2411: Set template for more nodemanager test files.
[arvados.git] / build / check-copyright-notices
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 #
4 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
6 set -e
8 fix=false
9 while [[ "${@}" != "" ]]
10 do
11     arg=${1}
12     shift
13     case ${arg} in
14         --help)
15             cat <<EOF
16 Usage: $0 [--fix] [-- git-ls-args...]
18 Options:
20 --fix   Insert missing copyright notices where possible.
22 Git arguments:
24 Arguments after "--" are passed to \`git ls-files\`; this can be used to
25 restrict the set of files to check.
27 EOF
28             exit 2
29             ;;
30         --fix)
31             fix=true
32             ;;
33         --)
34             break
35             ;;
36         *)
37             echo >&2 "Unrecognized argument '${arg}'. Try $0 --help"
38             exit 2
39             ;;
40     esac
41 done
43 fixer() {
44     want="${want}" perl -pi~ - "${1}" <<'EOF'
45 BEGIN { undef $/ }
46 s{^((\#\!.*?\n|\n*---\n.*?\n\.\.\.\n)\n?)?}{${2}$ENV{want}\n\n}ms
47 EOF
48 }
50 IFS=$'\n' read -a ignores -r -d $'\000' <.licenseignore || true
51 result=0
52 git ls-files -z ${@} | \
53     while read -rd $'\000' fnm
54     do
55         grepAfter=2
56         grepBefore=0
57         cs=
58         cc=
59         ce=
60         fixer=
61         if [[ ! -f ${fnm} ]] || [[ -L ${fnm} ]] || [[ ! -s ${fnm} ]]
62         then
63             continue
64         fi
66         ignore=
67         for pattern in "${ignores[@]}"
68         do
69             if [[ ${fnm} == ${pattern} ]]
70             then
71                 ignore=1
72             fi
73         done
74         if [[ ${ignore} = 1 ]]; then continue; fi
76         case ${fnm} in
77             Makefile | */Makefile \
78                 | *.dockerfile | */Dockerfile.* | */Dockerfile | *.dockerignore \
79                 | */MANIFEST.in | */fuse.conf | */gitolite.rc \
80                 | *.pl | *.pm | *.PL \
81                 | *.rb | *.rb.example | *.rake | *.ru \
82                 | *.gemspec | */Gemfile | */Rakefile \
83                 | services/login-sync/bin/* \
84                 | sdk/cli/bin/* \
85                 | *.py \
86                 | sdk/python/bin/arv-* \
87                 | sdk/cwl/bin/* \
88                 | services/nodemanager/bin/* \
89                 | services/fuse/bin/* \
90                 | tools/crunchstat-summary/bin/* \
91                 | crunch_scripts/* \
92                 | *.yaml | *.yml | *.yml.example | *.cwl \
93                 | *.sh | *.service \
94                 | */run | */run-service | */restart-dns-server \
95                 | */nodemanager/doc/*.cfg \
96                 | */nodemanager/tests/fake*.cfg.template \
97                 | */nginx.conf \
98                 | build/build.list)
99                 fixer=fixer
100                 cc="#"
101                 ;;
102             *.md)
103                 fixer=fixer
104                 cc="[//]: #"
105                 ;;
106             *.rst)
107                 fixer=fixer
108                 cc=".."
109                 ;;
110             *.erb)
111                 fixer=fixer
112                 cs="<%# "
113                 cc=""
114                 ce=" %>"
115                 ;;
116             *.liquid)
117                 fixer=fixer
118                 cs=$'{% comment %}\n'
119                 cc=""
120                 ce=$'\n{% endcomment %}'
121                 grepAfter=3
122                 grepBefore=1
123                 ;;
124             *.textile)
125                 fixer=fixer
126                 cs="###. "
127                 cc="...."
128                 ce=
129                 ;;
130             *.css)
131                 fixer=fixer
132                 cs="/* "
133                 cc=""
134                 ce=" */"
135                 ;;
136             *.go | *.scss | *.java | *.js | *.coffee)
137                 fixer=fixer
138                 cc="//"
139                 ;;
140             *.sql)
141                 fixer=fixer
142                 cc="--"
143                 ;;
144             *.html | *.svg)
145                 fixer=fixer
146                 cs="<!-- "
147                 cc=""
148                 ce=" -->"
149                 ;;
150             *)
151                 cc="#"
152                 hashbang=$(head -n1 ${fnm})
153                 if [[ ${hashbang} = "#!/bin/sh" ]] ||  [[ ${hashbang} = "#!/bin/bash" ]]
154                 then
155                     fixer=fixer
156                 fi
157                 ;;
158         esac
159         wantGPL="${cs:-${cc}${cc:+ }}Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
160 ${cc}
161 ${cc}${cc:+ }SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0${ce}"
162         wantApache="${cs:-${cc}${cc:+ }}Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
163 ${cc}
164 ${cc}${cc:+ }SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0${ce}"
165         wantBYSA="${cs:-${cc}${cc:+ }}Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
166 ${cc}
167 ${cc}${cc:+ }SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0${ce}"
168         found=$(head -n20 "$fnm" | egrep -A${grepAfter} -B${grepBefore} 'Copyright.*Arvados' || true)
169         case ${fnm} in
170             Makefile | build/* | lib/* | tools/* | apps/* | services/*)
171                 want=${wantGPL}
172                 ;;
173             crunch_scripts/* | backports/* | docker/* | sdk/*)
174                 want=${wantApache}
175                 ;;
176             README.md | doc/*)
177                 want=${wantBYSA}
178                 ;;
179             *)
180                 want=
181                 ;;
182         esac
183         case "$found" in
184             "$wantGPL")
185                 ;;
186             "$wantApache")
187                 ;;
188             "$wantBYSA")
189                 ;;
190             "")
191                 if [[ -z ${found} ]] && [[ -n ${want} ]] && [[ $fix = true ]] && [[ $fixer != "" ]]
192                 then
193                     ${fixer} ${fnm}
194                 else
195                     echo "missing copyright notice: $fnm"
196                     result=1
197                 fi
198                 ;;
199             *)
200                 echo "nonstandard copyright notice: $fnm '${found}'"
201                 result=1
202                 ;;
203         esac
204     done
205 exit $result