1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 require 'whitelist_update'
7 class ContainerRequest < ArvadosModel
8 include ArvadosModelUpdates
11 include CommonApiTemplate
12 include WhitelistUpdate
14 belongs_to :container, foreign_key: :container_uuid, primary_key: :uuid
15 belongs_to :requesting_container, {
16 class_name: 'Container',
17 foreign_key: :requesting_container_uuid,
21 serialize :properties, Hash
22 serialize :environment, Hash
23 serialize :mounts, Hash
24 serialize :runtime_constraints, Hash
25 serialize :command, Array
26 serialize :scheduling_parameters, Hash
27 serialize :secret_mounts, Hash
29 before_validation :fill_field_defaults, :if => :new_record?
30 before_validation :validate_runtime_constraints
31 before_validation :set_default_preemptible_scheduling_parameter
32 before_validation :set_container
33 validates :command, :container_image, :output_path, :cwd, :presence => true
34 validates :output_ttl, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
35 validates :priority, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1000 }
36 validate :validate_datatypes
37 validate :validate_scheduling_parameters
38 validate :validate_state_change
39 validate :check_update_whitelist
40 validate :secret_mounts_key_conflict
41 before_save :scrub_secret_mounts
42 before_create :set_requesting_container_uuid
43 before_destroy :set_priority_zero
44 after_save :update_priority
45 after_save :finalize_if_needed
47 api_accessible :user, extend: :common do |t|
49 t.add :container_count
50 t.add :container_count_max
51 t.add :container_image
67 t.add :requesting_container_uuid
68 t.add :runtime_constraints
69 t.add :scheduling_parameters
74 # Supported states for a container request
77 (Uncommitted = 'Uncommitted'),
78 (Committed = 'Committed'),
83 nil => [Uncommitted, Committed],
84 Uncommitted => [Committed],
88 AttrsPermittedAlways = [:owner_uuid, :state, :name, :description, :properties]
89 AttrsPermittedBeforeCommit = [:command, :container_count_max,
90 :container_image, :cwd, :environment, :filters, :mounts,
91 :output_path, :priority,
92 :runtime_constraints, :state, :container_uuid, :use_existing,
93 :scheduling_parameters, :secret_mounts, :output_name, :output_ttl]
95 def self.limit_index_columns_read
100 super.except('secret_mounts')
103 def state_transitions
107 def skip_uuid_read_permission_check
108 # XXX temporary until permissions are sorted out.
109 %w(modified_by_client_uuid container_uuid requesting_container_uuid)
112 def finalize_if_needed
113 if state == Committed && Container.find_by_uuid(container_uuid).final?
115 act_as_system_user do
116 leave_modified_by_user_alone do
123 # Finalize the container request after the container has
124 # finished/cancelled.
128 c = Container.find_by_uuid(container_uuid)
129 ['output', 'log'].each do |out_type|
130 pdh = c.send(out_type)
132 coll_name = "Container #{out_type} for request #{uuid}"
134 if out_type == 'output'
136 coll_name = self.output_name
138 if self.output_ttl > 0
139 trash_at = db_current_time + self.output_ttl
142 manifest = Collection.where(portable_data_hash: pdh).first.manifest_text
144 coll = Collection.new(owner_uuid: owner_uuid,
145 manifest_text: manifest,
146 portable_data_hash: pdh,
152 'container_request' => uuid,
154 coll.save_with_unique_name!
155 if out_type == 'output'
161 update_attributes!(state: Final, output_uuid: out_coll, log_uuid: log_coll)
164 def self.full_text_searchable_columns
165 super - ["mounts", "secret_mounts", "secret_mounts_md5"]
170 def fill_field_defaults
171 self.state ||= Uncommitted
172 self.environment ||= {}
173 self.runtime_constraints ||= {}
176 self.container_count_max ||= Rails.configuration.container_count_max
177 self.scheduling_parameters ||= {}
178 self.output_ttl ||= 0
183 if (container_uuid_changed? and
184 not current_user.andand.is_admin and
185 not container_uuid.nil?)
186 errors.add :container_uuid, "can only be updated to nil."
189 if state_changed? and state == Committed and container_uuid.nil?
190 self.container_uuid = Container.resolve(self).uuid
192 if self.container_uuid != self.container_uuid_was
193 if self.container_count_changed?
194 errors.add :container_count, "cannot be updated directly."
197 self.container_count += 1
202 def set_default_preemptible_scheduling_parameter
203 c = get_requesting_container()
204 if self.state == Committed
205 # If preemptible instances (eg: AWS Spot Instances) are allowed,
206 # ask them on child containers by default.
207 if Rails.configuration.preemptible_instances and !c.nil? and
208 self.scheduling_parameters['preemptible'].nil?
209 self.scheduling_parameters['preemptible'] = true
214 def validate_runtime_constraints
219 ['keep_cache_ram', false]].each do |k, required|
220 if !required && !runtime_constraints.include?(k)
223 v = runtime_constraints[k]
224 unless (v.is_a?(Integer) && v > 0)
225 errors.add(:runtime_constraints,
226 "[#{k}]=#{v.inspect} must be a positive integer")
232 def validate_datatypes
235 errors.add(:command, "must be an array of strings but has entry #{c.class}")
238 environment.each do |k,v|
239 if !k.is_a?(String) || !v.is_a?(String)
240 errors.add(:environment, "must be an map of String to String but has entry #{k.class} to #{v.class}")
243 [:mounts, :secret_mounts].each do |m|
244 self[m].each do |k, v|
245 if !k.is_a?(String) || !v.is_a?(Hash)
246 errors.add(m, "must be an map of String to Hash but is has entry #{k.class} to #{v.class}")
249 errors.add(m, "each item must have a 'kind' field")
251 [[String, ["kind", "portable_data_hash", "uuid", "device_type",
252 "path", "commit", "repository_name", "git_url"]],
253 [Integer, ["capacity"]]].each do |t, fields|
255 if !v[f].nil? && !v[f].is_a?(t)
256 errors.add(m, "#{k}: #{f} must be a #{t} but is #{v[f].class}")
260 ["writable", "exclude_from_output"].each do |f|
261 if !v[f].nil? && !v[f].is_a?(TrueClass) && !v[f].is_a?(FalseClass)
262 errors.add(m, "#{k}: #{f} must be a #{t} but is #{v[f].class}")
269 def validate_scheduling_parameters
270 if self.state == Committed
271 if scheduling_parameters.include? 'partitions' and
272 (!scheduling_parameters['partitions'].is_a?(Array) ||
273 scheduling_parameters['partitions'].reject{|x| !x.is_a?(String)}.size !=
274 scheduling_parameters['partitions'].size)
275 errors.add :scheduling_parameters, "partitions must be an array of strings"
277 if !Rails.configuration.preemptible_instances and scheduling_parameters['preemptible']
278 errors.add :scheduling_parameters, "preemptible instances are not allowed"
280 if scheduling_parameters.include? 'max_run_time' and
281 (!scheduling_parameters['max_run_time'].is_a?(Integer) ||
282 scheduling_parameters['max_run_time'] < 0)
283 errors.add :scheduling_parameters, "max_run_time must be positive integer"
288 def check_update_whitelist
289 permitted = AttrsPermittedAlways.dup
291 if self.new_record? || self.state_was == Uncommitted
292 # Allow create-and-commit in a single operation.
293 permitted.push(*AttrsPermittedBeforeCommit)
298 permitted.push :priority, :container_count_max, :container_uuid
300 if self.container_uuid.nil?
301 self.errors.add :container_uuid, "has not been resolved to a container."
304 if self.priority.nil?
305 self.errors.add :priority, "cannot be nil"
308 # Allow container count to increment by 1
309 if (self.container_uuid &&
310 self.container_uuid != self.container_uuid_was &&
311 self.container_count == 1 + (self.container_count_was || 0))
312 permitted.push :container_count
316 if self.state_was == Committed
317 # "Cancel" means setting priority=0, state=Committed
318 permitted.push :priority
320 if current_user.andand.is_admin
321 permitted.push :output_uuid, :log_uuid
330 def secret_mounts_key_conflict
331 secret_mounts.each do |k, v|
332 if mounts.has_key?(k)
333 errors.add(:secret_mounts, 'conflict with non-secret mounts')
339 def scrub_secret_mounts
340 if self.state == Final
341 self.secret_mounts = {}
346 return unless state_changed? || priority_changed? || container_uuid_changed?
347 act_as_system_user do
349 where('uuid in (?)', [self.container_uuid_was, self.container_uuid].compact).
350 map(&:update_priority!)
354 def set_priority_zero
355 self.update_attributes!(priority: 0) if self.state != Final
358 def set_requesting_container_uuid
359 c = get_requesting_container()
361 self.requesting_container_uuid = c.uuid
362 # Determine the priority of container request for the requesting
364 self.priority = ContainerRequest.where(container_uuid: self.requesting_container_uuid).maximum("priority") || 0
368 def get_requesting_container
369 return self.requesting_container_uuid if !self.requesting_container_uuid.nil?
370 return if !current_api_client_authorization
371 if (c = Container.where('auth_uuid=?', current_api_client_authorization.uuid).select([:uuid, :priority]).first)