Account status is now part of the "notifications" area
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / app / helpers / pipeline_instances_helper.rb
1 module PipelineInstancesHelper
2   def pipeline_jobs
3     if @object.components[:steps].is_a? Array
4       pipeline_jobs_oldschool
5     elsif @object.components.is_a? Hash
6       pipeline_jobs_newschool
7     end
8   end
10   protected
12   def pipeline_jobs_newschool
13     ret = []
14     i = -1
15     @object.components.each do |cname, c|
16       i += 1
17       pj = {index: i, name: cname}
18       pj[:job] = c[:job].is_a?(Hash) ? c[:job] : {}
19       pj[:percent_done] = 0
20       pj[:percent_running] = 0
21       if pj[:job][:success]
22         if pj[:job][:output]
23           pj[:progress] = 1.0
24           pj[:percent_done] = 100
25         else
26           pj[:progress] = 0.0
27         end
28       else
29         if pj[:job][:tasks_summary]
30           begin
31             ts = pj[:job][:tasks_summary]
32             denom = ts[:done].to_f + ts[:running].to_f + ts[:todo].to_f
33             pj[:progress] = (ts[:done].to_f + ts[:running].to_f/2) / denom
34             pj[:percent_done] = 100.0 * ts[:done].to_f / denom
35             pj[:percent_running] = 100.0 * ts[:running].to_f / denom
36             pj[:progress_detail] = "#{ts[:done]} done #{ts[:running]} run #{ts[:todo]} todo"
37           rescue
38             pj[:progress] = 0.5
39             pj[:percent_done] = 0.0
40             pj[:percent_running] = 100.0
41           end
42         else
43           pj[:progress] = 0.0
44         end
45       end
46       if pj[:job]
47         if pj[:job][:success]
48           pj[:result] = 'complete'
49           pj[:complete] = true
50           pj[:progress] = 1.0
51         elsif pj[:job][:finished_at]
52           pj[:result] = 'failed'
53           pj[:failed] = true
54         elsif pj[:job][:started_at]
55           pj[:result] = 'running'
56         else
57           pj[:result] = 'queued'
58         end
59       end
60       pj[:job_id] = pj[:job][:uuid]
61       pj[:job_link] = link_to_if_arvados_object pj[:job][:uuid]
62       pj[:script_version] = pj[:job][:script_version]
63       pj[:output] = pj[:job][:output]
64       pj[:finished_at] = (Time.parse(pj[:job][:finished_at]) rescue nil)
65       pj[:progress_bar] = raw("<div class=\"progress\" style=\"width:100px\"><div class=\"bar bar-success\" style=\"width:#{pj[:percent_done]}%\"></div><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width:#{pj[:percent_running]}%\"></div></div>")
66       pj[:output_link] = link_to_if_arvados_object pj[:output]
67       ret << pj
68     end
69     ret
70   end
72   def pipeline_jobs_oldschool
73     ret = []
74     @object.components[:steps].each_with_index do |step, i|
75       pj = {index: i, name: step[:name]}
76       if step[:complete] and step[:complete] != 0
77         if step[:output_data_locator]
78           pj[:progress] = 1.0
79         else
80           pj[:progress] = 0.0
81         end
82       else
83         if step[:progress] and
84             (re = step[:progress].match /^(\d+)\+(\d+)\/(\d+)$/)
85           pj[:progress] = (((re[1].to_f + re[2].to_f/2) / re[3].to_f) rescue 0.5)
86         else
87           pj[:progress] = 0.0
88         end
89         if step[:failed]
90           pj[:result] = 'failed'
91           pj[:failed] = true
92         end
93       end
94       if step[:warehousejob]
95         if step[:complete]
96           pj[:result] = 'complete'
97           pj[:complete] = true
98           pj[:progress] = 1.0
99         elsif step[:warehousejob][:finishtime]
100           pj[:result] = 'failed'
101           pj[:failed] = true
102         elsif step[:warehousejob][:starttime]
103           pj[:result] = 'running'
104         else
105           pj[:result] = 'queued'
106         end
107       end
108       pj[:progress_detail] = (step[:progress] rescue nil)
109       pj[:job_id] = (step[:warehousejob][:id] rescue nil)
110       pj[:job_link] = pj[:job_id]
111       pj[:script] = step[:function]
112       pj[:script_version] = (step[:warehousejob][:revision] rescue nil)
113       pj[:output] = step[:output_data_locator]
114       pj[:finished_at] = (Time.parse(step[:warehousejob][:finishtime]) rescue nil)
115       pj[:progress_bar] = raw("<div class=\"progress\" style=\"width:100px\"><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width:#{pj[:progress]*100}%\"></div></div>")
116       pj[:output_link] = link_to_if_arvados_object pj[:output]
117       ret << pj
118     end
119     ret
120   end
121 end