1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 # Perform api_token checking very early in the request process. We want to do
6 # this in the Rack stack instead of in ApplicationController because
7 # websockets needs access to authentication but doesn't use any of the rails
8 # active dispatch infrastructure.
11 # Create a new ArvadosApiToken handler
12 # +app+ The next layer of the Rack stack.
13 def initialize(app = nil, options = nil)
14 @app = app.respond_to?(:call) ? app : nil
18 request = Rack::Request.new(env)
19 params = request.params
20 remote_ip = env["action_dispatch.remote_ip"]
22 Thread.current[:request_starttime] = Time.now
26 if params["remote"] && request.get? && (
27 request.path.start_with?('/arvados/v1/groups') ||
28 request.path.start_with?('/arvados/v1/users/current'))
29 # Request from a remote API server, asking to validate a salted
31 remote = params["remote"]
32 elsif request.get? || params["_method"] == 'GET'
33 reader_tokens = params["reader_tokens"]
34 if reader_tokens.is_a? String
35 reader_tokens = SafeJSON.load(reader_tokens)
39 # Set current_user etc. based on the primary session token if a
40 # valid one is present. Otherwise, use the first valid token in
45 params["oauth_token"],
46 env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].andand.match(/(OAuth2|Bearer) ([!-~]+)/).andand[2],
50 try_auth = ApiClientAuthorization.
51 validate(token: supplied, remote: remote)
52 if try_auth.andand.user
59 Thread.current[:api_client_ip_address] = remote_ip
60 Thread.current[:api_client_authorization] = auth
61 Thread.current[:api_client_uuid] = auth.andand.api_client.andand.uuid
62 Thread.current[:api_client] = auth.andand.api_client
63 Thread.current[:token] = accepted
64 Thread.current[:user] = auth.andand.user