18790: Improve error messages.
[arvados.git] / lib / controller / localdb / container_gateway.go
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 package localdb
7 import (
8         "bufio"
9         "bytes"
10         "context"
11         "crypto/hmac"
12         "crypto/sha256"
13         "crypto/subtle"
14         "crypto/tls"
15         "crypto/x509"
16         "errors"
17         "fmt"
18         "io"
19         "io/ioutil"
20         "net"
21         "net/http"
22         "net/http/httputil"
23         "net/url"
24         "os"
25         "strings"
27         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/controller/rpc"
28         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/service"
29         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/webdavfs"
30         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados"
31         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/auth"
32         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/ctxlog"
33         "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/httpserver"
34         "github.com/hashicorp/yamux"
35         "golang.org/x/net/webdav"
36 )
38 var (
39         forceProxyForTest       = false
40         forceInternalURLForTest *arvados.URL
41 )
43 // ContainerLog returns a WebDAV handler that reads logs from the
44 // indicated container. It works by proxying the request to
45 //
46 //   - the container gateway, if the container is running
47 //
48 //   - a different controller process, if the container is running and
49 //     the gateway is accessible through a tunnel to a different
50 //     controller process
51 //
52 //   - keep-web, if saved logs exist and there is no gateway (or the
53 //     container is finished)
54 //
55 //   - an empty-collection stub, if there is no gateway and no saved
56 //     log
57 func (conn *Conn) ContainerLog(ctx context.Context, opts arvados.ContainerLogOptions) (http.Handler, error) {
58         ctr, err := conn.railsProxy.ContainerGet(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: opts.UUID, Select: []string{"uuid", "state", "gateway_address", "log"}})
59         if err != nil {
60                 if se := httpserver.HTTPStatusError(nil); errors.As(err, &se) && se.HTTPStatus() == http.StatusUnauthorized {
61                         // Hint to WebDAV client that we accept HTTP basic auth.
62                         return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
63                                 w.Header().Set("Www-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"collections\"")
64                                 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized)
65                         }), nil
66                 }
67                 return nil, err
68         }
69         if ctr.GatewayAddress == "" ||
70                 (ctr.State != arvados.ContainerStateLocked && ctr.State != arvados.ContainerStateRunning) {
71                 return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
72                         conn.serveContainerLogViaKeepWeb(opts, ctr, w, r)
73                 }), nil
74         }
75         dial, arpc, err := conn.findGateway(ctx, ctr, opts.NoForward)
76         if err != nil {
77                 return nil, err
78         }
79         if arpc != nil {
80                 opts.NoForward = true
81                 return arpc.ContainerLog(ctx, opts)
82         }
83         return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
84                 r = r.WithContext(ctx)
85                 var proxyReq *http.Request
86                 var proxyErr error
87                 var expectRespondAuth string
88                 proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{
89                         // Our custom Transport:
90                         //
91                         // - Uses a custom dialer to connect to the
92                         // gateway (either directly or through a
93                         // tunnel set up though ContainerTunnel)
94                         //
95                         // - Verifies the gateway's TLS certificate
96                         // using X-Arvados-Authorization headers.
97                         //
98                         // This involves modifying the outgoing
99                         // request header in DialTLSContext.
100                         // (ReverseProxy certainly doesn't expect us
101                         // to do this, but it works.)
102                         Transport: &http.Transport{
103                                 DialTLSContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
104                                         tlsconn, requestAuth, respondAuth, err := dial()
105                                         if err != nil {
106                                                 return nil, err
107                                         }
108                                         proxyReq.Header.Set("X-Arvados-Authorization", requestAuth)
109                                         expectRespondAuth = respondAuth
110                                         return tlsconn, nil
111                                 },
112                         },
113                         Director: func(r *http.Request) {
114                                 // Scheme/host of incoming r.URL are
115                                 // irrelevant now, and may even be
116                                 // missing. Host is ignored by our
117                                 // DialTLSContext, but we need a
118                                 // generic syntactically correct URL
119                                 // for net/http to work with.
120                                 r.URL.Scheme = "https"
121                                 r.URL.Host = ""
122                                 r.Header.Set("X-Arvados-Container-Gateway-Uuid", opts.UUID)
123                                 proxyReq = r
124                         },
125                         ModifyResponse: func(resp *http.Response) error {
126                                 if resp.Header.Get("X-Arvados-Authorization-Response") != expectRespondAuth {
127                                         // Note this is how we detect
128                                         // an attacker-in-the-middle.
129                                         return httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("bad X-Arvados-Authorization-Response header"), http.StatusBadGateway)
130                                 }
131                                 return nil
132                         },
133                         ErrorHandler: func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) {
134                                 proxyErr = err
135                         },
136                 }
137                 proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
138                 if proxyErr == nil {
139                         // proxy succeeded
140                         return
141                 }
142                 // If proxying to the container gateway fails, it
143                 // might be caused by a race where crunch-run exited
144                 // after we decided (above) the log was not final.
145                 // In that case we should proxy to keep-web.
146                 ctr, err := conn.railsProxy.ContainerGet(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{
147                         UUID:   opts.UUID,
148                         Select: []string{"uuid", "state", "gateway_address", "log"},
149                 })
150                 if err != nil {
151                         // Lost access to the container record?
152                         httpserver.Error(w, "error re-fetching container record: "+err.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
153                 } else if ctr.State == arvados.ContainerStateLocked || ctr.State == arvados.ContainerStateRunning {
154                         // No race, proxyErr was the best we can do
155                         httpserver.Error(w, "proxy error: "+proxyErr.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
156                 } else {
157                         conn.serveContainerLogViaKeepWeb(opts, ctr, w, r)
158                 }
159         }), nil
160 }
162 // serveContainerLogViaKeepWeb handles a request for saved container
163 // log content by proxying to one of the configured keep-web servers.
164 //
165 // It tries to choose a keep-web server that is running on this host.
166 func (conn *Conn) serveContainerLogViaKeepWeb(opts arvados.ContainerLogOptions, ctr arvados.Container, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
167         if ctr.Log == "" {
168                 // Special case: if no log data exists yet, we serve
169                 // an empty collection by ourselves instead of
170                 // proxying to keep-web.
171                 conn.serveEmptyDir("/arvados/v1/containers/"+ctr.UUID+"/log", w, r)
172                 return
173         }
174         myURL, _ := service.URLFromContext(r.Context())
175         u := url.URL(myURL)
176         myHostname := u.Hostname()
177         var webdavBase arvados.URL
178         var ok bool
179         for webdavBase = range conn.cluster.Services.WebDAVDownload.InternalURLs {
180                 ok = true
181                 u := url.URL(webdavBase)
182                 if h := u.Hostname(); h == "" || h == "" || h == "::1" || h == myHostname {
183                         // Prefer a keep-web service running on the
184                         // same host as us. (If we don't find one, we
185                         // pick one arbitrarily.)
186                         break
187                 }
188         }
189         if !ok {
190                 httpserver.Error(w, "no internalURLs configured for WebDAV service", http.StatusInternalServerError)
191                 return
192         }
193         proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{
194                 Director: func(r *http.Request) {
195                         r.URL.Scheme = webdavBase.Scheme
196                         r.URL.Host = webdavBase.Host
197                         // Outgoing Host header specifies the
198                         // collection ID.
199                         r.Host = strings.Replace(ctr.Log, "+", "-", -1) + ".internal"
200                         // We already checked permission on the
201                         // container, so we can use a root token here
202                         // instead of counting on the "access to log
203                         // via container request and container"
204                         // permission check, which can be racy when a
205                         // request gets retried with a new container.
206                         r.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+conn.cluster.SystemRootToken)
207                         // We can't change r.URL.Path without
208                         // confusing WebDAV (request body and response
209                         // headers refer to the same paths) so we tell
210                         // keep-web to map the log collection onto the
211                         // containers/X/log/ namespace.
212                         r.Header.Set("X-Webdav-Prefix", "/arvados/v1/containers/"+ctr.UUID+"/log")
213                 },
214         }
215         if conn.cluster.TLS.Insecure {
216                 proxy.Transport = &http.Transport{
217                         TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
218                                 InsecureSkipVerify: conn.cluster.TLS.Insecure,
219                         },
220                 }
221         }
222         proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
223 }
225 // serveEmptyDir handles read-only webdav requests as if there was an
226 // empty collection rooted at the given path. It's equivalent to
227 // proxying to an empty collection in keep-web, but avoids the extra
228 // hop.
229 func (conn *Conn) serveEmptyDir(path string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
230         wh := webdav.Handler{
231                 Prefix:     path,
232                 FileSystem: webdav.NewMemFS(),
233                 LockSystem: webdavfs.NoLockSystem,
234                 Logger: func(r *http.Request, err error) {
235                         if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
236                                 ctxlog.FromContext(r.Context()).WithError(err).Info("webdav error on empty collection fs")
237                         }
238                 },
239         }
240         wh.ServeHTTP(w, r)
241 }
243 // ContainerSSH returns a connection to the SSH server in the
244 // appropriate crunch-run process on the worker node where the
245 // specified container is running.
246 //
247 // If the returned error is nil, the caller is responsible for closing
248 // sshconn.Conn.
249 func (conn *Conn) ContainerSSH(ctx context.Context, opts arvados.ContainerSSHOptions) (sshconn arvados.ConnectionResponse, err error) {
250         user, err := conn.railsProxy.UserGetCurrent(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{})
251         if err != nil {
252                 return sshconn, err
253         }
254         ctr, err := conn.railsProxy.ContainerGet(ctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: opts.UUID, Select: []string{"uuid", "state", "gateway_address", "interactive_session_started"}})
255         if err != nil {
256                 return sshconn, err
257         }
258         ctxRoot := auth.NewContext(ctx, &auth.Credentials{Tokens: []string{conn.cluster.SystemRootToken}})
259         if !user.IsAdmin || !conn.cluster.Containers.ShellAccess.Admin {
260                 if !conn.cluster.Containers.ShellAccess.User {
261                         return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("shell access is disabled in config"), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
262                 }
263                 crs, err := conn.railsProxy.ContainerRequestList(ctxRoot, arvados.ListOptions{Limit: -1, Filters: []arvados.Filter{{"container_uuid", "=", opts.UUID}}})
264                 if err != nil {
265                         return sshconn, err
266                 }
267                 for _, cr := range crs.Items {
268                         if cr.ModifiedByUserUUID != user.UUID {
269                                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("permission denied: container is associated with requests submitted by other users"), http.StatusForbidden)
270                         }
271                 }
272                 if crs.ItemsAvailable != len(crs.Items) {
273                         return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("incomplete response while checking permission"), http.StatusInternalServerError)
274                 }
275         }
277         if ctr.State == arvados.ContainerStateQueued || ctr.State == arvados.ContainerStateLocked {
278                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(fmt.Errorf("container is not running yet (state is %q)", ctr.State), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
279         } else if ctr.State != arvados.ContainerStateRunning {
280                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(fmt.Errorf("container has ended (state is %q)", ctr.State), http.StatusGone)
281         }
283         dial, arpc, err := conn.findGateway(ctx, ctr, opts.NoForward)
284         if err != nil {
285                 return sshconn, err
286         }
287         if arpc != nil {
288                 opts.NoForward = true
289                 return arpc.ContainerSSH(ctx, opts)
290         }
292         tlsconn, requestAuth, respondAuth, err := dial()
293         if err != nil {
294                 return sshconn, err
295         }
296         bufr := bufio.NewReader(tlsconn)
297         bufw := bufio.NewWriter(tlsconn)
299         u := url.URL{
300                 Scheme: "http",
301                 Host:   tlsconn.RemoteAddr().String(),
302                 Path:   "/ssh",
303         }
304         postform := url.Values{
305                 // uuid is only needed for older crunch-run versions
306                 // (current version uses X-Arvados-* header below)
307                 "uuid":           {opts.UUID},
308                 "detach_keys":    {opts.DetachKeys},
309                 "login_username": {opts.LoginUsername},
310                 "no_forward":     {fmt.Sprintf("%v", opts.NoForward)},
311         }
312         postdata := postform.Encode()
313         bufw.WriteString("POST " + u.String() + " HTTP/1.1\r\n")
314         bufw.WriteString("Host: " + u.Host + "\r\n")
315         bufw.WriteString("Upgrade: ssh\r\n")
316         bufw.WriteString("X-Arvados-Container-Gateway-Uuid: " + opts.UUID + "\r\n")
317         bufw.WriteString("X-Arvados-Authorization: " + requestAuth + "\r\n")
318         bufw.WriteString("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n")
319         fmt.Fprintf(bufw, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", len(postdata))
320         bufw.WriteString("\r\n")
321         bufw.WriteString(postdata)
322         bufw.Flush()
323         resp, err := http.ReadResponse(bufr, &http.Request{Method: "POST"})
324         if err != nil {
325                 tlsconn.Close()
326                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(fmt.Errorf("error reading http response from gateway: %w", err), http.StatusBadGateway)
327         }
328         defer resp.Body.Close()
329         if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusSwitchingProtocols {
330                 body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, 1000))
331                 tlsconn.Close()
332                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(fmt.Errorf("unexpected status %s %q", resp.Status, body), http.StatusBadGateway)
333         }
334         if strings.ToLower(resp.Header.Get("Upgrade")) != "ssh" ||
335                 strings.ToLower(resp.Header.Get("Connection")) != "upgrade" {
336                 tlsconn.Close()
337                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("bad upgrade"), http.StatusBadGateway)
338         }
339         if resp.Header.Get("X-Arvados-Authorization-Response") != respondAuth {
340                 tlsconn.Close()
341                 return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("bad X-Arvados-Authorization-Response header"), http.StatusBadGateway)
342         }
344         if !ctr.InteractiveSessionStarted {
345                 _, err = conn.railsProxy.ContainerUpdate(ctxRoot, arvados.UpdateOptions{
346                         UUID: opts.UUID,
347                         Attrs: map[string]interface{}{
348                                 "interactive_session_started": true,
349                         },
350                 })
351                 if err != nil {
352                         tlsconn.Close()
353                         return sshconn, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
354                 }
355         }
357         sshconn.Conn = tlsconn
358         sshconn.Bufrw = &bufio.ReadWriter{Reader: bufr, Writer: bufw}
359         sshconn.Logger = ctxlog.FromContext(ctx)
360         sshconn.Header = http.Header{"Upgrade": {"ssh"}}
361         return sshconn, nil
362 }
364 // ContainerGatewayTunnel sets up a tunnel enabling us (controller) to
365 // connect to the caller's (crunch-run's) gateway server.
366 func (conn *Conn) ContainerGatewayTunnel(ctx context.Context, opts arvados.ContainerGatewayTunnelOptions) (resp arvados.ConnectionResponse, err error) {
367         h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(conn.cluster.SystemRootToken))
368         fmt.Fprint(h, opts.UUID)
369         authSecret := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
370         if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(authSecret), []byte(opts.AuthSecret)) != 1 {
371                 ctxlog.FromContext(ctx).Info("received incorrect auth_secret")
372                 return resp, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("authentication error"), http.StatusUnauthorized)
373         }
375         muxconn, clientconn := net.Pipe()
376         tunnel, err := yamux.Server(muxconn, nil)
377         if err != nil {
378                 clientconn.Close()
379                 return resp, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(err, http.StatusInternalServerError)
380         }
382         conn.gwTunnelsLock.Lock()
383         if conn.gwTunnels == nil {
384                 conn.gwTunnels = map[string]*yamux.Session{opts.UUID: tunnel}
385         } else {
386                 conn.gwTunnels[opts.UUID] = tunnel
387         }
388         conn.gwTunnelsLock.Unlock()
390         go func() {
391                 <-tunnel.CloseChan()
392                 conn.gwTunnelsLock.Lock()
393                 if conn.gwTunnels[opts.UUID] == tunnel {
394                         delete(conn.gwTunnels, opts.UUID)
395                 }
396                 conn.gwTunnelsLock.Unlock()
397         }()
399         // Assuming we're acting as the backend of an http server,
400         // lib/controller/router will call resp's ServeHTTP handler,
401         // which upgrades the incoming http connection to a raw socket
402         // and connects it to our yamux.Server through our net.Pipe().
403         resp.Conn = clientconn
404         resp.Bufrw = &bufio.ReadWriter{Reader: bufio.NewReader(&bytes.Buffer{}), Writer: bufio.NewWriter(&bytes.Buffer{})}
405         resp.Logger = ctxlog.FromContext(ctx)
406         resp.Header = http.Header{"Upgrade": {"tunnel"}}
407         if u, ok := service.URLFromContext(ctx); ok {
408                 resp.Header.Set("X-Arvados-Internal-Url", u.String())
409         } else if forceInternalURLForTest != nil {
410                 resp.Header.Set("X-Arvados-Internal-Url", forceInternalURLForTest.String())
411         }
412         return
413 }
415 type gatewayDialer func() (conn net.Conn, requestAuth, respondAuth string, err error)
417 // findGateway figures out how to connect to ctr's gateway.
418 //
419 // If the gateway can be contacted directly or through a tunnel on
420 // this instance, the first return value is a non-nil dialer.
421 //
422 // If the gateway is only accessible through a tunnel through a
423 // different controller process, the second return value is a non-nil
424 // *rpc.Conn for that controller.
425 func (conn *Conn) findGateway(ctx context.Context, ctr arvados.Container, noForward bool) (gatewayDialer, *rpc.Conn, error) {
426         conn.gwTunnelsLock.Lock()
427         tunnel := conn.gwTunnels[ctr.UUID]
428         conn.gwTunnelsLock.Unlock()
430         myURL, _ := service.URLFromContext(ctx)
432         if host, _, splitErr := net.SplitHostPort(ctr.GatewayAddress); splitErr == nil && host != "" && host != "" {
433                 // If crunch-run provided a GatewayAddress like
434                 // "ipaddr:port", that means "ipaddr" is one of the
435                 // external interfaces where the gateway is
436                 // listening. In that case, it's the most
437                 // reliable/direct option, so we use it even if a
438                 // tunnel might also be available.
439                 return func() (net.Conn, string, string, error) {
440                         rawconn, err := (&net.Dialer{}).DialContext(ctx, "tcp", ctr.GatewayAddress)
441                         if err != nil {
442                                 return nil, "", "", httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(err, http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
443                         }
444                         return conn.dialGatewayTLS(ctx, ctr, rawconn)
445                 }, nil, nil
446         }
447         if tunnel != nil && !(forceProxyForTest && !noForward) {
448                 // If we can't connect directly, and the gateway has
449                 // established a yamux tunnel with us, connect through
450                 // the tunnel.
451                 //
452                 // ...except: forceProxyForTest means we are emulating
453                 // a situation where the gateway has established a
454                 // yamux tunnel with controller B, and the
455                 // ContainerSSH request arrives at controller A. If
456                 // noForward==false then we are acting as A, so
457                 // we pretend not to have a tunnel, and fall through
458                 // to the "tunurl" case below. If noForward==true
459                 // then the client is A and we are acting as B, so we
460                 // connect to our tunnel.
461                 return func() (net.Conn, string, string, error) {
462                         rawconn, err := tunnel.Open()
463                         if err != nil {
464                                 return nil, "", "", httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(err, http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
465                         }
466                         return conn.dialGatewayTLS(ctx, ctr, rawconn)
467                 }, nil, nil
468         }
469         if tunurl := strings.TrimPrefix(ctr.GatewayAddress, "tunnel "); tunurl != ctr.GatewayAddress &&
470                 tunurl != "" &&
471                 tunurl != myURL.String() &&
472                 !noForward {
473                 // If crunch-run provided a GatewayAddress like
474                 // "tunnel", that means the
475                 // gateway has established a yamux tunnel with the
476                 // controller process at the indicated InternalURL
477                 // (which isn't us, otherwise we would have had
478                 // "tunnel != nil" above). We need to proxy through to
479                 // the other controller process in order to use the
480                 // tunnel.
481                 for u := range conn.cluster.Services.Controller.InternalURLs {
482                         if u.String() == tunurl {
483                                 ctxlog.FromContext(ctx).Debugf("connecting to container gateway through other controller at %s", u)
484                                 u := url.URL(u)
485                                 return nil, rpc.NewConn(conn.cluster.ClusterID, &u, conn.cluster.TLS.Insecure, rpc.PassthroughTokenProvider), nil
486                         }
487                 }
488                 ctxlog.FromContext(ctx).Warnf("container gateway provided a tunnel endpoint %s that is not one of Services.Controller.InternalURLs", tunurl)
489                 return nil, nil, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("container gateway is running but tunnel endpoint is invalid"), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
490         }
491         if ctr.GatewayAddress == "" {
492                 return nil, nil, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("container is running but gateway is not available"), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
493         } else {
494                 return nil, nil, httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("container is running but tunnel is down"), http.StatusServiceUnavailable)
495         }
496 }
498 // dialGatewayTLS negotiates a TLS connection to a container gateway
499 // over the given raw connection.
500 func (conn *Conn) dialGatewayTLS(ctx context.Context, ctr arvados.Container, rawconn net.Conn) (*tls.Conn, string, string, error) {
501         // crunch-run uses a self-signed / unverifiable TLS
502         // certificate, so we use the following scheme to ensure we're
503         // not talking to an attacker-in-the-middle.
504         //
505         // 1. Compute ctrKey = HMAC-SHA256(sysRootToken,ctrUUID) --
506         // this will be the same ctrKey that a-d-c supplied to
507         // crunch-run in the GatewayAuthSecret env var.
508         //
509         // 2. Compute requestAuth = HMAC-SHA256(ctrKey,serverCert) and
510         // send it to crunch-run as the X-Arvados-Authorization
511         // header, proving that we know ctrKey. (Note a MITM cannot
512         // replay the proof to a real crunch-run server, because the
513         // real crunch-run server would have a different cert.)
514         //
515         // 3. Compute respondAuth = HMAC-SHA256(ctrKey,requestAuth)
516         // and ensure the server returns it in the
517         // X-Arvados-Authorization-Response header, proving that the
518         // server knows ctrKey.
519         var requestAuth, respondAuth string
520         tlsconn := tls.Client(rawconn, &tls.Config{
521                 InsecureSkipVerify: true,
522                 VerifyPeerCertificate: func(rawCerts [][]byte, verifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) error {
523                         if len(rawCerts) == 0 {
524                                 return errors.New("no certificate received, cannot compute authorization header")
525                         }
526                         h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(conn.cluster.SystemRootToken))
527                         fmt.Fprint(h, ctr.UUID)
528                         authKey := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
529                         h = hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(authKey))
530                         h.Write(rawCerts[0])
531                         requestAuth = fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
532                         h.Reset()
533                         h.Write([]byte(requestAuth))
534                         respondAuth = fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
535                         return nil
536                 },
537         })
538         err := tlsconn.HandshakeContext(ctx)
539         if err != nil {
540                 return nil, "", "", httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(fmt.Errorf("TLS handshake failed: %w", err), http.StatusBadGateway)
541         }
542         if respondAuth == "" {
543                 tlsconn.Close()
544                 return nil, "", "", httpserver.ErrorWithStatus(errors.New("BUG: no respondAuth"), http.StatusInternalServerError)
545         }
546         return tlsconn, requestAuth, respondAuth, nil
547 }