1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
16 import arvados_cwl.util
19 from cwltool.errors import WorkflowException
20 from cwltool.process import UnsupportedRequirement, shortname
21 from cwltool.utils import aslist, adjustFileObjs, adjustDirObjs, visit_class
22 from cwltool.job import JobBase
24 import arvados.collection
26 import crunchstat_summary.summarizer
27 import crunchstat_summary.reader
29 from .arvdocker import arv_docker_get_image
31 from .runner import Runner, arvados_jobs_image, packed_workflow, trim_anonymous_location, remove_redundant_fields, make_builder
32 from .fsaccess import CollectionFetcher
33 from .pathmapper import NoFollowPathMapper, trim_listing
34 from .perf import Perf
35 from ._version import __version__
37 logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner')
38 metrics = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner.metrics')
40 def cleanup_name_for_collection(name):
41 return name.replace("/", " ")
43 class ArvadosContainer(JobBase):
44 """Submit and manage a Crunch container request for executing a CWL CommandLineTool."""
46 def __init__(self, runner, job_runtime, globpatterns,
47 builder, # type: Builder
48 joborder, # type: Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Text, Any], List, Text]]
49 make_path_mapper, # type: Callable[..., PathMapper]
50 requirements, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]]
51 hints, # type: List[Dict[Text, Text]]
54 super(ArvadosContainer, self).__init__(builder, joborder, make_path_mapper, requirements, hints, name)
55 self.arvrunner = runner
56 self.job_runtime = job_runtime
59 self.attempt_count = 0
60 self.globpatterns = globpatterns
62 def update_pipeline_component(self, r):
65 def _required_env(self):
67 env["HOME"] = self.outdir
68 env["TMPDIR"] = self.tmpdir
71 def run(self, toplevelRuntimeContext):
72 # ArvadosCommandTool subclasses from cwltool.CommandLineTool,
73 # which calls makeJobRunner() to get a new ArvadosContainer
74 # object. The fields that define execution such as
75 # command_line, environment, etc are set on the
76 # ArvadosContainer object by CommandLineTool.job() before
79 runtimeContext = self.job_runtime
81 if runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid:
82 container_request = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().get(
83 uuid=runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid
84 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
86 container_request = {}
88 container_request["command"] = self.command_line
89 container_request["name"] = self.name
90 container_request["output_path"] = self.outdir
91 container_request["cwd"] = self.outdir
92 container_request["priority"] = runtimeContext.priority
93 container_request["state"] = "Uncommitted"
94 container_request.setdefault("properties", {})
96 container_request["properties"]["cwl_input"] = self.joborder
98 runtime_constraints = {}
100 if runtimeContext.project_uuid:
101 container_request["owner_uuid"] = runtimeContext.project_uuid
103 if self.arvrunner.secret_store.has_secret(self.command_line):
104 raise WorkflowException("Secret material leaked on command line, only file literals may contain secrets")
106 if self.arvrunner.secret_store.has_secret(self.environment):
107 raise WorkflowException("Secret material leaked in environment, only file literals may contain secrets")
109 resources = self.builder.resources
110 if resources is not None:
111 runtime_constraints["vcpus"] = math.ceil(resources.get("cores", 1))
112 runtime_constraints["ram"] = math.ceil(resources.get("ram") * 2**20)
117 "capacity": math.ceil(resources.get("outdirSize", 0) * 2**20)
121 "capacity": math.ceil(resources.get("tmpdirSize", 0) * 2**20)
125 scheduling_parameters = {}
127 rf = [self.pathmapper.mapper(f) for f in self.pathmapper.referenced_files]
128 rf.sort(key=lambda k: k.resolved)
130 for resolved, target, tp, stg in rf:
133 if prevdir and target.startswith(prevdir):
135 if tp == "Directory":
138 targetdir = os.path.dirname(target)
139 sp = resolved.split("/", 1)
140 pdh = sp[0][5:] # remove "keep:"
141 mounts[targetdir] = {
142 "kind": "collection",
143 "portable_data_hash": pdh
145 if pdh in self.pathmapper.pdh_to_uuid:
146 mounts[targetdir]["uuid"] = self.pathmapper.pdh_to_uuid[pdh]
148 if tp == "Directory":
151 path = os.path.dirname(sp[1])
152 if path and path != "/":
153 mounts[targetdir]["path"] = path
154 prevdir = targetdir + "/"
156 intermediate_collection_info = arvados_cwl.util.get_intermediate_collection_info(self.name, runtimeContext.current_container, runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl)
158 with Perf(metrics, "generatefiles %s" % self.name):
159 if self.generatefiles["listing"]:
160 vwd = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=self.arvrunner.api,
161 keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client,
162 num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
163 generatemapper = NoFollowPathMapper(self.generatefiles["listing"], "", "",
166 sorteditems = sorted(generatemapper.items(), key=lambda n: n[1].target)
168 logger.debug("generatemapper is %s", sorteditems)
170 with Perf(metrics, "createfiles %s" % self.name):
171 for f, p in sorteditems:
175 if p.target.startswith("/"):
176 dst = p.target[len(self.outdir)+1:] if p.target.startswith(self.outdir+"/") else p.target[1:]
180 if p.type in ("File", "Directory", "WritableFile", "WritableDirectory"):
181 if p.resolved.startswith("_:"):
184 source, path = self.arvrunner.fs_access.get_collection(p.resolved)
185 vwd.copy(path or ".", dst, source_collection=source)
186 elif p.type == "CreateFile":
187 if self.arvrunner.secret_store.has_secret(p.resolved):
188 mountpoint = p.target if p.target.startswith("/") else os.path.join(self.outdir, p.target)
189 secret_mounts[mountpoint] = {
191 "content": self.arvrunner.secret_store.retrieve(p.resolved)
194 with vwd.open(dst, "w") as n:
197 def keepemptydirs(p):
198 if isinstance(p, arvados.collection.RichCollectionBase):
200 p.open(".keep", "w").close()
207 if not runtimeContext.current_container:
208 runtimeContext.current_container = arvados_cwl.util.get_current_container(self.arvrunner.api, self.arvrunner.num_retries, logger)
209 vwd.save_new(name=intermediate_collection_info["name"],
210 owner_uuid=runtimeContext.project_uuid,
211 ensure_unique_name=True,
212 trash_at=intermediate_collection_info["trash_at"],
213 properties=intermediate_collection_info["properties"])
216 for f, p in sorteditems:
217 if (not p.target or self.arvrunner.secret_store.has_secret(p.resolved) or
218 (prev is not None and p.target.startswith(prev))):
220 if p.target.startswith("/"):
221 dst = p.target[len(self.outdir)+1:] if p.target.startswith(self.outdir+"/") else p.target[1:]
224 mountpoint = p.target if p.target.startswith("/") else os.path.join(self.outdir, p.target)
225 mounts[mountpoint] = {"kind": "collection",
226 "portable_data_hash": vwd.portable_data_hash(),
228 if p.type.startswith("Writable"):
229 mounts[mountpoint]["writable"] = True
230 prev = p.target + "/"
232 container_request["environment"] = {"TMPDIR": self.tmpdir, "HOME": self.outdir}
234 container_request["environment"].update(self.environment)
237 sp = self.stdin[6:].split("/", 1)
238 mounts["stdin"] = {"kind": "collection",
239 "portable_data_hash": sp[0],
243 mounts["stderr"] = {"kind": "file",
244 "path": "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, self.stderr)}
247 mounts["stdout"] = {"kind": "file",
248 "path": "%s/%s" % (self.outdir, self.stdout)}
250 (docker_req, docker_is_req) = self.get_requirement("DockerRequirement")
252 container_request["container_image"] = arv_docker_get_image(self.arvrunner.api,
254 runtimeContext.pull_image,
257 network_req, _ = self.get_requirement("NetworkAccess")
259 runtime_constraints["API"] = network_req["networkAccess"]
261 api_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#APIRequirement")
263 runtime_constraints["API"] = True
265 use_disk_cache = (self.arvrunner.api.config()["Containers"].get("DefaultKeepCacheRAM", 0) == 0)
267 keep_cache_type_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#KeepCacheTypeRequirement")
268 if keep_cache_type_req:
269 if "keepCacheType" in keep_cache_type_req:
270 if keep_cache_type_req["keepCacheType"] == "ram_cache":
271 use_disk_cache = False
273 runtime_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#RuntimeConstraints")
275 if "keep_cache" in runtime_req:
277 # If DefaultKeepCacheRAM is zero it means we should use disk cache.
278 runtime_constraints["keep_cache_disk"] = math.ceil(runtime_req["keep_cache"] * 2**20)
280 runtime_constraints["keep_cache_ram"] = math.ceil(runtime_req["keep_cache"] * 2**20)
281 if "outputDirType" in runtime_req:
282 if runtime_req["outputDirType"] == "local_output_dir":
283 # Currently the default behavior.
285 elif runtime_req["outputDirType"] == "keep_output_dir":
286 mounts[self.outdir]= {
287 "kind": "collection",
291 partition_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#PartitionRequirement")
293 scheduling_parameters["partitions"] = aslist(partition_req["partition"])
295 intermediate_output_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#IntermediateOutput")
296 if intermediate_output_req:
297 self.output_ttl = intermediate_output_req["outputTTL"]
299 self.output_ttl = self.arvrunner.intermediate_output_ttl
301 if self.output_ttl < 0:
302 raise WorkflowException("Invalid value %d for output_ttl, cannot be less than zero" % container_request["output_ttl"])
305 if self.arvrunner.api._rootDesc["revision"] >= "20210628":
306 storage_class_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputStorageClass")
307 if storage_class_req and storage_class_req.get("intermediateStorageClass"):
308 container_request["output_storage_classes"] = aslist(storage_class_req["intermediateStorageClass"])
310 container_request["output_storage_classes"] = runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes.strip().split(",")
312 cuda_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://commonwl.org/cwltool#CUDARequirement")
314 runtime_constraints["cuda"] = {
315 "device_count": resources.get("cudaDeviceCount", 1),
316 "driver_version": cuda_req["cudaVersionMin"],
317 "hardware_capability": aslist(cuda_req["cudaComputeCapability"])[0]
320 if runtimeContext.enable_preemptible is False:
321 scheduling_parameters["preemptible"] = False
323 preemptible_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#UsePreemptible")
325 scheduling_parameters["preemptible"] = preemptible_req["usePreemptible"]
326 elif runtimeContext.enable_preemptible is True:
327 scheduling_parameters["preemptible"] = True
328 elif runtimeContext.enable_preemptible is None:
331 if scheduling_parameters.get("preemptible") and self.may_resubmit_non_preemptible():
332 # Only make one attempt, because if it is preempted we
333 # will resubmit and ask for a non-preemptible instance.
334 container_request["container_count_max"] = 1
336 if self.timelimit is not None and self.timelimit > 0:
337 scheduling_parameters["max_run_time"] = self.timelimit
339 extra_submit_params = {}
340 if runtimeContext.submit_runner_cluster:
341 extra_submit_params["cluster_id"] = runtimeContext.submit_runner_cluster
343 container_request["output_name"] = cleanup_name_for_collection("Output from step %s" % (self.name))
344 container_request["output_ttl"] = self.output_ttl
345 container_request["mounts"] = mounts
346 container_request["secret_mounts"] = secret_mounts
347 container_request["runtime_constraints"] = runtime_constraints
348 container_request["scheduling_parameters"] = scheduling_parameters
350 enable_reuse = runtimeContext.enable_reuse
352 reuse_req, _ = self.get_requirement("WorkReuse")
354 enable_reuse = reuse_req["enableReuse"]
355 reuse_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#ReuseRequirement")
357 enable_reuse = reuse_req["enableReuse"]
358 container_request["use_existing"] = enable_reuse
360 properties_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#ProcessProperties")
362 for pr in properties_req["processProperties"]:
363 container_request["properties"][pr["propertyName"]] = self.builder.do_eval(pr["propertyValue"])
365 output_properties_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutputCollectionProperties")
366 if output_properties_req:
367 if self.arvrunner.api._rootDesc["revision"] >= "20220510":
368 container_request["output_properties"] = {}
369 for pr in output_properties_req["outputProperties"]:
370 container_request["output_properties"][pr["propertyName"]] = self.builder.do_eval(pr["propertyValue"])
372 logger.warning("%s API revision is %s, revision %s is required to support setting properties on output collections.",
373 self.arvrunner.label(self), self.arvrunner.api._rootDesc["revision"], "20220510")
375 if self.arvrunner.api._rootDesc["revision"] >= "20240502" and self.globpatterns:
377 for gb in self.globpatterns:
378 gb = self.builder.do_eval(gb)
381 for gbeval in aslist(gb):
382 if gbeval.startswith(self.outdir+"/"):
383 gbeval = gbeval[len(self.outdir)+1:]
384 while gbeval.startswith("./"):
387 if gbeval in (self.outdir, "", "."):
388 output_glob.append("**")
389 elif gbeval.endswith("/"):
390 output_glob.append(gbeval+"**")
392 output_glob.append(gbeval)
393 output_glob.append(gbeval + "/**")
395 if "**" in output_glob:
396 # if it's going to match all, prefer not to provide it
401 # Tools should either use cwl.output.json or
402 # outputBinding globs. However, one CWL conformance
403 # test has both, so we need to make sure we collect
404 # cwl.output.json in this case. That test uses
405 # cwl.output.json return a string, but also uses
407 output_glob.append("cwl.output.json")
409 # It could happen that a tool creates cwl.output.json,
410 # references a file, but also uses a outputBinding
411 # glob that doesn't include the file being referenced.
413 # In this situation, output_glob will only match the
414 # pattern we know about. If cwl.output.json referred
415 # to other files in the output, those would be
416 # missing. We could upload the entire output, but we
417 # currently have no way of knowing at this point
418 # whether cwl.output.json will be used this way.
420 # Because this is a corner case, I'm inclined to leave
421 # this as a known issue for now. No conformance tests
422 # do this and I'd even be inclined to have it ruled
423 # incompatible in the CWL spec if it did come up.
424 # That said, in retrospect it would have been good to
425 # require CommandLineTool to declare when it expects
428 container_request["output_glob"] = output_glob
432 oom_retry_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutOfMemoryRetry")
434 if oom_retry_req.get('memoryRetryMultiplier'):
435 ram_multiplier.append(oom_retry_req.get('memoryRetryMultiplier'))
436 elif oom_retry_req.get('memoryRetryMultipler'):
437 ram_multiplier.append(oom_retry_req.get('memoryRetryMultipler'))
439 ram_multiplier.append(2)
441 if runtimeContext.runnerjob.startswith("arvwf:"):
442 wfuuid = runtimeContext.runnerjob[6:runtimeContext.runnerjob.index("#")]
443 wfrecord = self.arvrunner.api.workflows().get(uuid=wfuuid).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
444 if container_request["name"] == "main":
445 container_request["name"] = wfrecord["name"]
446 container_request["properties"]["template_uuid"] = wfuuid
448 if self.attempt_count == 0:
449 self.output_callback = self.arvrunner.get_wrapped_callback(self.output_callback)
452 ram = runtime_constraints["ram"]
454 self.uuid = runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid
456 for i in ram_multiplier:
457 runtime_constraints["ram"] = ram * i
460 response = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().update(
462 body=container_request,
463 **extra_submit_params
464 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
466 response = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().create(
467 body=container_request,
468 **extra_submit_params
469 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
470 self.uuid = response["uuid"]
472 if response["container_uuid"] is not None:
475 if response["container_uuid"] is None:
476 runtime_constraints["ram"] = ram * ram_multiplier[self.attempt_count]
478 container_request["state"] = "Committed"
479 response = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().update(
481 body=container_request,
482 **extra_submit_params
483 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
485 self.arvrunner.process_submitted(self)
486 self.attempt_count += 1
488 if response["state"] == "Final":
489 logger.info("%s reused container %s", self.arvrunner.label(self), response["container_uuid"])
491 logger.info("%s %s state is %s", self.arvrunner.label(self), response["uuid"], response["state"])
492 except Exception as e:
493 logger.exception("%s error submitting container\n%s", self.arvrunner.label(self), e)
494 logger.debug("Container request was %s", container_request)
495 self.output_callback({}, "permanentFail")
497 def may_resubmit_non_preemptible(self):
498 if self.job_runtime.enable_resubmit_non_preemptible is False:
499 # explicitly disabled
502 spot_instance_retry_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#PreemptionBehavior")
503 if spot_instance_retry_req:
504 if spot_instance_retry_req["resubmitNonPreemptible"] is False:
505 # explicitly disabled by hint
507 elif self.job_runtime.enable_resubmit_non_preemptible is None:
508 # default behavior is we don't retry
511 # At this point, by process of elimination either
512 # resubmitNonPreemptible or enable_resubmit_non_preemptible
513 # must be True, so now check if the container was actually
518 def spot_instance_retry(self, record, container):
519 return self.may_resubmit_non_preemptible() and bool(container["runtime_status"].get("preemptionNotice"))
521 def out_of_memory_retry(self, record, container):
522 oom_retry_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#OutOfMemoryRetry")
523 if oom_retry_req is None:
526 # Sometimes it gets killed with no warning
527 if container["exit_code"] == 137:
530 logc = arvados.collection.CollectionReader(record["log_uuid"],
531 api_client=self.arvrunner.api,
532 keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client,
533 num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
536 def callback(v1, v2, v3):
539 done.logtail(logc, callback, "", maxlen=1000)
541 # Check allocation failure
542 oom_matches = oom_retry_req.get('memoryErrorRegex') or r'(bad_alloc|out ?of ?memory|memory ?error|container using over 9.% of memory)'
543 if re.search(oom_matches, loglines[0], re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE):
548 def done(self, record):
555 container = self.arvrunner.api.containers().get(
556 uuid=record["container_uuid"]
557 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
559 if container["state"] == "Complete":
560 rcode = container["exit_code"]
561 if self.successCodes and rcode in self.successCodes:
562 processStatus = "success"
563 elif self.temporaryFailCodes and rcode in self.temporaryFailCodes:
564 processStatus = "temporaryFail"
565 elif self.permanentFailCodes and rcode in self.permanentFailCodes:
566 processStatus = "permanentFail"
568 processStatus = "success"
570 processStatus = "permanentFail"
572 if processStatus == "permanentFail" and self.attempt_count == 1 and self.out_of_memory_retry(record, container):
573 logger.info("%s Container failed with out of memory error. Retrying container with more RAM.",
574 self.arvrunner.label(self))
575 self.job_runtime = self.job_runtime.copy()
578 if rcode == 137 and not do_retry:
579 logger.warning("%s Container may have been killed for using too much RAM. Try resubmitting with a higher 'ramMin' or use the arv:OutOfMemoryRetry feature.",
580 self.arvrunner.label(self))
582 processStatus = "permanentFail"
584 if processStatus == "permanentFail" and self.attempt_count == 1 and self.spot_instance_retry(record, container):
585 logger.info("%s Container failed because the preemptible instance it was running on was reclaimed. Retrying container on a non-preemptible instance.")
586 self.job_runtime = self.job_runtime.copy()
587 self.job_runtime.enable_preemptible = False
591 # Add a property indicating that this container was resubmitted.
592 updateproperties = record["properties"].copy()
594 self.job_runtime.submit_request_uuid = None
597 # this flag suppresses calling the output callback, we only want to set this
598 # when we're sure that the resubmission has happened without issue.
600 # Add a property to the old container request indicating it
602 updateproperties["arv:failed_container_resubmitted"] = self.uuid
603 self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().update(uuid=olduuid,
604 body={"properties": updateproperties}).execute()
608 if record["log_uuid"]:
609 logc = arvados.collection.Collection(record["log_uuid"],
610 api_client=self.arvrunner.api,
611 keep_client=self.arvrunner.keep_client,
612 num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
614 if processStatus == "permanentFail" and logc is not None:
615 label = self.arvrunner.label(self)
618 "%s (%s) error log:" % (label, record["uuid"]), maxlen=40, include_crunchrun=(rcode is None or rcode > 127))
620 if record["output_uuid"]:
621 if self.arvrunner.trash_intermediate or self.arvrunner.intermediate_output_ttl:
622 # Compute the trash time to avoid requesting the collection record.
623 trash_at = ciso8601.parse_datetime_as_naive(record["modified_at"]) + datetime.timedelta(0, self.arvrunner.intermediate_output_ttl)
624 aftertime = " at %s" % trash_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") if self.arvrunner.intermediate_output_ttl else ""
625 orpart = ", or" if self.arvrunner.trash_intermediate and self.arvrunner.intermediate_output_ttl else ""
626 oncomplete = " upon successful completion of the workflow" if self.arvrunner.trash_intermediate else ""
627 logger.info("%s Intermediate output %s (%s) will be trashed%s%s%s." % (
628 self.arvrunner.label(self), record["output_uuid"], container["output"], aftertime, orpart, oncomplete))
629 self.arvrunner.add_intermediate_output(record["output_uuid"])
631 if container["output"]:
632 outputs = done.done_outputs(self, container, "/tmp", self.outdir, "/keep")
634 properties = record["properties"].copy()
635 properties["cwl_output"] = outputs
636 self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().update(
638 body={"container_request": {"properties": properties}}
639 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
641 if logc is not None and self.job_runtime.enable_usage_report is not False:
643 summarizer = crunchstat_summary.summarizer.ContainerRequestSummarizer(
645 collection_object=logc,
647 arv=self.arvrunner.api)
649 with logc.open("usage_report.html", "wt") as mr:
650 mr.write(summarizer.html_report())
653 # Post warnings about nodes that are under-utilized.
654 for rc in summarizer._recommend_gen(lambda x: x):
655 self.job_runtime.usage_report_notes.append(rc)
657 except Exception as e:
658 logger.warning("%s unable to generate resource usage report",
659 self.arvrunner.label(self),
660 exc_info=(e if self.arvrunner.debug else False))
662 except WorkflowException as e:
663 # Only include a stack trace if in debug mode.
664 # A stack trace may obfuscate more useful output about the workflow.
665 logger.error("%s unable to collect output from %s:\n%s",
666 self.arvrunner.label(self), container["output"], e, exc_info=(e if self.arvrunner.debug else False))
667 processStatus = "permanentFail"
669 logger.exception("%s while getting output object:", self.arvrunner.label(self))
670 processStatus = "permanentFail"
673 self.output_callback(outputs, processStatus)
676 class RunnerContainer(Runner):
677 """Submit and manage a container that runs arvados-cwl-runner."""
679 def arvados_job_spec(self, runtimeContext, git_info):
680 """Create an Arvados container request for this workflow.
682 The returned dict can be used to create a container passed as
683 the +body+ argument to container_requests().create().
686 adjustDirObjs(self.job_order, trim_listing)
687 visit_class(self.job_order, ("File", "Directory"), trim_anonymous_location)
688 visit_class(self.job_order, ("File", "Directory"), remove_redundant_fields)
691 for param in sorted(self.job_order.keys()):
692 if self.secret_store.has_secret(self.job_order[param]):
693 mnt = "/secrets/s%d" % len(secret_mounts)
694 secret_mounts[mnt] = {
696 "content": self.secret_store.retrieve(self.job_order[param])
698 self.job_order[param] = {"$include": mnt}
700 container_image = arvados_jobs_image(self.arvrunner, self.jobs_image, runtimeContext)
702 workflow_runner_req, _ = self.embedded_tool.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#WorkflowRunnerResources")
703 if workflow_runner_req and workflow_runner_req.get("acrContainerImage"):
704 container_image = workflow_runner_req.get("acrContainerImage")
708 "output_path": "/var/spool/cwl",
709 "cwd": "/var/spool/cwl",
710 "priority": self.priority,
711 "state": "Committed",
712 "container_image": container_image,
714 "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json": {
716 "content": self.job_order
720 "path": "/var/spool/cwl/cwl.output.json"
723 "kind": "collection",
727 "secret_mounts": secret_mounts,
728 "runtime_constraints": {
729 "vcpus": math.ceil(self.submit_runner_cores),
730 "ram": 1024*1024 * (math.ceil(self.submit_runner_ram) + math.ceil(self.collection_cache_size)),
733 "use_existing": self.reuse_runner,
737 if self.embedded_tool.tool.get("id", "").startswith("keep:"):
738 sp = self.embedded_tool.tool["id"].split('/')
739 workflowcollection = sp[0][5:]
740 workflowname = "/".join(sp[1:])
741 workflowpath = "/var/lib/cwl/workflow/%s" % workflowname
742 container_req["mounts"]["/var/lib/cwl/workflow"] = {
743 "kind": "collection",
744 "portable_data_hash": "%s" % workflowcollection
746 elif self.embedded_tool.tool.get("id", "").startswith("arvwf:"):
747 uuid, frg = urllib.parse.urldefrag(self.embedded_tool.tool["id"])
748 workflowpath = "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json#" + frg
749 packedtxt = self.loadingContext.loader.fetch_text(uuid)
750 yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)
751 packed = yaml.load(packedtxt)
752 container_req["mounts"]["/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json"] = {
756 container_req["properties"]["template_uuid"] = self.embedded_tool.tool["id"][6:33]
757 elif self.embedded_tool.tool.get("id", "").startswith("file:"):
758 raise WorkflowException("Tool id '%s' is a local file but expected keep: or arvwf:" % self.embedded_tool.tool.get("id"))
760 main = self.loadingContext.loader.idx["_:main"]
761 if main.get("id") == "_:main":
763 workflowpath = "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json#main"
764 container_req["mounts"]["/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json"] = {
769 container_req["properties"].update({k.replace("http://arvados.org/cwl#", "arv:"): v for k, v in git_info.items()})
771 properties_req, _ = self.embedded_tool.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#ProcessProperties")
773 builder = make_builder(self.job_order, self.embedded_tool.hints, self.embedded_tool.requirements, runtimeContext, self.embedded_tool.metadata)
774 for pr in properties_req["processProperties"]:
775 container_req["properties"][pr["propertyName"]] = builder.do_eval(pr["propertyValue"])
777 # --local means execute the workflow instead of submitting a container request
778 # --api=containers means use the containers API
779 # --no-log-timestamps means don't add timestamps (the logging infrastructure does this)
780 # --disable-validate because we already validated so don't need to do it again
781 # --eval-timeout is the timeout for javascript invocation
782 # --parallel-task-count is the number of threads to use for job submission
783 # --enable/disable-reuse sets desired job reuse
784 # --collection-cache-size sets aside memory to store collections
785 command = ["arvados-cwl-runner",
788 "--no-log-timestamps",
789 "--disable-validate",
791 "--eval-timeout=%s" % self.arvrunner.eval_timeout,
792 "--thread-count=%s" % self.arvrunner.thread_count,
793 "--enable-reuse" if self.enable_reuse else "--disable-reuse",
794 "--collection-cache-size=%s" % self.collection_cache_size]
797 command.append("--output-name=" + self.output_name)
798 container_req["output_name"] = self.output_name
801 command.append("--output-tags=" + self.output_tags)
803 if runtimeContext.debug:
804 command.append("--debug")
806 if runtimeContext.storage_classes != "default" and runtimeContext.storage_classes:
807 command.append("--storage-classes=" + runtimeContext.storage_classes)
809 if runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes != "default" and runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes:
810 command.append("--intermediate-storage-classes=" + runtimeContext.intermediate_storage_classes)
812 if runtimeContext.on_error:
813 command.append("--on-error=" + self.on_error)
815 if runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl:
816 command.append("--intermediate-output-ttl=%d" % runtimeContext.intermediate_output_ttl)
818 if runtimeContext.trash_intermediate:
819 command.append("--trash-intermediate")
821 if runtimeContext.project_uuid:
822 command.append("--project-uuid="+runtimeContext.project_uuid)
825 command.append("--enable-dev")
827 if runtimeContext.enable_preemptible is True:
828 command.append("--enable-preemptible")
830 if runtimeContext.enable_preemptible is False:
831 command.append("--disable-preemptible")
833 if runtimeContext.varying_url_params:
834 command.append("--varying-url-params="+runtimeContext.varying_url_params)
836 if runtimeContext.prefer_cached_downloads:
837 command.append("--prefer-cached-downloads")
839 if runtimeContext.enable_usage_report is True:
840 command.append("--enable-usage-report")
842 if runtimeContext.enable_usage_report is False:
843 command.append("--disable-usage-report")
846 command.append("--fast-parser")
848 command.extend([workflowpath, "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"])
850 container_req["command"] = command
855 def run(self, runtimeContext):
856 runtimeContext.keepprefix = "keep:"
857 job_spec = self.arvados_job_spec(runtimeContext, self.git_info)
858 if runtimeContext.project_uuid:
859 job_spec["owner_uuid"] = runtimeContext.project_uuid
861 extra_submit_params = {}
862 if runtimeContext.submit_runner_cluster:
863 extra_submit_params["cluster_id"] = runtimeContext.submit_runner_cluster
865 if runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid:
866 if "cluster_id" in extra_submit_params:
867 # Doesn't make sense for "update" and actually fails
868 del extra_submit_params["cluster_id"]
869 response = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().update(
870 uuid=runtimeContext.submit_request_uuid,
872 **extra_submit_params
873 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
875 response = self.arvrunner.api.container_requests().create(
877 **extra_submit_params
878 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
880 self.uuid = response["uuid"]
881 self.arvrunner.process_submitted(self)
883 logger.info("%s submitted container_request %s", self.arvrunner.label(self), response["uuid"])
885 workbench2 = self.arvrunner.api.config()["Services"]["Workbench2"]["ExternalURL"]
887 url = "{}processes/{}".format(workbench2, response["uuid"])
888 logger.info("Monitor workflow progress at %s", url)
891 def done(self, record):
893 container = self.arvrunner.api.containers().get(
894 uuid=record["container_uuid"]
895 ).execute(num_retries=self.arvrunner.num_retries)
896 container["log"] = record["log_uuid"]
898 logger.exception("%s while getting runner container", self.arvrunner.label(self))
899 self.arvrunner.output_callback({}, "permanentFail")
901 super(RunnerContainer, self).done(container)