :redirect
234 test "can get a file with an unpermissioned auth but in-scope reader token" do
235 params = collection_params(:foo_file, 'foo')
236 sess = session_for(:expired)
237 read_token = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
238 params[:reader_token] = read_token
239 expect_content = stub_file_content
240 get(:show_file, params, sess)
241 assert_response :success
242 assert_equal(expect_content, @response.body,
243 "failed to get a correct file from Keep using a reader token")
244 assert_not_equal(read_token, session[:arvados_api_token],
245 "using a reader token set the session's API token")
248 test "inactive user can retrieve user agreement" do
249 ua_collection = api_fixture('collections')['user_agreement']
250 # Here we don't test whether the agreement can be retrieved from
251 # Keep. We only test that show_file decides to send file content,
252 # so we use the file content stub.
255 uuid: ua_collection['uuid'],
256 file: ua_collection['manifest_text'].match(/ \d+:\d+:(\S+)/)[1]
257 }, session_for(:inactive)
258 assert_nil(assigns(:unsigned_user_agreements),
259 "Did not skip check_user_agreements filter " +
260 "when showing the user agreement.")
261 assert_response :success
264 test "requesting nonexistent Collection returns 404" do
269 test "use a reasonable read buffer even if client requests a huge range" do
271 IO.expects(:popen).returns(fakefiledata)
272 fakefiledata.expects(:read).twice.with() do |length|
273 # Fail the test if read() is called with length>1MiB:
275 ## Force the ActionController::Live thread to lose the race to
276 ## verify that @response.body.length actually waits for the
277 ## response (see below):
279 end.returns("foo\n", nil)
280 fakefiledata.expects(:close)
281 foo_file = api_fixture('collections')['foo_file']
282 @request.headers['Range'] = 'bytes=0-4294967296/*'
284 uuid: foo_file['uuid'],
285 file: foo_file['manifest_text'].match(/ \d+:\d+:(\S+)/)[1]
286 }, session_for(:active)
287 # Wait for the whole response to arrive before deciding whether
288 # mocks' expectations were met. Otherwise, Mocha will fail the
289 # test depending on how slowly the ActionController::Live thread
291 @response.body.length
294 test "show file in a subdirectory of a collection" do
295 params = collection_params(:collection_with_files_in_subdir, 'subdir2/subdir3/subdir4/file1_in_subdir4.txt')
296 expect_content = stub_file_content
297 get(:show_file, params, session_for(:user1_with_load))
298 assert_response :success
299 assert_equal(expect_content, @response.body, "failed to get a correct file from Keep")
302 test 'provenance graph' do
305 obj = find_fixture Collection, "graph_test_collection3"
307 provenance = obj.provenance.stringify_keys
309 [obj[:portable_data_hash]].each do |k|
310 assert_not_nil provenance[k], "Expected key #{k} in provenance set"
313 prov_svg = ProvenanceHelper::create_provenance_graph(provenance, "provenance_svg",
314 {:request => RequestDuck,
315 :direction => :bottom_up,
316 :combine_jobs => :script_only})
318 stage1 = find_fixture Job, "graph_stage1"
319 stage3 = find_fixture Job, "graph_stage3"
320 previous_job_run = find_fixture Job, "previous_job_run"
322 obj_id = obj.portable_data_hash.gsub('+', '\\\+')
323 stage1_out = stage1.output.gsub('+', '\\\+')
324 stage1_id = "#{stage1.script}_#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(stage1[:script_parameters].to_json)}"
325 stage3_id = "#{stage3.script}_#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(stage3[:script_parameters].to_json)}"
327 assert /#{obj_id}->#{stage3_id}/.match(prov_svg)
329 assert /#{stage3_id}->#{stage1_out}/.match(prov_svg)
331 assert /#{stage1_out}->#{stage1_id}/.match(prov_svg)
335 test 'used_by graph' do
337 obj = find_fixture Collection, "graph_test_collection1"
339 used_by = obj.used_by.stringify_keys
341 used_by_svg = ProvenanceHelper::create_provenance_graph(used_by, "used_by_svg",
342 {:request => RequestDuck,
343 :direction => :top_down,
344 :combine_jobs => :script_only,
345 :pdata_only => true})
347 stage2 = find_fixture Job, "graph_stage2"
348 stage3 = find_fixture Job, "graph_stage3"
350 stage2_id = "#{stage2.script}_#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(stage2[:script_parameters].to_json)}"
351 stage3_id = "#{stage3.script}_#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(stage3[:script_parameters].to_json)}"
353 obj_id = obj.portable_data_hash.gsub('+', '\\\+')
354 stage3_out = stage3.output.gsub('+', '\\\+')
356 assert /#{obj_id}->#{stage2_id}/.match(used_by_svg)
358 assert /#{obj_id}->#{stage3_id}/.match(used_by_svg)
360 assert /#{stage3_id}->#{stage3_out}/.match(used_by_svg)
362 assert /#{stage3_id}->#{stage3_out}/.match(used_by_svg)
366 test "view collection with empty properties" do
367 fixture_name = :collection_with_empty_properties
368 show_collection(fixture_name, :active)
369 assert_equal(api_fixture('collections')[fixture_name.to_s]['name'], assigns(:object).name)
370 assert_not_nil(assigns(:object).properties)
371 assert_empty(assigns(:object).properties)
374 test "view collection with one property" do
375 fixture_name = :collection_with_one_property
376 show_collection(fixture_name, :active)
377 fixture = api_fixture('collections')[fixture_name.to_s]
378 assert_equal(fixture['name'], assigns(:object).name)
379 assert_equal(fixture['properties'][0], assigns(:object).properties[0])
382 test "create collection with properties" do
385 name: 'collection created with properties',
388 property_1: 'value_1'
392 }, session_for(:active)
393 assert_response :success
394 assert_not_nil assigns(:object).uuid
395 assert_equal 'collection created with properties', assigns(:object).name
396 assert_equal 'value_1', assigns(:object).properties[:property_1]
399 test "update description and check manifest_text is not lost" do
400 collection = api_fixture("collections")["multilevel_collection_1"]
402 id: collection["uuid"],
404 description: 'test description update'
407 }, session_for(:active)
408 assert_response :success
409 assert_not_nil assigns(:object)
410 # Ensure the Workbench response still has the original manifest_text
411 assert_equal 'test description update', assigns(:object).description
412 assert_equal true, strip_signatures_and_compare(collection['manifest_text'], assigns(:object).manifest_text)
413 # Ensure the API server still has the original manifest_text after
414 # we called arvados.v1.collections.update
416 assert_equal true, strip_signatures_and_compare(Collection.find(collection['uuid']).manifest_text,
417 collection['manifest_text'])
421 # Since we got the initial collection from fixture, there are no signatures in manifest_text.
422 # However, after update or find, the collection retrieved will have singed manifest_text.
423 # Hence, let's compare each line after excluding signatures.
424 def strip_signatures_and_compare m1, m2
425 m1_lines = m1.split "\n"
426 m2_lines = m2.split "\n"
428 return false if m1_lines.size != m2_lines.size
430 m1_lines.each_with_index do |line, i|
432 line.split.each do |word|
433 m1_words << word.split('+A')[0]
436 m2_lines[i].split.each do |word|
437 m2_words << word.split('+A')[0]
439 return false if !m1_words.join(' ').eql?(m2_words.join(' '))
445 test "view collection and verify none of the file types listed are disabled" do
446 show_collection(:collection_with_several_supported_file_types, :active)
448 files = assigns(:object).files
449 assert_equal true, files.length>0, "Expected one or more files in collection"
451 disabled = css_select('[disabled="disabled"]').collect do |el|
454 assert_equal 0, disabled.length, "Expected no disabled files in collection viewables list"
457 test "view collection and verify file types listed are all disabled" do
458 show_collection(:collection_with_several_unsupported_file_types, :active)
460 files = assigns(:object).files.collect do |_, file, _|
463 assert_equal true, files.length>0, "Expected one or more files in collection"
465 disabled = css_select('[disabled="disabled"]').collect do |el|
466 el.attributes['title'].split[-1]
469 assert_equal files.sort, disabled.sort, "Expected to see all collection files in disabled list of files"
472 test "anonymous user accesses collection in shared project" do
473 config_anonymous true
474 collection = api_fixture('collections')['public_text_file']
475 get(:show, {id: collection['uuid']})
477 response_object = assigns(:object)
478 assert_equal collection['name'], response_object['name']
479 assert_equal collection['uuid'], response_object['uuid']
480 assert_includes @response.body, 'Hello world'
481 assert_includes @response.body, 'Content address'
482 refute_nil css_select('[href="#Advanced"]')
485 test "can view empty collection" do
486 get :show, {id: 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0'}, session_for(:active)
487 assert_includes @response.body, 'The following collections have this content'
490 test "collection portable data hash redirect" do
491 di = api_fixture('collections')['docker_image']
492 get :show, {id: di['portable_data_hash']}, session_for(:active)
493 assert_match /\/collections\/#{di['uuid']}/, @response.redirect_url
496 test "collection portable data hash with multiple matches" do
497 pdh = api_fixture('collections')['foo_file']['portable_data_hash']
498 get :show, {id: pdh}, session_for(:admin)
499 matches = api_fixture('collections').select {|k,v| v["portable_data_hash"] == pdh}
500 assert matches.size > 1
502 matches.each do |k,v|
503 assert_match /href="\/collections\/#{v['uuid']}">.*#{v['name']}<\/a>/, @response.body
506 assert_includes @response.body, 'The following collections have this content:'
507 assert_not_includes @response.body, 'more results are not shown'
508 assert_not_includes @response.body, 'Activity'
509 assert_not_includes @response.body, 'Sharing and permissions'
512 test "collection page renders name" do
513 collection = api_fixture('collections')['foo_file']
514 get :show, {id: collection['uuid']}, session_for(:active)
515 assert_includes @response.body, collection['name']
516 assert_match /href="#{collection['uuid']}\/foo" ><\/i> foo</, @response.body
519 test "No Upload tab on non-writable collection" do
520 get :show, {id: api_fixture('collections')['user_agreement']['uuid']}, session_for(:active)
521 assert_not_includes @response.body, '<a href="#Upload"'
524 def setup_for_keep_web cfg='https://%{uuid_or_pdh}.example', dl_cfg=false
525 Rails.configuration.keep_web_url = cfg
526 Rails.configuration.keep_web_download_url = dl_cfg
527 @controller.expects(:file_enumerator).never
530 %w(uuid portable_data_hash).each do |id_type|
531 test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type}" do
533 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
534 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
535 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
536 assert_response :redirect
537 assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.example/_/w%20a%20z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url
540 test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} with reader token" do
542 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
543 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
544 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z", reader_token: tok}, session_for(:expired)
545 assert_response :redirect
546 assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.example/t=#{tok}/_/w%20a%20z", @response.redirect_url
549 test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} with no token" do
551 config_anonymous true
552 id = api_fixture('collections')['public_text_file'][id_type]
553 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "Hello World.txt"}
554 assert_response :redirect
555 assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.example/_/Hello%20World.txt", @response.redirect_url
558 test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} with disposition param" do
560 config_anonymous true
561 id = api_fixture('collections')['public_text_file'][id_type]
564 file: "Hello World.txt",
565 disposition: 'attachment',
567 assert_response :redirect
568 assert_equal "https://#{id.sub '+', '-'}.example/_/Hello%20World.txt?disposition=attachment", @response.redirect_url
571 test "Redirect to keep_web_download_url via #{id_type}" do
572 setup_for_keep_web('https://collections.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}',
573 'https://download.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}')
574 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
575 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
576 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
577 assert_response :redirect
578 assert_equal "https://download.example/c=#{id.sub '+', '-'}/_/w%20a%20z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url
581 test "Redirect to keep_web_url via #{id_type} when trust_all_content enabled" do
582 Rails.configuration.trust_all_content = true
583 setup_for_keep_web('https://collections.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}',
584 'https://download.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}')
585 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
586 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file'][id_type]
587 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
588 assert_response :redirect
589 assert_equal "https://collections.example/c=#{id.sub '+', '-'}/_/w%20a%20z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url
593 [false, true].each do |anon|
594 test "No redirect to keep_web_url if collection not found, anon #{anon}" do
596 config_anonymous anon
597 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file']['uuid']
598 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:spectator)
602 test "Redirect download to keep_web_download_url, anon #{anon}" do
603 config_anonymous anon
604 setup_for_keep_web('https://collections.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}',
605 'https://download.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}')
606 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
607 id = api_fixture('collections')['public_text_file']['uuid']
610 file: 'Hello world.txt',
611 disposition: 'attachment',
612 }, session_for(:active)
613 assert_response :redirect
614 expect_url = "https://download.example/c=#{id.sub '+', '-'}/_/Hello%20world.txt"
616 expect_url += "?api_token=#{tok}"
618 assert_equal expect_url, @response.redirect_url
622 test "Error if file is impossible to retrieve from keep_web_url" do
623 # Cannot pass a session token using a single-origin keep-web URL,
624 # cannot read this collection without a session token.
625 setup_for_keep_web 'https://collections.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}', false
626 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file']['uuid']
627 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
631 [false, true].each do |trust_all_content|
632 test "Redirect preview to keep_web_download_url when preview is disabled and trust_all_content is #{trust_all_content}" do
633 Rails.configuration.trust_all_content = trust_all_content
634 setup_for_keep_web false, 'https://download.example/c=%{uuid_or_pdh}'
635 tok = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')['active']['api_token']
636 id = api_fixture('collections')['w_a_z_file']['uuid']
637 get :show_file, {uuid: id, file: "w a z"}, session_for(:active)
638 assert_response :redirect
639 assert_equal "https://download.example/c=#{id.sub '+', '-'}/_/w%20a%20z?api_token=#{tok}", @response.redirect_url