1 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
2 % Please edit documentation in R/Subcollection.R
7 Subcollection class represents a folder inside Arvados collection.
8 It is essentially a composite of ArvadosFiles and other Subcollections.
12 \preformatted{subcollection = Subcollection$new(name)}
18 \item{name}{Name of the subcollection.}
25 \item{getName()}{Returns name of the subcollection.}
26 \item{getRelativePath()}{Returns subcollection path relative to the root.}
27 \item{add(content)}{Adds ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by content to the subcollection.}
28 \item{remove(name)}{Removes ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by name from the subcollection.}
29 \item{get(relativePath)}{If relativePath is valid, returns ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by relativePath, else returns NULL.}
30 \item{getFileListing()}{Returns subcollections file content as character vector.}
31 \item{getSizeInBytes()}{Returns subcollections content size in bytes.}
32 \item{move(newLocation)}{Moves subcollection to a new location inside collection.}
38 myFolder <- Subcollection$new("myFolder")
39 myFile <- ArvadosFile$new("myFile")
42 myFolder$get("myFile")
43 myFolder$remove("myFile")
45 myFolder$move("newLocation/myFolder")