1 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
2 include ArvadosApiClientHelper
4 respond_to :html, :json, :js
7 ERROR_ACTIONS = [:render_error, :render_not_found]
9 around_filter :thread_clear
10 around_filter(:thread_with_mandatory_api_token,
11 except: [:index, :show] + ERROR_ACTIONS)
12 around_filter :thread_with_optional_api_token
13 before_filter :check_user_agreements, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
14 before_filter :check_user_notifications, except: ERROR_ACTIONS
15 around_filter :using_reader_tokens, only: [:index, :show]
16 before_filter :find_object_by_uuid, except: [:index] + ERROR_ACTIONS
17 before_filter :check_my_folders, :except => ERROR_ACTIONS
21 rescue_from Exception,
22 :with => :render_exception
23 rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,
24 :with => :render_not_found
25 rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError,
26 :with => :render_not_found
27 rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController,
28 :with => :render_not_found
29 rescue_from ::AbstractController::ActionNotFound,
30 :with => :render_not_found
33 def unprocessable(message=nil)
36 @errors << message if message
37 render_error status: 422
40 def render_error(opts)
41 opts = {status: 500}.merge opts
43 # json must come before html here, so it gets used as the
44 # default format when js is requested by the client. This lets
45 # ajax:error callback parse the response correctly, even though
47 f.json { render opts.merge(json: {success: false, errors: @errors}) }
48 f.html { render opts.merge(controller: 'application', action: 'error') }
52 def render_exception(e)
53 logger.error e.inspect
54 logger.error e.backtrace.collect { |x| x + "\n" }.join('') if e.backtrace
55 if @object.andand.errors.andand.full_messages.andand.any?
56 @errors = @object.errors.full_messages
60 self.render_error status: 422
63 def render_not_found(e=ActionController::RoutingError.new("Path not found"))
64 logger.error e.inspect
65 @errors = ["Path not found"]
66 self.render_error status: 404
72 @limit = params[:limit].to_i
77 @offset = params[:offset].to_i
82 filters = params[:filters]
83 if filters.is_a? String
84 filters = Oj.load filters
89 @objects ||= model_class
90 @objects = @objects.filter(@filters).limit(@limit).offset(@offset).all
92 f.json { render json: @objects }
100 return render_not_found("object not found")
103 f.json { render json: @object.attributes.merge(href: url_for(@object)) }
105 if request.method == 'GET'
108 redirect_to params[:return_to] || @object
117 return render_not_found("object not found")
122 @object = model_class.new
126 updates = params[@object.class.to_s.underscore.singularize.to_sym]
127 updates.keys.each do |attr|
128 if @object.send(attr).is_a? Hash
129 if updates[attr].is_a? String
130 updates[attr] = Oj.load updates[attr]
132 if params[:merge] || params["merge_#{attr}".to_sym]
133 # Merge provided Hash with current Hash, instead of
135 updates[attr] = @object.send(attr).with_indifferent_access.
136 deep_merge(updates[attr].with_indifferent_access)
140 if @object.update_attributes updates
143 self.render_error status: 422
148 @new_resource_attrs ||= params[model_class.to_s.underscore.singularize]
149 @new_resource_attrs ||= {}
150 @new_resource_attrs.reject! { |k,v| k.to_s == 'uuid' }
151 @object ||= model_class.new @new_resource_attrs
159 f.json { render json: @object }
161 redirect_to(params[:return_to] || :back)
166 self.render_error status: 422
171 if Thread.current[:arvados_api_token]
172 Thread.current[:user] ||= User.current
174 logger.error "No API token in Thread"
180 controller_name.classify.constantize
183 def breadcrumb_page_name
184 (@breadcrumb_page_name ||
185 (@object.friendly_link_name if @object.respond_to? :friendly_link_name) ||
194 %w(Attributes Metadata JSON API)
199 def redirect_to_login
202 if request.method == 'GET'
203 redirect_to arvados_api_client.arvados_login_url(return_to: request.url)
205 flash[:error] = "Either you are not logged in, or your session has timed out. I can't automatically log you in and re-attempt this request."
210 @errors = ['You do not seem to be logged in. You did not supply an API token with this request, and your session (if any) has timed out.']
211 self.render_error status: 422
214 false # For convenience to return from callbacks
217 def using_reader_tokens(login_optional=false)
218 if params[:reader_tokens].is_a?(Array) and params[:reader_tokens].any?
219 Thread.current[:reader_tokens] = params[:reader_tokens]
223 rescue ArvadosApiClient::NotLoggedInException
227 return redirect_to_login
230 Thread.current[:reader_tokens] = nil
234 def using_specific_api_token(api_token)
236 [:arvados_api_token, :user].each do |key|
237 start_values[key] = Thread.current[key]
239 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = api_token
240 Thread.current[:user] = nil
244 start_values.each_key { |key| Thread.current[key] = start_values[key] }
248 def find_object_by_uuid
249 if params[:id] and params[:id].match /\D/
250 params[:uuid] = params.delete :id
254 elsif params[:uuid].is_a? String
255 if params[:uuid].empty?
258 @object = model_class.find(params[:uuid])
261 @object = model_class.where(uuid: params[:uuid]).first
266 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = nil
267 Thread.current[:user] = nil
268 Rails.cache.delete_matched(/^request_#{Thread.current.object_id}_/)
270 Rails.cache.delete_matched(/^request_#{Thread.current.object_id}_/)
273 def thread_with_api_token(login_optional = false)
275 try_redirect_to_login = true
276 if params[:api_token]
277 try_redirect_to_login = false
278 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = params[:api_token]
279 # Before copying the token into session[], do a simple API
280 # call to verify its authenticity.
282 session[:arvados_api_token] = params[:api_token]
283 if !request.format.json? and request.method == 'GET'
284 # Repeat this request with api_token in the (new) session
285 # cookie instead of the query string. This prevents API
286 # tokens from appearing in (and being inadvisedly copied
287 # and pasted from) browser Location bars.
288 redirect_to request.fullpath.sub(%r{([&\?]api_token=)[^&\?]*}, '')
293 @errors = ['Invalid API token']
294 self.render_error status: 401
296 elsif session[:arvados_api_token]
297 # In this case, the token must have already verified at some
298 # point, but it might have been revoked since. We'll try
299 # using it, and catch the exception if it doesn't work.
300 try_redirect_to_login = false
301 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = session[:arvados_api_token]
304 rescue ArvadosApiClient::NotLoggedInException
305 try_redirect_to_login = true
308 logger.debug "No token received, session is #{session.inspect}"
310 if try_redirect_to_login
311 unless login_optional
314 # login is optional for this route so go on to the regular controller
315 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = nil
320 # Remove token in case this Thread is used for anything else.
321 Thread.current[:arvados_api_token] = nil
325 def thread_with_mandatory_api_token
326 thread_with_api_token do
331 # This runs after thread_with_mandatory_api_token in the filter chain.
332 def thread_with_optional_api_token
333 if Thread.current[:arvados_api_token]
334 # We are already inside thread_with_mandatory_api_token.
337 # We skipped thread_with_mandatory_api_token. Use the optional version.
338 thread_with_api_token(true) do
346 Link.where(uuid: 'just-verifying-my-api-token')
348 rescue ArvadosApiClient::NotLoggedInException
353 def ensure_current_user_is_admin
354 unless current_user and current_user.is_admin
355 @errors = ['Permission denied']
356 self.render_error status: 401
360 def check_user_agreements
361 if current_user && !current_user.is_active && current_user.is_invited
362 signatures = UserAgreement.signatures
363 @signed_ua_uuids = UserAgreement.signatures.map &:head_uuid
364 @required_user_agreements = UserAgreement.all.map do |ua|
365 if not @signed_ua_uuids.index ua.uuid
366 Collection.find(ua.uuid)
369 if @required_user_agreements.empty?
370 # No agreements to sign. Perhaps we just need to ask?
371 current_user.activate
372 if !current_user.is_active
373 logger.warn "#{current_user.uuid.inspect}: " +
374 "No user agreements to sign, but activate failed!"
377 if !current_user.is_active
378 render 'user_agreements/index'
385 return Rails.configuration.arvados_theme
388 @@notification_tests = []
390 @@notification_tests.push lambda { |controller, current_user|
391 AuthorizedKey.limit(1).where(authorized_user_uuid: current_user.uuid).each do
394 return lambda { |view|
395 view.render partial: 'notifications/ssh_key_notification'
399 #@@notification_tests.push lambda { |controller, current_user|
400 # Job.limit(1).where(created_by: current_user.uuid).each do
403 # return lambda { |view|
404 # view.render partial: 'notifications/jobs_notification'
408 @@notification_tests.push lambda { |controller, current_user|
409 Collection.limit(1).where(created_by: current_user.uuid).each do
412 return lambda { |view|
413 view.render partial: 'notifications/collections_notification'
417 @@notification_tests.push lambda { |controller, current_user|
418 PipelineInstance.limit(1).where(created_by: current_user.uuid).each do
421 return lambda { |view|
422 view.render partial: 'notifications/pipelines_notification'
427 @my_top_level_folders = lambda do
428 @top_level_folders ||= Group.
429 filter([['group_class','=','folder'],
430 ['owner_uuid','=',current_user.uuid]]).
431 sort_by { |x| x.name || '' }
435 def check_user_notifications
436 @notification_count = 0
440 @showallalerts = false
441 @@notification_tests.each do |t|
442 a = t.call(self, current_user)
444 @notification_count += 1
445 @notifications.push a
450 if @notification_count == 0
451 @notification_count = ''