1 class Job < ArvadosModel
4 include CommonApiTemplate
5 extend CurrentApiClient
6 serialize :components, Hash
7 attr_protected :arvados_sdk_version, :docker_image_locator
8 serialize :script_parameters, Hash
9 serialize :runtime_constraints, Hash
10 serialize :tasks_summary, Hash
11 before_create :ensure_unique_submit_id
12 after_commit :trigger_crunch_dispatch_if_cancelled, :on => :update
13 before_validation :set_priority
14 before_validation :update_state_from_old_state_attrs
15 before_validation :update_script_parameters_digest
16 validate :ensure_script_version_is_commit
17 validate :find_docker_image_locator
18 validate :find_arvados_sdk_version
19 validate :validate_status
20 validate :validate_state_change
21 validate :ensure_no_collection_uuids_in_script_params
22 before_save :tag_version_in_internal_repository
23 before_save :update_timestamps_when_state_changes
25 has_many :commit_ancestors, :foreign_key => :descendant, :primary_key => :script_version
26 has_many(:nodes, foreign_key: :job_uuid, primary_key: :uuid)
28 class SubmitIdReused < StandardError
31 api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
35 t.add :script_parameters
38 t.add :cancelled_by_client_uuid
39 t.add :cancelled_by_user_uuid
46 t.add :is_locked_by_uuid
48 t.add :runtime_constraints
50 t.add :nondeterministic
52 t.add :supplied_script_version
53 t.add :arvados_sdk_version
54 t.add :docker_image_locator
61 # Supported states for a job
64 (Running = 'Running'),
65 (Cancelled = 'Cancelled'),
67 (Complete = 'Complete'),
71 update_attributes(finished_at: finished_at || db_current_time,
72 success: success.nil? ? false : success,
81 self.where('state = ?', Queued).order('priority desc, created_at')
85 # We used to report this accurately, but the implementation made queue
86 # API requests O(n**2) for the size of the queue. See #8800.
87 # We've soft-disabled it because it's not clear we even want this
88 # functionality: now that we have Node Manager with support for multiple
89 # node sizes, "queue position" tells you very little about when a job will
91 state == Queued ? 0 : nil
95 self.where('running = ?', true).
96 order('priority desc, created_at')
99 def lock locked_by_uuid
101 unless self.state == Queued and self.is_locked_by_uuid.nil?
102 raise AlreadyLockedError
105 self.is_locked_by_uuid = locked_by_uuid
110 def update_script_parameters_digest
111 self.script_parameters_digest = self.class.sorted_hash_digest(script_parameters)
114 def self.searchable_columns operator
115 super - ["script_parameters_digest"]
118 def self.load_job_specific_filters attrs, orig_filters, read_users
119 # Convert Job-specific @filters entries into general SQL filters.
120 script_info = {"repository" => nil, "script" => nil}
121 git_filters = Hash.new do |hash, key|
122 hash[key] = {"max_version" => "HEAD", "exclude_versions" => []}
125 orig_filters.each do |attr, operator, operand|
126 if (script_info.has_key? attr) and (operator == "=")
127 if script_info[attr].nil?
128 script_info[attr] = operand
129 elsif script_info[attr] != operand
130 raise ArgumentError.new("incompatible #{attr} filters")
135 git_filters[attr]["min_version"] = operand
137 git_filters[attr]["exclude_versions"] += Array.wrap(operand)
138 when "in docker", "not in docker"
139 image_hashes = Array.wrap(operand).flat_map do |search_term|
140 image_search, image_tag = search_term.split(':', 2)
142 find_all_for_docker_image(image_search, image_tag, read_users).
143 map(&:portable_data_hash)
145 filters << [attr, operator.sub(/ docker$/, ""), image_hashes]
147 filters << [attr, operator, operand]
151 # Build a real script_version filter from any "not? in git" filters.
152 git_filters.each_pair do |attr, filter|
154 when "script_version"
155 script_info.each_pair do |key, value|
157 raise ArgumentError.new("script_version filter needs #{key} filter")
160 filter["repository"] = script_info["repository"]
161 if attrs[:script_version]
162 filter["max_version"] = attrs[:script_version]
164 # Using HEAD, set earlier by the hash default, is fine.
166 when "arvados_sdk_version"
167 filter["repository"] = "arvados"
169 raise ArgumentError.new("unknown attribute for git filter: #{attr}")
171 revisions = Commit.find_commit_range(filter["repository"],
172 filter["min_version"],
173 filter["max_version"],
174 filter["exclude_versions"])
177 new("error searching #{filter['repository']} from " +
178 "'#{filter['min_version']}' to '#{filter['max_version']}', " +
179 "excluding #{filter['exclude_versions']}")
181 filters.append([attr, "in", revisions])
187 def self.find_reusable attrs, params, filters, read_users
188 if filters.empty? # Translate older creation parameters into filters.
190 [["repository", "=", attrs[:repository]],
191 ["script", "=", attrs[:script]],
192 ["script_version", "not in git", params[:exclude_script_versions]],
193 ].reject { |filter| filter.last.nil? or filter.last.empty? }
194 if !params[:minimum_script_version].blank?
195 filters << ["script_version", "in git",
196 params[:minimum_script_version]]
198 filters += default_git_filters("script_version", attrs[:repository],
199 attrs[:script_version])
201 if image_search = attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["docker_image"]
202 if image_tag = attrs[:runtime_constraints]["docker_image_tag"]
203 image_search += ":#{image_tag}"
205 image_locator = Collection.
206 for_latest_docker_image(image_search).andand.portable_data_hash
210 filters << ["docker_image_locator", "=", image_locator]
211 if sdk_version = attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["arvados_sdk_version"]
212 filters += default_git_filters("arvados_sdk_version", "arvados", sdk_version)
214 filters = load_job_specific_filters(attrs, filters, read_users)
217 # Check specified filters for some reasonableness.
218 filter_names = filters.map { |f| f.first }.uniq
219 ["repository", "script"].each do |req_filter|
220 if not filter_names.include?(req_filter)
221 return send_error("#{req_filter} filter required")
225 # Search for a reusable Job, and return it if found.
227 readable_by(current_user).
228 where('state = ? or (owner_uuid = ? and state in (?))',
229 Job::Complete, current_user.uuid, [Job::Queued, Job::Running]).
230 where('script_parameters_digest = ?', Job.sorted_hash_digest(attrs[:script_parameters])).
231 where('nondeterministic is distinct from ?', true).
232 order('state desc, created_at') # prefer Running jobs over Queued
233 candidates = apply_filters candidates, filters
236 candidates.each do |j|
237 if j.state != Job::Complete
238 # We'll use this if we don't find a job that has completed
244 # We have already decided not to reuse any completed job
247 if chosen.output != j.output
248 # If two matching jobs produced different outputs, run a new
249 # job (or use one that's already running/queued) instead of
250 # choosing one arbitrarily.
253 # ...and that's the only thing we need to do once we've chosen
255 elsif !Collection.readable_by(current_user).find_by_portable_data_hash(j.output)
256 # As soon as the output we will end up returning (if any) is
257 # decided, check whether it will be visible to the user; if
258 # not, any further investigation of reusable jobs is futile.
264 chosen || incomplete_job
267 def self.default_git_filters(attr_name, repo_name, refspec)
268 # Add a filter to @filters for `attr_name` = the latest commit available
269 # in `repo_name` at `refspec`. No filter is added if refspec can't be
271 commits = Commit.find_commit_range(repo_name, nil, refspec, nil)
272 if commit_hash = commits.first
273 [[attr_name, "=", commit_hash]]
281 def self.sorted_hash_digest h
282 Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Oj.dump(deep_sort_hash(h)))
285 def self.deep_sort_hash x
287 x.sort.collect do |k, v|
288 [k, deep_sort_hash(v)]
291 x.collect { |v| deep_sort_hash(v) }
297 def foreign_key_attributes
298 super + %w(output log)
301 def skip_uuid_read_permission_check
302 super + %w(cancelled_by_client_uuid)
305 def skip_uuid_existence_check
306 super + %w(output log)
310 if self.priority.nil?
316 def ensure_script_version_is_commit
318 # Apparently client has already decided to go for it. This is
319 # needed to run a local job using a local working directory
320 # instead of a commit-ish.
323 if new_record? or repository_changed? or script_version_changed?
324 sha1 = Commit.find_commit_range(repository,
325 nil, script_version, nil).first
327 errors.add :script_version, "#{script_version} does not resolve to a commit"
330 if supplied_script_version.nil? or supplied_script_version.empty?
331 self.supplied_script_version = script_version
333 self.script_version = sha1
338 def tag_version_in_internal_repository
340 # No point now. See ensure_script_version_is_commit.
343 # Won't be saved, and script_version might not even be valid.
345 elsif new_record? or repository_changed? or script_version_changed?
349 Commit.tag_in_internal_repository repository, script_version, uuid
357 def ensure_unique_submit_id
359 if Job.where('submit_id=?',self.submit_id).first
360 raise SubmitIdReused.new
366 def resolve_runtime_constraint(key, attr_sym)
367 if ((runtime_constraints.is_a? Hash) and
368 (search = runtime_constraints[key]))
369 ok, result = yield search
371 ok, result = true, nil
374 send("#{attr_sym}=".to_sym, result)
376 errors.add(attr_sym, result)
381 def find_arvados_sdk_version
382 resolve_runtime_constraint("arvados_sdk_version",
383 :arvados_sdk_version) do |git_search|
384 commits = Commit.find_commit_range("arvados",
385 nil, git_search, nil)
387 [false, "#{git_search} does not resolve to a commit"]
388 elsif not runtime_constraints["docker_image"]
389 [false, "cannot be specified without a Docker image constraint"]
391 [true, commits.first]
396 def find_docker_image_locator
397 runtime_constraints['docker_image'] =
398 Rails.configuration.default_docker_image_for_jobs if ((runtime_constraints.is_a? Hash) and
399 (runtime_constraints['docker_image']).nil? and
400 Rails.configuration.default_docker_image_for_jobs)
401 resolve_runtime_constraint("docker_image",
402 :docker_image_locator) do |image_search|
403 image_tag = runtime_constraints['docker_image_tag']
404 if coll = Collection.for_latest_docker_image(image_search, image_tag)
405 [true, coll.portable_data_hash]
407 [false, "not found for #{image_search}"]
412 def permission_to_update
413 if is_locked_by_uuid_was and !(current_user and
414 (current_user.uuid == is_locked_by_uuid_was or
415 current_user.uuid == system_user.uuid))
416 if script_changed? or
417 script_parameters_changed? or
418 script_version_changed? or
419 (!cancelled_at_was.nil? and
420 (cancelled_by_client_uuid_changed? or
421 cancelled_by_user_uuid_changed? or
422 cancelled_at_changed?)) or
423 started_at_changed? or
424 finished_at_changed? or
429 tasks_summary_changed? or
432 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid if current_user} tried to change protected job attributes on locked #{self.class.to_s} #{uuid_was}"
436 if !is_locked_by_uuid_changed?
440 logger.warn "Anonymous user tried to change lock on #{self.class.to_s} #{uuid_was}"
442 elsif is_locked_by_uuid_was and is_locked_by_uuid_was != current_user.uuid
443 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to steal lock on #{self.class.to_s} #{uuid_was} from #{is_locked_by_uuid_was}"
445 elsif !is_locked_by_uuid.nil? and is_locked_by_uuid != current_user.uuid
446 logger.warn "User #{current_user.uuid} tried to lock #{self.class.to_s} #{uuid_was} with uuid #{is_locked_by_uuid}"
454 def update_modified_by_fields
455 if self.cancelled_at_changed?
456 # Ensure cancelled_at cannot be set to arbitrary non-now times,
457 # or changed once it is set.
458 if self.cancelled_at and not self.cancelled_at_was
459 self.cancelled_at = db_current_time
460 self.cancelled_by_user_uuid = current_user.uuid
461 self.cancelled_by_client_uuid = current_api_client.andand.uuid
462 @need_crunch_dispatch_trigger = true
464 self.cancelled_at = self.cancelled_at_was
465 self.cancelled_by_user_uuid = self.cancelled_by_user_uuid_was
466 self.cancelled_by_client_uuid = self.cancelled_by_client_uuid_was
472 def trigger_crunch_dispatch_if_cancelled
473 if @need_crunch_dispatch_trigger
474 File.open(Rails.configuration.crunch_refresh_trigger, 'wb') do
475 # That's all, just create/touch a file for crunch-job to see.
480 def update_timestamps_when_state_changes
481 return if not (state_changed? or new_record?)
485 self.started_at ||= db_current_time
486 when Failed, Complete
487 self.finished_at ||= db_current_time
489 self.cancelled_at ||= db_current_time
492 # TODO: Remove the following case block when old "success" and
493 # "running" attrs go away. Until then, this ensures we still
494 # expose correct success/running flags to older clients, even if
495 # some new clients are writing only the new state attribute.
503 when Cancelled, Failed
510 self.running ||= false # Default to false instead of nil.
512 @need_crunch_dispatch_trigger = true
517 def update_state_from_old_state_attrs
518 # If a client has touched the legacy state attrs, update the
519 # "state" attr to agree with the updated values of the legacy
522 # TODO: Remove this method when old "success" and "running" attrs
524 if cancelled_at_changed? or
529 self.state = Cancelled
530 elsif success == false
532 elsif success == true
533 self.state = Complete
534 elsif running == true
544 if self.state.in?(States)
547 errors.add :state, "#{state.inspect} must be one of: #{States.inspect}"
552 def validate_state_change
554 if self.state_changed?
555 ok = case self.state_was
557 # state isn't set yet
560 # Permit going from queued to any state
563 # From running, may only transition to a finished state
564 [Complete, Failed, Cancelled].include? self.state
565 when Complete, Failed, Cancelled
566 # Once in a finished state, don't permit any more state changes
569 # Any other state transition is also invalid
573 errors.add :state, "invalid change from #{self.state_was} to #{self.state}"
579 def ensure_no_collection_uuids_in_script_params
580 # recursive_hash_search searches recursively through hashes and
581 # arrays in 'thing' for string fields matching regular expression
582 # 'pattern'. Returns true if pattern is found, false otherwise.
583 def recursive_hash_search thing, pattern
586 return true if recursive_hash_search v, pattern
588 elsif thing.is_a? Array
590 return true if recursive_hash_search k, pattern
592 elsif thing.is_a? String
593 return true if thing.match pattern
598 # Fail validation if any script_parameters field includes a string containing a
599 # collection uuid pattern.
600 if self.script_parameters_changed?
601 if recursive_hash_search(self.script_parameters, Collection.uuid_regex)
602 self.errors.add :script_parameters, "must use portable_data_hash instead of collection uuid"