1 % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
2 % Please edit documentation in R/Collection.R
7 Collection class provides interface for working with Arvados collections.
11 \preformatted{collection = Collection$new(arv, uuid)}
17 \item{arv}{Arvados object.}
18 \item{uuid}{UUID of a collection.}
25 \item{add(content)}{Adds ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by content to the collection.}
26 \item{create(fileNames, relativePath = "")}{Creates one or more ArvadosFiles and adds them to the collection at specified path.}
27 \item{remove(fileNames)}{Remove one or more files from the collection.}
28 \item{move(content, newLocation)}{Moves ArvadosFile or Subcollection to another location in the collection.}
29 \item{getFileListing()}{Returns collections file content as character vector.}
30 \item{get(relativePath)}{If relativePath is valid, returns ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by relativePath, else returns NULL.}
36 arv <- Arvados$new("your Arvados token", "example.arvadosapi.com")
37 collection <- Collection$new(arv, "uuid")
39 newFile <- ArvadosFile$new("myFile")
40 collection$add(newFile, "myFolder")
42 createdFiles <- collection$create(c("main.cpp", lib.dll), "cpp/src/")
44 collection$remove("location/to/my/file.cpp")
46 collection$move("folder/file.cpp", "file.cpp")
48 arvadosFile <- collection$get("location/to/my/file.cpp")
49 arvadosSubcollection <- collection$get("location/to/my/directory/")